After Jingbing Lake, the Siwa River is not far to the southwest.

The surface of the river is very narrow, and it takes less than a minute to walk over. This time the leader of the detachment dare not step on the ice easily. He subconsciously wanted to ask the mage "Is there any danger in the river", but he resisted it. He shouldn't turn to the prisoner for help. The sacrifices made by his fellow robes are the result of his rash actions.

Now there was only one knight left beside him. The boy was only nineteen years old and his name was Poru. He was a short, fat man when he was a child, but now he is tall and strong, a lap bigger than an average knight. He is the second youngest in this team, the youngest, is Manello who has fallen into the ice lake.

The leader of the detachment thought of his two daughters. They were nineteen and seventeen, the same age as Polu and Manello. The sisters also have a 20-year-old brother, the eldest son of the detachment leader, who will be his 21st birthday in a few days. He is a young pastor who recently followed his teacher to the southern countries...

The leader of the detachment turned his head and saw the mage leaning against Bolu.

Burris Gelshaw was also twenty years old, but he was nothing like those kids... He was so dangerous, like a sharp icicle cut from a white tower.

The leader of the detachment ordered Bolu to guard the prisoner, carrying his lantern and stepping onto the ice. After South Bank thought everything was normal, he asked Poru to bring Burris over.

The crossing of the river went smoothly without any accidents. The forests on the south bank of the Siwa River are different from those on the north bank. The soil here is softer, and there is no hard ice on the evergreen trees. Even the night wind is softer than the north bank, but the two knights did not dare to relax and moved forward. Shi has always remained vigilant.

Burris kept silent. He didn't struggle, didn't cry out, and didn't want to beg for mercy. These are useless and meaningless.

He was very tired, his hands were painful like being burned, and his whole body was about to fall apart. He could hardly tell where the pain was... He couldn't see the way, could not hear the sound next to him, and his body kept falling. The foot seems to step into the quicksand...

"Master Kanter!" Polu stopped the leader of the detachment who was walking in front. "Mage... he doesn't seem to be right. Should we stop and take a break?"

Now Bolu was not escorting the mage at all, but almost holding him. The leader of the detachment walked over and touched Burris' forehead: "He is burning more severely. Untie the belt on his hand so that he can be more comfortable. But we can't stop and walk for another hour or two. You will be able to reach the border of the North Star City. If you waste time here, I am afraid that something will happen... Even if we are no longer in danger, this mage will need medical treatment. I am afraid he can't wait."

"I see," Poru adjusted his posture, holding the prisoner in his arms more firmly, "but you don't have to worry too much, adults, adults won't die of fever..."

The leader of the detachment sighed and moved on: "I know he can't die. I mean his hand. He is breaking his knuckles just in case. He is very dangerous. But after all, he has not been convicted. I I don't want to leave him with permanent disability. After returning to the North Star City, I will help him reposition his joints."

After walking in silence for a while, the leader of the detachment said: "Polu, we have two purposes for this operation. The first is to execute Yrill, we did it; the second is to take the apprentice alive. Back to the North Star City. He is our prisoner and we must protect him."

At this time, Burris hummed a few times.

"What? It's cold...what?" Polu approached his face, trying to hear what he was saying, "You have a fever, you will definitely be cold, we have to drive overnight...what? What did you say?"

Burris was confused, wondering why he could still walk, of course, he didn't actually walk, it was Pollu who was holding him. Originally, he had given up thinking, intending to sink like this in pain and drowsiness, but for a moment, he felt a dangerous and familiar magic wave.

Enchanting in another world, plus the attributes of undead creatures, and mixed with bloodthirsty drugs... The black shadow escapes into the thick clouds, the huge bat wings ride on the night wind, and the two pairs of emerald green eyes can observe from a long distance. The heat on the prey...

"Han Ye Xiao..."

Burris stumbled to say the word.

Isn't it dead? The instructor thought it was a failure and decided to drain it and then disassemble it... Didn't the instructor have time to do it? Has it been kept under the tower? Han Yexiao can only adapt to the low temperature environment, and is particularly afraid of flames. Even if it is still alive, it should not be able to escape the fire of the White Tower...

In any case, it seems that it is indeed not dead.

Yylil summoned this creature from the Underworld, and then used various spells to transform it, trying to make it stronger while becoming more docile... Yylil succeeded, but this success did not last long. The medicine developed resistance, and finally went crazy with pain in the soul-changing spell, and completely lost his mind...

It used to be a wise creature. Later it forgot everything, but only remembered the hatred: Yylil and his apprentice, everyone must die.

It's coming. It came to kill me.

Burris shook harder, and he curled up and stiffened.

Soon, the knights also felt a sense of impending pressure. Boru placed the mage under a strong old tree, the leader of the detachment also put down the lantern, and the two knights carefully drew out their swords together.

Burris could neither open his eyes nor move his body, and could only feel the breath getting closer in fear.

The huge wind pressure hit the trees, and the sound of breaking branches mixed with the terrifying howling.

Burris heard the shouts of the knights, the metal clank clank, and the sound of sharp weapons tearing flesh and blood... He also heard a terrifying roar. It's like a human voice, and it doesn't seem to be... no one can make that kind of sound.

He only felt the world spin and could not tell whether the time had passed a few seconds or a few hours. Later, he tried to concentrate, trying to focus his consciousness on all the painful parts, trying to stay awake.

Suddenly someone picked him up. The man staggered, as if he didn't have much strength left.

Finally, he opened his eyes laboriously. Polu carried him on his shoulders, facing back, just in time to see the alien creature the size of a young dragon.

Han Ye Xiao swept away the branches, and roared after them. It can't fly anymore. A long sword is inserted at the root of its right wing, which is the sword of the detachment leader.

Poru's steps were so messy that he almost fell several times. Burris's hand dropped behind him and touched the damp, warm blood on the wool cloak.

The mage raised his head and squirmed his lips a few times, trying to evoke a certain spell... This spell does not require two hands, and he can cast it even if his **** are broken. For young apprentices like Burris, it is difficult to cast this kind of spell, let alone in the current situation.

When the cast succeeded, they just died slower. Spells can only temporarily restrain alien creatures, and Han Ye Xiao can probably break free quickly.

On the third attempt, the spell succeeded. An invisible net gathered towards Han Ye Xiao, it did not touch the trees, and did not even affect the direction in which the leaves fell. It alone blocked Han Ye Xiao's actions.

Burris has no time to observe the effects of the spell. Casting the spell further consumed his energy, his vision was dim and his mind buzzed.

At this time, Boru suddenly fell, and Burris was also thrown to the ground.

Polu inhales very shallowly, but exhales heavily. There was a scary wound in his abdomen, which penetrated all the way to his back.

He held the sword tightly in his right hand and Burris in his left hand, muttering ambiguous pronunciation in his mouth, which seemed to be reciting the prayers of the temple.

After a brief silence, Han Yexiao began to roar again. Burris didn't have the courage to look. He closed his eyes, curled up as much as he could, quietly waiting for the darkness to come.


After regaining consciousness, Burris was hugged in a cool embrace, and an unfamiliar voice in his ear sighed in a low voice: "It seems I am late."

Burris said nothing. The man asked again: "Next, where are you going?"

He is not the leader of the detachment, not Bolu, not Manero, not Willa or Asya, not anyone Burris knows...and of course, not Yylil.

Burris didn't bother to think about who it was, but mumbled vaguely: "Don't go to the Northern Star City...I don't want to..."

"Good." The voice was low and firm, "Where do you want to go?"


Burris didn't understand why he said Sandenia, he had never been there. After answering, he fell asleep again.

When I woke up again, the sky was already bright. Burris is still in the forest, but the surrounding atmosphere is different...The rustling of branches and leaves, and occasional bird singing in the distance, this forest is more vibrant and more like a place where living things can survive.

The gurgling sound of the stream came from not far behind. Burris moved his body with difficulty, and found that in addition to his own cloak, he was also wrapped in two more blood-stained cloaks. It is the leader of the detachment and Bolu.

He finally turned over and saw a man in heavy black with his back facing him, washing something by a stream made of melting snow.

Burris vaguely saw a pair of long black horns... but when he looked intently, the horns were gone again.

The man's cloak was disturbingly dark. It was not a mage's robe, wool fabric or any cloth that Burris had seen. It was like a starless and moonless night sky falling on the person, swallowing all the light shining on it.

The black-robed man stood up, looking straight at the mage curled up on the fallen leaves. Burris was startled, and subconsciously held his breath.

This man is washing his hands and blood on his sleeves. His black clothes were soaked in blood and there was no trace, but Burris could smell the terrifying smell on it.

The black-robed man slowly walked over, walked around behind the mage, half-kneeled on the ground, and helped his limp body to lean against his chest.

what are you going to do? Burris was so nervous that he stiffened, but couldn't say a word. The man hugged him from behind, his right hand was held up with cold fingers.

With a "click", the twisted index finger was straightened back into place.

Burris's hand was sore all night, almost numb, and now the sharper pain made him scream out.

The person behind him paused, fumbled for a belt from nowhere, and then took out a crumpled strip of cloth. He wrapped the folded belt with a cloth strip and handed it to the mage.

"Bite it."

The belt belonged to Boru, he used it to tie Burris's hand; the cloth strip came from Manello, it was the fragments of his cloak that had been stuffed into the crevices of the shackles.

Burris bit his belt obediently and closed his eyes tightly. It's strange to say that the pain that cannot be avoided is everywhere on this road. He has endured it until now, but he is still very afraid of pain.

The black-robed man's movements were quite neat, he twisted Burris's injured joints back to their original positions, and the whole process didn't take much time. After he was done, he took some hard wooden strips and fixed them to Burris' fingers with rags.

When he spit out the belt, Burris's face was full of tears, and his shoulders kept shaking. Probably seeing that he was uncomfortable and cold, the black-robed man tightened the cloak tightly on him, and put his arms around him.

It felt strange to lean on that person, like being embraced by death and night.

"Can you walk?" After a while, the black-robed man asked.

Burris did not answer, but asked: "The two people with are they? And Han Yexiao..."

"It's all dead."

Two knights and a Han Ye owl were all dead. In fact, Burris had already noticed it.

The leader of the detachment was the first one. He caused great damage to the monster at the cost of his life. Then there was Bolu. He tried to take the prisoner away, but he was so badly injured that he eventually fell.

Han Yexiao broke free soon. When it wanted to continue chasing its prey, it had to calm down...because the real hunter appeared. Han Ye Xiao had to hold his breath and became prey.

The black-robed man walked around, seeming to observe the forest. I don't know where they are now, probably either in the territory of Erde or in the gem forest.

Burris remembered that he had said he was going to Shandonia, and it seemed that the black-robed man had really taken him far east along the river. Sandonia has no contact with the Northern Star City. If you want to hide your identity and start again, there will be a good start...

Thinking of this, Burris realized that he could no longer be acquitted. He will always be a necromancer with a murder case. The strange thing is that he didn't even resent the Knights, and even a little bit sad for them.

At this time, the black-robed man returned to him and stretched out his hand to him: "Let's go, little mage."

When he stood up holding that hand, Burris suddenly understood why he was sad for those knights.

One day I will stand in the sun again, smiling at the pain now. I can shake hands and talk with knights like you amicably, and you will no longer be afraid of me or people like me... There will be such a day.

I will definitely see that day, but you will never see it again.

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