Titan Dawn

Chapter 360: : Werewolf Disaster and Goblin Escape

With Lord Goffrey's initiative to open the giant city gates of Gilneas' high wall, this piece of land that has become extremely strange to the world has returned to everyone's eyes.

Silverpine Forest is the land of Lordaeron. After a brief understanding of Gilneas's current situation, Queen Kalia immediately responded.

Lordaeron's army quickly settled in Shadowfang Castle, the closest to the high wall, and quickly established a line of defense to prevent wild werewolves from penetrating into Lordaeron's land and harming the people of Lordaeron.

The world's attention was instantly focused here. After all, the recent news is the same, whether it is a tsunami or an earthquake, everyone is tired of it.

The reporters couldn't go in the battle of Northrend Dragonbone Wilderness and the Endless Sea Vortex, so all the media that wanted to make some big news gathered in Yinsong Forest immediately.

Gilneas who felt the eyes of the world also responded.

Both King Jean and the Goffrey Rebels sent messengers to the capital of Lordaeron in an attempt to make contact with the old North.

Now, in addition to the wild werewolves who saw and killed, the other two warring parties have begun political activities, trying to pull aid for their allies.

As for the primary goal, it is naturally Lordaeron.

Gilneas, who has been closed for a long time, does not know that Lordaeron has been destroyed once, and now it has been rebuilt again, not to mention any world events. Their thinking is still in the era when the orc war ended, and the undead Scourge just started.

The blatant appearance of the werewolf immediately caught the attention of the night empire.

The druids immediately fry the pan, and they believe that the long-lost Luna sickle is now in Gilneas's land.

Although Elune has said many times that the sickle is not needed, we don't need to take it seriously, what should we do?

But the druids were unwilling, and had to die to find the sickle.

"This is a commitment to the moon god, and it is more about the dignity of the moon god! If something goes wrong with us druids, then we druids are naturally responsible.

In this regard, Malfurion and Vandal * Deer Helmet reached an instant agreement.

As a result, a full night army border guard and a group of druid investigation teams set off across the sea and went straight to Gilneas across the ocean.

For a while, Gilneas became the focus of attention.

At the time of the quake-resistant battles around the world, the goblins of Kozan Island in the South China Sea were busy fleeing.

A volcano in the middle of the island is about to erupt due to the tsunami and earthquake.

This time, the pan was fried, and the island immediately messed up.

All the goblins were desperately packing their belongings, and then rushed frantically to the luxurious manor of Galivix, or to the port of Cozan Island.

The excellent quality of the goblin's dead money was revealed at this moment, and the trade prince Gary Vickers immediately raised the price of the ferry ticket, trying to squeeze out every gold coin in his compatriot's pocket.

Since the tribe had officially joined, the tribe sent five troop carriers to pick up the goblins.

But Gary Vickers concealed it. Do you want to get on board and leave? can! Pay for tickets first!

A cabin location in a harsh environment like a can of iron cans is now selling for up to a thousand gold coins. Not to mention those slightly larger, ventilated or sunny locations, have risen to the sky-high price of 10,000 gold coins.

This is terrible. After all, the goblin civilians on Cozan Island are as good as mixed, and they rarely get 10,000 gold coins at a time.

And most importantly, even if they can get it, they are not willing.

So soon the first bank robbery happened, and then it was out of control. The fashion of bank robbing immediately swept the entire Cozan Island.

However, Gary Vickers didn't care at all. He had raised his manor defense force to the strongest, and a large number of ogre bodyguards guarded himself and his property day and night.

As for the poor mob, they rob it, if they want to grab it, in the end, they still have to obediently buy gold coins to buy tickets.

The chaos has been going on for seven or eight days, the volcano has begun to emit billowing smoke, a small amount of magma has begun to flow out, and the goblins have ended the coax.

Gary Vickers stood on the bow of his private sea boat, watching the goblins at the dock scrambling to pay for the ticket, feeling relieved.

gold! gold! More gold coins!

Oh, of course, Gary Vickers was kind and he decided to give a go to the goblins who still had no money to buy tickets.

Here, after signing this job contract, you can work for me in your life!

Although extremely uncomfortable, selling the deed has become the only hope for escape, so the goblin who has no money can only bite his toothpick and press his handprint.

As a result, six slave ships, fully loaded or even overloaded, set off and headed for Kalimdor.

Except for the rusty chaebolt's elite employees, most of the other goblins can only be squeezed in the cabin below. The only light is a small square window above that leads directly to the upper deck and is welded with several iron bars.

Goblin's tribal road is officially opened.

Endless sea, lost island.

Survivors of the Alliance and Horde encountered a strange group of creatures, and some learned wizards recognized them as pandaren.

Ji * Huozhang led the windbreakers of Wuchen Temple and the Jiuxian monks to join the battle against the lizard monsters, assisted the alliance's tribal camp to strengthen the defense, and began planning to clear the debris of the Tianhuo that had been occupied by the lizard monsters.

Aisha Yunge brought the Mistweaver monk to help the priest, druid, and shaman to rescue the surviving wounded who are constantly being found.

"Thank you for your selfless help, Pandaren, the Alliance will keep in mind, and when things here are over, we welcome Pandaren to come to Stormwind as a guest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ General Rogers bowed towards Aisha Yunge, face With a smile on it.

On the other hand, Nazgrel, who is fighting side by side with the palm of the hand, is also warmly inviting the pandaren around to visit the tribe.

"Hahaha, Ji, you are a warrior! Your monk friends are also warriors, and the tribe welcomes warriors like you! When you finish playing here, you must go back to Orgrimmar with us, our scenery and enemies It ’s completely different from you! "

Now that Rogers and Nazgreel have learned the damage caused by the Skyfire crash to this island-sized turtle, they have agreed to accelerate the offensive and eliminate the obstructing lizard monsters as soon as possible.

"I heard the mages say that this turtle is called God Mako? Was it the mount of Pandaren adventurer Liu Lang? The night elf's book records that Lord Sarodhar also made friends with Liu Lang."

During a short break, everyone talked about the topic.

Aisha nodded. "That's right, this is God Mako. So you know the Titan Lord who made friends with Liu Lang. We saw this historical past in the notes left by Liu Lang."

"Of course, Titan Sarodal is also a fair warrior, uh ... just a bit lazy." Nazgrel replied loudly.

As the Alliance and Horde soldiers talked about the outside world, the pandaren monks were fascinated. They were too familiar with the Lost Island, and even bored.

seem. . . Is n’t it nice to take a walk around the outside world?

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