Titan Dawn

Chapter 450: : Tearful Wild Love

"First of all, you have to understand that not everyone likes war. For example, what I insist on is to pass love to every corner of the world."

--- "A Tearful Romance Novel, Wild Love"

--- The author of this book, first-hand experience, communicator of love, Marcus.

Marcus, the name is known to everyone in the world of Azeroth. His experience is admired by countless men, and his skills make all men jealous.

Because of the popularity of this special goblin TV show HSAP-001, Marcus is now affectionately called a humanoid self-propelled artillery.

To say that the world has the most races, it must be only Marcus.

To say who has played the most games in this world, it must be Marcus.

The HSAP series produced by Heisuo Zaibao is now a must-see night program for all nobles and civilians with spare money. There are also many collection controls to save all previous programs permanently and re-open them from time to time Taste it.

Marcus, a paladin, may be the most popular and respected paladin in the world. Even Tirion Fortin, the appeal is not as big as him.

After all, your old man is indeed inferior to His Excellency Marcus in some way.

Now Marcus has become the resident gold signing actor of the film and television department of Hessou Chaebol. One sign is the kind of one hundred years old.

In order to keep the program constantly emerging, Hesso produced a bold idea and immediately put it into practice.

He asked Marcus to travel around the world, and tucked him a superb image crystal, as well as regular large gold coins.

There is only one task for him to pursue his love, and then record these loves and pass them to Hesse's headquarters.

Marcus gladly accepted the challenge. He rode on his army horse shining with the light, left Hessian City on the floating island No. 3 and headed for the world.

The Paladin looks handsome, humble and polite, and has a good personal strength, and he has endless gold coins.

These aspects add up to create an invincible vanguard.

Marcus follows the current in the world. Wherever the Azeroth coalition fights, he runs wherever he goes, and then spreads the endless love in his heart to the local creatures, and then shares it with the fans of the show around the world.

"A Tearsing Romance Novel", this personal biography written by Marcus, is now reaching the top all year round, standing on top of the best-selling books and standing still.

Parallel to Draenor World, Nagrand Prairie.

The wind was blowing across the grass, and cows and sheep were visible when looking down.

On the wide grassland, Marcus stepped out of a tent, looked at the pure sky, and lit an aftershock.

In the half-closed tent, two strong orc aunts and an orc warrior were lazy and charmingly lying on the thick soft fur, and their eyes were blurred, which was obviously greatly satisfied.

That night. . . Endless wild.

Together with the wind blowing insects, the four men fought fiercely in the tent and went to the top.

Although the three orcs from the Warsong clan knew that this human was an alien invader and an enemy of the orthodox tribe, they couldn't get their hands on it.

Who can refuse such a humanoid artillery? Even the male orc warrior was addicted to the power of His Excellency Marcus.

"I officially invite you to join my harem, and you will all be my wives. I have passed all the love in my heart to you, so accept me, darlings."

Love always comes inadvertently, and two female orcs and a male orc suddenly fall into the broad love.

The three orcs promised Marcus in shame. They abandoned the orthodox tribe for love. They were willing to leave with Marcus and feel his love and justice at all times.

This is another latest show, and this great cause is truly fulfilling.

Marcus passed the night recorded in the crystal to Hesse's headquarters, and felt satisfied for a while.

This is the meaning of life, regardless of race, gender and death. . . Keke, life and death still have to be divided.

This is the cause of my life! Living old, working old, you are a screw in the world of Azeroth. Where you leak, you go!

HSAP-057 is updated as scheduled, and fans of Azeroth around the world are excited.

This should be the most exciting and addictive entertainment ever.

Everyone has learned various poses and gameplay while getting happy. Each update only needs a dozen silver coins. Where can I find good things to make!

Especially reading and reading with Marcus's latest personal biography, you can also get a whole new experience.

"I caressed her brown skin, teasing his sharp fangs, and sentiment grew wild in the air. We were confused ..."

The audience turned to the chapter of Nagrand's Night, reading the details of wild love, and the simultaneous drama on the viewer's TV.

During the show, Marcus carried a strong orc aunt in his left hand and a solid orc warrior in his right hand. The three kept soothing each other.

"The original hostile sentiment has dissipated. At this moment I am not a foreigner in the world of Azeroth, nor are they the resistance of the orthodox tribe. We ... are lovers."

Some viewers vomited that they really couldn't accept the kind of vast love of His Excellency Marcus.

Some viewers are getting more and more excited, and they can feel that some strange addictions in their hearts are madly breeding. Once they accept this setting, it is quite a sense.

"Boss, the latest episode of the program evaluation shows two extremes, and we initially estimate that our earnings fluctuation range will be in percent ..."

Kalimdor Continent, No. 3 Floating Island, Hesse's Happy Palace.

Sitting in the office with a sea view, lazily holding a Dun Morogh cigar, Heso listened quietly to the report of his beautiful female secretary.

"It's not very good ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The love of His Excellency Marcus is too broad. This is unacceptable to some audiences. The complaint letters of the Stormwind nobles are almost full.

"Boss ... want to warn His Excellency Marcus?"

Heisuo waved his hand, pondered for a while, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and began struggling.

"The latest suggestion, try not to start with the same **** ... Suggestion ... Petite figure ... Young face ... Three years of blood ... Heterosexual ..."

A moment later, an unscrupulous proposal was born in the hands of a black-hearted capitalist.

New ideas, innovation, this is the essence of gold coins!

Mr. Marcus, hope lies in you!

Go bravely!

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