Titan Dawn

Chapter 473: : Shadow of Fadori and Suramar

The court of Faroedis announced his return to Suramar, and Ali Sander welcomed it.

Their return did not create any obstacles, and the upper elves did not have a biased view of the Farodis spirit elves.

After all, except for the fact that they have no flesh and live in the state of soul, these spirit spirits are completely standard upper spirits.

In particular, Prince Falodis, a powerful great demon mentor, was also a senior talent who had been registered in the city of Suramar.

There are many princes in the elven society ten thousand years ago. Of course, this has no blood relationship with Azshara. It is just that the elves like to call the sub-lords in different places as princes.

For example, Prince Tosadrin, whose gravegrass is already a few feet tall, is a sub-lord, and the territory is now the doomed hammer and surrounding area.

The Doom of the Doom has now been rebuilt, forming a prosperous immigration city in the area of ​​Feralas, and an important transit point for the Dark Empire in the southern part of Kalimdor.

All in all, the court of Falodis will abandon their broken ruin Faronar and all migrate back to the city of Suramar to start a new life.

Lordaeron's expeditionary team has rushed into this huge ruins to clear Naga, and by the way, captured the night elves he encountered and handed them over to the upper elves.

The family of these elves let them toss on their own, lest we be said to wantonly torture and kill your deformed compatriots.

However, at the easternmost edge of the Faronar ruins, Lordaeron's soldiers encountered a twisted monster that had never been seen before: Fadore.

These monsters are very similar to arcane giant spiders, but they have a slender body with an elven-like skull on it.

After conducting a spiritual exploration of the captured captives, the elves disgustedly discovered that these half-human and half-spider monsters called themselves Fodor, and they were once also the upper elves.

But unlike the night elves, Fadori twisted his body with arcane spells, and finally turned into the current bird.

These Fodori are cruel by nature, and desperately desire anything with mana, even creatures, they will eat it clean.

What a beep! By this comparison, the original night elves who looked at the group so unpleasantly, now look quite comfortable.

So the upper elves turned their spears at Fadori instantly, adhering to the idea of ​​killing one another, and preparing to exterminate the group of monsters.

Seeing this, those night elves who still retained their own will ceased to invade the Farodis spirit spirits, and began to send people to contact their fellow upper elves.

They also requested to return to Suramar, and stated that as long as they were given sufficient sources of mana, they were willing to hold the Suramar deep pit area for the night empire.

It has now become a rough settlement, the settlement of all fallen night elves.

Even after so many years, there are still a lot of arcane crystals and crystallized mana sources in the deep pit and the surrounding area.

The night elves built countless simple shacks in this deep pit, or dug out small hill holes to accommodate themselves directly from the deep pit wall, and then used rough wooden boards to dig these "houses" "Connected to form a" street "that shuttles between them.

The upper elves who were invited to observe saw the scene in the deep pit and could not tell what was in their hearts.

Are these deformed compatriots living in such a large pigpen? If they were replaced by themselves, or any upper elves who loved to enjoy, they would not be able to stay in such a dirty ghost place for a moment.

"We ... call it the shadow of Suramar." The accompanying Night Elf grinned and grinned, his body shaking involuntarily a few times, which was one of the countless side effects brought about by the magic addiction.

A female Upper Elf Magister screamed, accidentally stepping on a rotting corpse of a wither.

This mage girl is not afraid of corpses, and no mage will be afraid.

But now her situation is a little different.

For the deformed corpses of the compatriots, the pain caused by the magic addiction solidified on the face of the deceased, and some arcane crystallized beetles drilled through the corpse's features.

"We are not praying to you, my former fellow elves, we also have our own unique abilities and inheritance, even if this inheritance is a bit abnormal."

The leader of the upper elves was silent for a while, then sighed.

Well, don't say anything, just record everything here and send it to Suramar, let the big men decide.

As for continued hostilities and cleanup. . . The upper elves also lost this mind.

This group of deformed compatriots is already living in hell. Does it make sense to be hostile and clean? Except for the hordes of beasts like the beasts, the upper elves can hardly be hostile to the night elves.

Suramar responded quickly.

Agree to the requirements of the Nightfall Elves to return to Suramar, but as an expatriate member, the Nightfall Elves will continue to live in Azsuna and the deep pits of Surama.

They will work with the upper elf and Lordaeron's army to clean up Naga trapped in the ruins of Faronal, which will then be renovated as their new home.

As for the **** of the shit, Suramar, just discard it.

Although there is still some discrimination against these malformed compatriots, how to say it is also related to the facial problems of the upper elf, so it is now a fortune and disaster relief, and help them to renovate the city.

Oh yes, and those **** fadores, those monsters are no longer their fellow citizens, they must be extinct!

The upper elves can accept spirit spirits, or they can barely accept nightfall elves. At least these variants still have the shape of an elven.

The Fadori horses are spiders! It's a spider monster! I like to use spiders as mounts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I like to build spider tanks, but this does not mean that I like spider-like fellows!

So all the elves in the Broken Isles received an extermination order issued by the empire. This was the first public extermination order, and the target race was Fadori.

In the future, after entering the age of the universe, the night empire issued many extinction orders, and each time a race or species was completely extinct.

"By the votes of the Supreme Prime Minister ’s Parliament and with the approval of His Majesty the Emperor Yeongye, the Fadore race in the Broken Islands region is judged to be a lower species. Such twisted things will be punished by the empire. Once all the people of the empire see it Immediate execution without trial is required, and the decree takes effect immediately. "

As the parliamentary seal came down, a sealed document was passed to the hands of every elven.


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