Titan Dawn

Chapter 53: : Spiritual Melee

Losa saw Medivh ready to take action against others. No, you have to get his attention back. His thoughts spun quickly, and finally came up with a solution.

"Grandson! Do you care if your grandpa is here!"

Sargeras turned back again, staring grimly at Lothar. "How dare you be so disrespectful to the gods? I've decided, you die first, I will take your soul out and torture it for ten thousand years!"

Several flames flew towards Lothar like poisonous snakes, who hurried back and hid behind the pillars.

"Ant! Do you think it's safe to keep away? I ... Ah!" Sargeras felt a sudden sudden pain, which was a pain in the soul.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, my brother." Hu Feng's voice came from behind Sargeras. At this moment he was fully open. The titanic power in the entire avatar was called up, and his hair had turned golden The flames and eyes have also turned into a pair of stars. Both hands were burning with the green flame of evil energy, while entangled with the surging black void.

Sargeras showed horror for the first time, staring at Hu Feng deadly. It is the newborn Titan who failed to be corrupted by the Lord Void, but he wanted to kill him but was run away by him! He was hiding in this world!

"It's you ... the new-born tribe, Saroldal ... this is not surprising ... the war of ten thousand years, it was you who attacked me in the end?"

Hu Feng shrugged, and while driving the black void to attack Sargeras, he replied: "I was discovered by you, but I still have to thank you. How could I be without you and Lord Void ..." Hu Feng leapt, and slammed his hands on Sargeras with both hands. The power of the void was like a bone drive, and immediately began to corrode Sargeras. "How can you master the power that can destroy you!"

Sargeras yelled, and the flames of his fel energy whistled away towards Hu Feng. The two Titans completely lost their fighting skills, and simply engaged in brutal hand-to-hand combat. The black void and the green evil energy kept colliding, and the affected areas were annihilated.

"You don't understand what I do! My newborn clan! I! This is! For! The entire universe!" Sargeras slammed Hu Feng's body fiercely, and a wound appeared in the wound of the latter The green flames and the golden **** blood mixed with the flowing out.

He Hufeng was not to be outdone. He grabbed Sargeras with one hand, and punched with the other hand, hitting the dark Titan's belly. The flesh that had been corroded by the black void energy there was obscured.

"What did you do? Hahahaha! I know very well! You killed your tribe and destroyed the Pantheon! Today Lao Tzu will not be called Salodar unless he kills you!"

The rest of the people completed the procrastination task, at this moment hiding behind the pillars at the exit of the hall, anxious.

"No! I'm going to help him!" Aurelia was caught by Sylvanas as soon as her voice fell.

"How can you help! Don't be stupid! You could only die in the past, and he has to separate his mind to protect you!"

"What then!"

Losa was staring at the battle between the two Titans at this moment, as if waiting for something.

"Don't worry! Don't mess! Soon ... Wait a moment, I see Lord Lord being injured. Do you think I don't want to help? But the Dark Titan is also very sorry at this moment, just wait ... Then, Lothar pulled out a strange crystal.

大厅 At this moment, the hall was in a mess, and fissures appeared on the battlefield, and the space there was fragmented by the two Titans.

"Hahaha, Sargeras! How much energy you have left! How much energy you have! Today you must die here!" Hu Feng suddenly released a void beam, piercing Sargeras's shoulder.

Sargeras was not to be outdone, a blaze of evil energy burned Hu Feng's chest and exposed his bones. "It's you, Sarodal! The world will be destroyed!" He gasped, looking at his tribe fiercely.

"It is now!" Hu Feng suddenly shouted something inexplicable.

Gaulosa received a signal and smashed the crystal in his hand, sending out a strange resonance.

Sargerston bowed his body in pain, as if something was awake.

"No! No! Medivh's soul should have been silent for a long time! How could it be!" Sargeras roared, his face began to change drastically, and Medivh's soul was now fighting for control with him.

Wu Hufeng did not hesitate, immediately released the golden Titan divine power, shot into Sargeras's body to help Medivh. Reinforced Medivh gradually began to prevail.

"Forever trapped in the abyss! Demon! You can no longer do evil!" Medivh raged, and Sargeras's soul seemed to be pulled away from the toilet and fell quickly.

"No! I can't fail! Curse you! Sarodhar! Curse you! Medivh!"

Hu Feng suddenly groaned and knelt on the ground. The curse of God that Sargeras tried to release before falling into the abyss is eroding his body. He felt that the vitality was passing quickly, and immediately tried his best to mobilize the Titan's divine power for repair and encirclement ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It took a lot of time to temporarily stabilize, and the rest can only go back and deal with it slowly.

Medivh was more miserable, and turned directly into a rotten old man with pale hair, sitting weakly on the ground.

All the people hurried around at this moment, Aurelia shed tears and raised Hu Feng, Sylvanas dragging Hu Feng's arm on the other side, holding back tears with red eyes.

Rosa and Khadgar helped 麦 Medivh, and Garona rubbed her forehead aside. She hadn't slowed down since the fall.

"Successful ... Sargeras has been driven into the abyss and can no longer threaten the world." Medivh smiled weakly.

Wu Hufeng also dressed in a rough temper, and laughed: "Yeah, it was successful. Medivh, you look like this, can you continue to be a guardian?"

Medivhan shook his head. "The next guardian must be selected. Sargeras' curse is irreversible. I can no longer exert all the power of the guardian. Lord God, do you have a suitable candidate?"

Hu Feng thought for a moment, then replied: "My apprentice, Merry Winterwind, he is the most suitable candidate, let him come."

"The first human mage, St. Meri * Winter Breeze of Arathor's Law ... Yes, he is fully capable of acting as guardian."

Aurelia crippled with tears at this moment, "Can you say these things later? The most important thing now is to return to Stormwind to heal!"

"Hmm ... really soft ... on both sides ..." Hu Feng was intoxicated.

"What?" Aurelia was surprised, then flushed.

"Rogue! I'll get back to you when your injury is healed!" Sylvanas gritted her teeth.

Hu Feng's arms continued to rub in the valley in the middle of Hyjal.

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