Titan Dawn

Chapter 49: : Defeat and Garona


"Yes, I also said before the war that those human kingdoms in the north will definitely not join the alliance before experiencing the offensive of the orcs themselves." Hu Feng paused, everyone nodded, and for the virtues of those kings, They are still relatively clear.

"So, the next step is to deliberately let go of a gap. We slammed in the back. No matter what, we must force a part of the orcs to the north. We are here to kill and die. Are the countries in the north eating melon to watch a play? Such a good thing for them. "

Lothar grinned and rubbed his hands, "Master Lord, rest assured, leave it to me. None of the northern kingdoms, except Kul Tiras, believes in the threat of the orcs. This time, the orcs were released from the Burning Plains. In the past, let them taste it too. "

King Ryan frowned: "Lossa, you have to be clear. Don't let it go too much in the beginning. Our purpose is to reduce our pressure and wake up the countries, not to destroy them.

"Relax, Ryan, I know."

After returning from the winter breeze, Meili * quickly played a role. He went to the front of the Redridge Mountains to take over the town, took over the control of the Alliance Masters, and led them to restart the counterattack. Meri is very good at spiritual links. A set of routines to fight trolls in the Arathor era was now used again by orc warlocks and ogre wizards. After sharing the spirit of hundreds of humans and elf mages with Meri, Staggered the tribe.

The overwhelming flame storm hit the tribe's position like a tornado. With the help of Hu Feng, the dreaded demon king in Meri's body has become a battery-level existence, which can no longer affect Meri, nor can he perceive anything. Miseryly became an output energy. Meri mixed with many shadow and evil powers in the blaze of fire, and the unsuspecting warlocks immediately suffered a big loss, and hurriedly retreated with the ogre under the heavy casualties.

After only Orc infantry with muscles in his head, there was no suspense in the battle. With the support of the mages, the human legion launched an attack and defeated this somewhat chaotic little clan.

At the front of the Western Wilderness, two giant scourges finally killed that Goron. With Goron's high body falling to the ground, and the morale of the orc vanguard, they also retreated.

At this point, the two lines of defense in the Western Wilderness and Redridge Mountains all turned from defense to attack, and began to chase the fleeing orcs.

Dark swamp, dark gate camp.

The Blackhand Warchief was roaring, and two summons of the scouts fell aside, and they were strangled to death by the angry Blackhand.

不可能 "Impossible! How can a weak human being defeat the tribe's vanguard! The chiefs of those clan are all waste!"

Gul'dan sat aside, his face was extremely gloomy. This is completely different from that promise, the script should not be written like this! According to frontline intelligence, humans have long been ready to wait for the orcs to attack, and have also built a huge fortress group.

On a rock in the distance, Durotan and Orgrim sat on it, looking at the huge orc tribe camp below. The swamp had disappeared, and it was replaced by arid land.

"Gul'dan's magic is also affecting this area. At this speed, this world will soon enter the footsteps of Draenor, and the orcs will look for the next world?"

Orgrim stiffened the ground next to him. "Instead of worrying about this, we might as well worry about whether we can win the final victory. Those humans are not as weak as Gul'dan said, they are dead in the fortress. Defense, which consumes our orcs' lives. Now the vanguard is defeated. Listen to the news that humans have started a counterattack! "

"We are losing this war, we are losing the future of the orcs ... The black-handed chief is burying the entire tribe." Duroon muttered.

"Black hand?" Orgrim sneered. "He's just Gul'dan's puppet."

Bulosa walked into the throne hall with a group of soldiers. His blood was stained, and it looked like he had gone through a fierce battle.

中央 In the center of the team is a female orc that is handcuffed. Unlike those female orcs full of muscles, this female orc is slender and looks not completely an orc.

"Master, Your Majesty, we encountered a small group of orc infiltration forces in Elwynn Forest, and caught a strange captive. After questioning her, she was a half-blooded orc, as if her mother was a Draenei and a creature in the orc world. "

Hu Feng and King Lane stopped talking and looked at the mixed-race female orc.

Queen Thalia exclaimed aside, leaning back to her husband with some fear.

"Do you speak common language?" Lane tried to communicate with the female orc.

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, she will, but she rarely speaks." A young human mage said at this time.

Lothar shrugged. "This kid is Khadgar, Medivh's only disciple. He was met by me after escaping Karazhan, saying that he must stop Medivh as soon as possible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I said We already had a plan, and he followed. "

"This is Lord Lord Sarrodar! You can see an incarnation of a Titan deity here! Uh ... salute you!"

Hu Feng nodded helplessly, then stared at Lothar severely, the latter complained for a while.

"This is not to blame me, Lord God! I said that we have a plan, this kid is alive or not, I have to urge me to take someone with him to raid Karazhan! I was so annoyed that he was going to die, and told him for a moment Is he ...? "

"You are, the storm ... of the clan ... the chief warrior?" At this moment, the mixed-race orc suddenly looked at Ryan and uttered a question.

Lyan froze, then nodded a little funny: "Yes, according to your orcs, I am the chief human chief. Do you have a name?"

"Garona ... name ... you human ... very strong ... Gul'dan ... wrong."

Ryan laughed and waved. "Let her loose, a female beast can't pose any threat."

The two Lothar soldiers immediately stepped forward, staring fiercely at the female orc, roughly opening the handcuffs.

Gyalona didn't care about the eyes of the people either, she walked around curiously, looked at the throne hall, and finally curiously touched the soft fur spread on Lane's throne.

Wu Hufeng looked at Garona with great interest. He noticed that there was an evil energy hidden in the female orc, which should be the power of Gul'dan. This power is currently lurking, and it is estimated that Garona herself did not know it. Once the power was activated, Garona would be manipulated by Gul'dan like a tadpole.

Seeing that the battle is unfavorable, want to play Beheading?

I'm sorry Gul'dan, I'm keeping Ryan, you're dead.

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