Titan Dawn

Chapter 382: : Spider Trends and Tiger Brother Doomsday

The battle of the Firelands is officially over, but the elves are mixed.

Especially the upper elf mages of the flame department are simply worried.

They got a terrible bad news: His Majesty the Emperor's step on the horse brought another spider community! Also stepping on the horse is the flame elemental spider!

Enough! At that time, the Emperor God went down the magical corridor under the city of Suramar and walked a circle, bringing back a large number of spiders crystallized by arcane, and then announced with interest that this will be the mount for all upper elves from now on.

Now people from all over the world have an impression of the upper elves: they play magic, they like to enjoy, and they use spiders as mounts.

Of the three impressions, two were ridiculed!

Well, I like to enjoy this recognition by the upper elves, after all, this is their tradition since ancient times.

It's none of our business to use a spider as a mount! This was persecuted by the Emperor Yeongye!

It ’s weird. You said that the **** Emperor Sarodal, there are so many types of beasts in the land of the night elves, why does he have a crush on spiders?

Many idle egg pain elf scholars have also done a series of research and analysis on this, and reached a lot of miscellaneous conclusions.

Later, the magical corridor of the Suramar City was too small to accommodate the ever-increasing population of Arcane Spiders. His Majesty relocated all of them to the Amber Spider Web Valley in the west of Mystic Blood Island, allowing this group of Arcane Spiders. Have a good time.

Over time, under the influence of the Emperor Sarodal, many night elves also purchased an arcane spider as a mount.

Now, although the night blade is still the mainstream mount of the night elves, occupying most of the market share, the riders of arcane spiders are also increasing.

Adventurers who like to follow suit are also affected. They don't need any beauty, they just need to be practical.

So arcane spiders are very popular among adventurers. After all, an aggressive mount that knows how to release simple magic is much more practical than an ordinary mount.

As for whether it looks good, leave him alone!

Well now, the old fault of His Majesty the Emperor has reappeared.

This group of flame spiders must have been captive again, and then reproduced on a large scale, and then brought to the market to promote sales, by the way, a wave of mandatory popularization. . .

The ones who bear the brunt first must be the mages of the flame department.

At once, Suramar City was a ghost crying again. The princes of the flame system were recently guarding that snack street every day, waiting for His Majesty the Emperor to appear, and then swarming into chaos. . . Keke. . Embraced, kneeling and begging.

Oh, it's not accurate to say that the old problem has recurred, after all, Her Majesty the Emperor has been sick.

The large war machines of the Empire are basically all made of spider-shaped steel.

A walking spider tank loaded with a large caliber Titan energy cannon.

A walking spider tank equipped with a fire-fire type and a burst rocket-type energy cannon.

Even God-selected giant war machines like this, strictly speaking, also belong to spider-type steel products.

We can't get away with spiders, right?

Of course, His Majesty God will not explain the reason to you with this point, and if he is anxious to ask questions, he will use nirvana.

"I am the Emperor or you are the Emperor! Why do you ask so many! There are secrets to be more beautiful! Ride obediently!"

On the snack street of Suramar City, His Majesty the Emperor, surrounded by mages, delivered the above important speech.

Bai Hu took the spirits handed over by Azshara with his tiger claws and sulked.

For the ancient elven queen of Azshara, the White Tiger has nothing to say, but looking at her now, it seems that she has been trained by Sarodhar.

Hu Feng, who was busy dealing with the surrounding masters, turned his head and glanced at the white tiger fighting with Azshara.

Finally, a dead ghost was brought in. Don't look at the slim and **** figure of Azshara. She is a bottomless pit-like wine tank, and she has very good luck in the fight.

Mock up, look at your arrogance now, when you will cry. . .

Silently sending sincere blessings to White Tiger, Hu Feng continues to work hard to blast away the ghost wizard who is crying.

late at night.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Hu Feng sat on the wooden maza beside with no grace, destroying the plate of stir-fried green beans in the western wilderness.

"Brother Tiger, are you okay? If you can't, just give up. Lose to Azsala, the little girl in the barrel. No one will look down on you."

White tiger squatted on the ground, trying to maintain balance and resist the impact of a lot of alcohol.

"Fart! Didn't you see that I was going to win soon ... 嗝 儿!"

Hu Feng looked at his face a little red, and looked as usual as Azshara, in that sitting position. . . Alas. . . It's just as stable as Mount Tai.

"Ah ... you're winning soon ... Come on."

It was another round of clearing on the table, and when the white tiger was struck by thunder, his eyes widened and he looked at the dice on the table.

"He's dead."

"Yes, he's dead."

"Huh?" Hu Feng turned his head and saw the demon sword girl appearing behind him, holding his arms, watching the defeated white tiger with interest.

"Why are you here?"

"I heard that Your Majesty the Emperor often comes to this street to fooling around, so I'm a little curious, so come and see."

On Crystal Avenue, Hu Feng accompanied the demon sword girl for a walk.

"In fact, I should thank you for all my previous experiences."

After a moment of silence, the girl said.

"Why? This is really rare." Hu Feng laughed, watching the girl's long black waist-length hair blown off by the wind.

"I don't feel anything about this timeline fusion, which shows that I was dead in my original fate," said the girl calmly.

"If you didn't stop Sargeras, I wouldn't live to this day, and I wouldn't have the opportunity to avenge my family and neighbors."

"I'm sorry, I ... I told you what I did and I did something wrong. At that time, I was blinded by hatred, and I thought of you as the target of revenge childishly ..."

The girl stopped and looked at Hu Feng.

"After so many things, I have understood for a long time, but I have never had the right opportunity to tell you ... I want to say that if it were not for you to stop Sargeras and fight him, then you would suffer. There will be more innocent people. I can't blame and hate you for the sacrifice of a few people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The real sinner is Sargeras. "

Hu Feng laughed and rubbed the long hair of the Demon Sword Girl.

"Why did you say that, I haven't blame you. You were just a little girl who couldn't see anything at all, and the food style was sleeping, and it was also suffering you. So ... as long as you understand me now Then I am afraid that others will misunderstand me. "

The girl also smiled, and her heart was very relaxed.

"Then I won't be kicked out of Yeongye Palace, my supervision of you is not over yet."

"Ha, supervising, supervising, you must supervise! Yong Ye Gong is not used to you without you."

Holding the girl by the shoulders, the two brothers walked back towards the stall.

"Let's go, sisters, it's time to collect the corpse for White Tiger."

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