Titan Dawn

Chapter 461: : Sarsa in Azeroth

After kicking Gul'dan's body with an unwilling look, Hu Feng poked his lips and pulled out a comfortable sofa from the space ring. He sat in front of the portal with one butt, and did not signal to the eldest son of God. Stop the action of the Burning Legion.

What's in your space ring? . . Kil'jaeden wanted to talk about it, but he didn't do it wisely.

"Okay, let Sargeras come and talk. You can play elsewhere, be good."

Kil'jaeden heard that and disappeared decisively.

Just as he intended, since the last time he had learned the shamelessness of the Titan in front of the outside domain, Egg Jun was full of vigilance, for fear of hitting his way again.

The most annoying thing is that you still can't take him, you can't beat him, you can't scold and dare not scold, it's like a heart jam.

A moment later, a familiar fel power came suddenly, and that was the fluctuation of Sargeras's power.

"This time it was just a mistake. You should be very clear about this. This orc ant came from a past point in time in the parallel world. At that time, I worship you, and Kil'jaeden is impossible in the endless abyss. ... "

"Ahhhhhh ... don't tell me some of these, I don't bother to listen to this kind of fart ... what I want to ask is that you are like Elena and talk about this."

Hu Feng immediately waved his hand and interrupted Sa Zhe's explanation. The fire of gossip was burning.

Sargeras was silent for a moment, and seemed to turn his head to stare at Kil'jaeden, who had disappeared completely decisively.

"Is that what you told her to say to me? I warn you, Sarodal, don't try to use her to influence my decision." As he said, the consciousness swept towards his body bound by layers.

"Oh ... it's really good to keep it, is it okay? It's okay, let's go, I have a lot of things ..."

"Actually you can take your **** body now, and I don't mind ... maybe I thought I could hold you back or something important, but now I really follow you, if you want, then take it away ,never mind."

Sargeras heard the words for a long time before reacting, and looked at Hu Feng with surprise.

"What? Is it because you don't think you have any hope of winning, so you plan to give up early, if so, then you ..."

"Thinking too much, it's not ... on the contrary, Azeroth is ready to take the initiative ... you are my friend, and I don't want to hide this."

Having said that, Hu Feng patted his robe and stood up.

"So ... we are about to start fighting soon, and I am too lazy to use sneak attacks, and when I am ready, my fleet will go straight to Argus, where ... your Burning Legion will be defeated, You will be defeated by me. "

"Now you are no longer my opponent." Hu Feng quietly looked at President Sa on the other side of the portal and made a summary.

"Well, come on, let me see how you do it."

Hu Feng shrugged as the unsealed Sargeras body was carried into the portal.

"Hey, don't pull them all away, leave a little cohesion to incarnate, I will take you to Azeroth for a few laps."

If there is a system, the situation at this moment should be like this:

Sarodal made a few intentional retention proposals.

Sargeras will accept a decision of will.

Saroldar has a eloquence of 999, good reputation, a bonus to his own will, and a comprehensive judgment failed.

Sargeras accepted the offer and united an incarnation.

"I was staying with Agramar for a day in Stormwind City. Hey, that's weird. Every time I have a guest, I will take him to Stormwind City and give him a big apple. Why? ... Maybe there is a mouth gun bonus in this place, oh you don't understand what a mouth gun is, don't care, this is my unique skill ... "

Hu Feng was rushing, taking Sargeras towards Stormwind Fortress, who was holding a special product of the Elwynn Forest in his hand: the red apple in the orchard was tangling or taking a bite.

"Come, Varian, Berval, know each other. This is my good brother Sargeras, who runs a successful international company."

"Fortunately, fortunately, wait ... Lord, what's his name?" Burval smiled and prepared to shake hands.

This name is so familiar. . .

"Oh, Sargeras, that dark Titan who wants to blow up our world all day long! Oops ... you're out of your mind."

Heaven and earth can be learned, this is the most tangled time in the life of the Duke of Berval.

Sargeras. . . That Sargeras. . .

King Varian strode over and looked fearlessly at Mr. Sa, who had a cold face in front of him, then slowly stretched out his hand.

"His name has been heard for a long time, and because of his trust in Lord Sarodal, I won't ask any more. Our alliance's fleet will soon come to visit."

"I will be happy to see your fleet of ants dying, and I will be happy." President Zar reached out and shook Varian's hand (held by Hu Fengqiang).

"Okay, okay, just come down the road and walk around, let's go. I remember to come to Yongye Palace tomorrow night, and I treat you to dinner."

Dragging Sa Zong out, Hu Feng waved and shouted.

In the universe, on the back of the planet Sarrodar, the scene here is extremely spectacular and can be called a shocking miracle.

Tens of thousands of massive arcane construction 傀儡 are working day and night, the docks are all over the back of the planet, the silver and white fleet and warships of all forces in the world are starting construction at the same time.

Here is like a huge pipeline, Arcane Razor installed each part with accurate and rapid action, any error does not exist under the calibration of mana.

Except for the engineering technicians, there are no living people, everything is a sea of ​​steel.

Machines are making machines, making their kind.

Materials from all over the world are now continually concentrated in the Night Empire, at least hundreds of times the scale of the battle that opened the door of Ahn'Qiraj.

Outland and the two colonial worlds of Draenor are also undergoing blood transfusions, all for war.

"Maybe you have a lot of demonic technicians, but my puppets are more ... For every evil warship your Burning Legion builds, I will fill it with ten ships." Hu Feng looked at the entire planet-scale military factory Murmured. "I don't fight the ground army with you either. My army has only one goal ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That is to completely destroy the planet Argus with guns and completely destroy all your fleets. If a hundred battleships are not enough, then I will Build thousands, thousands, millions ... the entire universe is where my resources come from. "

Sargeras did not answer. He looked at the giant artificial star fortress and led several resource ships to the nearby planet.

Destructive mining. . .

"Apart from being suitable for colonial planets, the Death Star will destroy any other target planet, and it will be directly mined on the asteroid belt formed by rubble. If the war breaks out, this is how I get resources."

Hu Feng turned to look at Sargeras, his eyes narrowed, and a bright smile appeared.

"War is the nourishment of the night empire, and we will fight stronger and stronger on the road of conquest."

"I'm looking forward to ... the scene where my resource mining ship devours the wreckage of the planet Argus."

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