Titan Tour of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 232: : Big changes and chaos

The old King Terenas of Lordaeron began to become more anxious. The current situation was more and more erosive. Lordaeron was also surrounded by enemies and was in danger.

He also sent an envoy to go to Northrend to forcibly recall the expeditionary Prince Alsace, Lordaeron now needs him and his army.

On the other hand, the legion that Lordaeron sent to the expedition to the outer realm is probably not going to come back anymore, because the dark door has now been silenced again, no matter how the mages of Dalaran try to open it, it is immobile.

Presumably, the situation on the other side was not much better. Turakyan ’s Khadgar was alive.

There is nothing wrong with the method described in the book of Medivh, but there must be some changes and deviations that make the Dark Portal less obedient than before.

Before waiting for the old King Terenas to slow down, another blockbuster bad news swept the world like a deep-water bomb.

Quel'Thalas shocked the world.

The old king Terenas suddenly understood why Quel'Thalas' overall style suddenly changed drastically during this time.

There was a coup at the highest level within them. The Sun King Anasrian died and was personally killed by Prince Kael'thas. Kael'thas then succeeded the Sun King and received the loyalty of all high elves. A mysterious organization called Twilight's Hammer assists.

However, the whole process of this coup is full of strange things, and it is very difficult to understand.

The Sun King Anas Srian seems to be voluntary. He obviously can choose to stay until the priest comes, heal it, and then save his life, but he still chose to give the Sun King all the inheritance to Kael'thas. And let him succeed in the throne, and finally issued a notice to stabilize the people's hearts.

Along with it, there is also the essence of life and magical energy of Anat Srilian.

Subsequently, Kael'thas succeeded in succeeding the Sun King, but his completely changed appearance made everyone in the outside world drum up straight.

Jaina, who parted ways with Arthas, denounced Kel'thas in Dalaran, calling him a demon who killed his father, and a madman who was evil and extreme.

Kael'thas was not irritated, nor did he publish any explanations or rebuttals. His emotions were extremely calm.

Yes, when your dear Prince Alsace returns, all of you will understand how correct I am compared to what he is about to do.

Moreover, at least at that last moment, my father forgave and understood me and chose to be on my side.

Arthas is not necessarily.

His father Terenas may not be.

A few days later, Quel'Thalas once again issued a public statement, harshly accusing Lordaeron of the cruel acts of using Iron Star on a large scale, and the extreme atrocities of Prince Alsace's slaughter city. Arthas is like a terrible extreme demon without humanity, and should be destroyed by humanity.

This made Lordaeron violently jump up and down, and immediately launched a fierce fierce battle with Quel'Thalas.

The old King Terenas even wished to rush into Silvermoon City with his machete, and hacked Kael'thas' unobtrusive bastard.

But then the second public statement issued by Quel'Thalas shocked everyone.

"Quelsalas voluntarily applied to become a subsidiary state of the Night Empire, and the only requirement is to retain all other discretionary powers and have a high degree of autonomy except for the largest decision-making power of the foreign war."

Simply put, apart from keeping pace with your foreign policy in the night empire, and declaring a truce requires your night elf's consent, other things are still our own internal decisions, do not interfere with us.

This has been regarded as an extremely high degree of autonomy, and it is completely a nominally dependent country.

This is not surprising. After all, the high elves have never planned to return to the night elves again. This statement is just looking at the face of Titan Lord Sarodal. It is enough to give you a night elf title. Concessions and compromises were made.

Want to make the High Elves fully affiliated with Draenei cast in dawn light? That's really too much thinking.

Regarding Quel'Thalas' application, the Dark Empire opposite the Endless Sea finally silenced for several days before finally sending an official reply.

"Yongye Prime Minister's Council rejected Quel'Thalas' high degree of autonomy, but according to the direct oracle of His Majesty the Everlasting Lord, he finally approved Quel'Thalas as a subsidiary state within the Dark Night Empire system and agreed to the Sun King Kyle All the requests made by Sars, except for the decision to launch a foreign war and a truce, all other powers Quel'Thalas can decide internally, and the Night Empire will not intervene. "

All countries in the world were suddenly in an uproar.

The focus of the uproar is not only that the Night Empire has agreed to the requirements of high elf autonomy. This is simply to give the night elves a title of the sovereign state, and there is no actual power, and the fool can see this.

The focus of the world's uproar is the matter of Kael'thas' succession. Although the Titan Emperor did not say anything, but in the reply of the Dark Night Empire, he has already expressed his attitude sideways.

Agree with all the requests made by Sun King Kael'thas, yes, it's Sun King Kael'thas, not Prince Kael'thas.

This shows that the Emperor Yongye has recognized the legal status of Kael'thas, he is the new Sun King, not a rebel traitor who killed his father.

Titan's right to speak is naturally very heavy. Now that he has spoken, then the restless factors against Kael'thas will naturally dissipate.

The spirits believed by the elves said that there was no problem. What kind of thing are you going to blame for the legality of Kael'thas' succession?

This Titan seems to really hate Jaina. She is everywhere against her. Now Jaina ’s situation is very embarrassing. She just angered the evil atrocities of Kael'thas. Here, the Titan Emperor published and Your own attitude without any problems.

And let ’s talk about it again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Before they died, they all voluntarily gave way, understood and blessed their son, and finally helped his son stabilize the domestic situation, and it ’s your turn to blame Jaina ?

But no one cares about Jaina's thoughts at this moment, because the news on the side of the Dark Empire is not small.

After seeing the movement of Quel'Thalas, the group of scattered Sartre demons could not sit still, and once again issued a joint petition, begging the night **** to allow them to rejoin the night empire and return to their fellow elves .

For this group of demonized compatriots, the night elves naturally hated and disgusted, and the Night Emperor seemed to have no interest in this, so he threw it to the Prime Minister's Council for discussion and no longer continued to speak.

Not only that, there is another major proposal to be considered and discussed by the Yongye Prime Ministers ’Council.

Whether to release Illidan Stormrage and let it continue to work for the night elves.

In a troubled autumn, the entire world continues to move forward in chaos.


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