The dim spiral staircase turned to the bottom, and the gate leading to the altar appeared. It is just a very ordinary double-opening door. The door panel is made of white birch wood. Among the high towers that have been burned, it is the only thing that remains white.

Burris opened the door, and a biting cold wind poured in. In order to prevent his fingers from being frozen, he closed the door and cast himself a protection technique against the severe cold before he walked out with confidence.

The inside of the gate is underground, which is not so deep, but outside the gate is the top of the tower under the sky. At the top of the tower is a circular ascending square, which is called the altar.

The clouds and fog have been blown away, and the morning light poured on the stone steps leading to the altar, dyeing a hazy cold color. Before Burris and Lott saw a spindle-shaped black spot on the white screen, it is still floating in the sky. It has no volume, no shadow, obtrusive and unknown, like a hollowed eye.

The black spot is facing the altar, and in the center of the altar stands several ice-tip cones of varying sizes. Augilia, Siegfried and Odette were there.

Lott walked towards the stone steps. When he took the first step, two white-clothed elves appeared on the heights. They stood opposite each other, without any other actions. When Lott turned his head and looked at Burris, the number of people in white clothes increased. Two groups of white-clothed humanoids came down from the altar and stood on both sides of the stone steps in order, facing downwards, as if welcoming guests. .

Burris walked slowly behind Lott, preparing to analyze the magic circle as he walked. He intends to analyze the black ice cones and find a way to safely remove them.

After preparing, Burris raised his head and suddenly reached out and grabbed Lott's clothes.

Lott turned around and asked him what was wrong. He pointed to the sky above the altar: "That black spot... seems to be a little different."

Lot also raised his head. The black spot is spindle-shaped, with two arc-shaped borders. Originally, it was uniformly black, but now, there is a slit in the outline of one side of it. The gap is difficult to find because it is still black. If you look closely, you will find that there is a faint flash of light.

After seeing it clearly, Lot suddenly felt that the dark spot was like a closed eye. He is about to board the altar and his eyes are preparing to open.

"You still don't go up first," Burris pulled Lott tightly, and moved in front of him. "I have a bad feeling... Maybe you will be sucked in by that thing as soon as you step on the altar. "

Lot looked into the middle of the altar. The silver dragon was nailed to the ground, twitching lightly from time to time due to pain. His huge body blocked the Griffin and the girl who were also tortured by this. Although the other two creations could not be seen, Lot could hear their dreams. moan.

"If I don't go over, how do I pull those awls?" Lot frowned. "Are you sure...the eyes can eat people? It's like closed eyes, not like a mouth. The mouth should split in the middle, not From one side..."

Burris still pulled him: "Don't worry about what it looks like... Anyway, don't go there. I will analyze the sharp cones first, okay? Maybe I can remove them remotely without you going over."

Lott nodded first, and then felt wrong, he also reached out and grabbed the mage's arm: "Then you can't go up!"

Burris said: "If I don't go up, I will stand here."

Standing one step away from the altar, he finished casting the analytical magic circle. The magic circle slowly rises, and a translucent force field film is extended horizontally, enclosing a pointed cone.

When Burris cast the spell, the Odettes on both sides of the stairs did not stop him. When the force field membrane began to melt into the sharp cone, the Odettes suddenly looked at Burris collectively.

Spells and data circulated in the air, the circle began to analyze the composition and historical behavior of the sharp cones, and the Odettes also began to move, approaching Burris and Lot.

In Burris's eyes, the four people in white clothes closest to him are all humans, two young children and two old people. The old man was pushed away by Lott, and the shortest girl reached out and grabbed Burris' wrist. Burris was in a daze for a while. With the child's height and arm length, it was impossible for her to touch him two steps away, but she did, and her hand was surprisingly strong. Her arms did not stretch, and her body did not grow bigger, but she just caught him...

It was an extremely confusing feeling. The child was close and far away, petite and tall, and her shape was unchanged and ever-changing.

When Burris was confused, Lot picked up the girl and threw her at the other man in white. The two fell and rolled down the stairs, and more people in white continued to gather around. Their movements were a bit slow and their attacks were unorganized. Burris guessed that this should be because Illil's main will was isolated in the distance, and he was still Affects Odette, but cannot precisely control it.

Lott threw a white elf in the air, and turned his back to Burris and said, "Tell you something particularly desperate. First, there can be countless incarnations of Odette, and they will only increase; second, As long as Odette is alive, his avatar will not really disappear..."

Burris said: "You are talking about two desperate things, not one."

He knelt down, spread out the suede tool bag on the stone steps, and pulled out a small bird skull, "My lord, do me a favor, take this, and pierce them."

"Tack which one?" Lott took the bird skull.

"Anything will do, just pierce it with a pointed beak, you want to see blood."

This is the skull of a red-tailed jackdaw, with a thin and pointed beak like a small dagger. Lott didn't ask much. Anyway, the mage did strange things to cast spells. He grabbed the white-clothed youth who was rushing up and thrust it into his shoulder.

The blood of the white-clothed youth poured out from the wound, and everyone in the white-clothed person paused afterwards, and did not continue to move forward for the time being.

Lott threw the man away and returned the bird skull to Burris. After the skull came into contact with blood, it showed a clear red color, like a handicraft carved from rubies.

Burris took the skull and plunged it into his left forearm without hesitation.

Lott was so frightened that all over his body: "What are you doing?"

"Spellcasting." Burris was very decisive when he started his hand. After the bird's beak was inserted into the meat, he grinned uncontrollably.

After a while, he looked pale and pulled out the bird skull, and threw it on the linen paper attached to the circle. The bird skull changed again. It changed from ruby ​​color to jet black, and the surface began to crack, revealing the lava-like color inside. Then, hemp paper began to burn centered on it, and soon burned to a pile of ashes.

Burris clutched the wound, frowned, endured the pain and began to chant the mantra. Lott really couldn't see it, squatted down and pulled Burris's left arm, and casually pulled some cloth to bandage him.

"Read it quickly!" Lott guarded the surroundings and urged in a low voice, "I will kiss you so much after reading, and it won't hurt after I kiss you! Actually, I can't heal the existing wounds and diseases, and maybe even before my strength deteriorates. Yes... but I can stop bleeding and relieve pain..."

While chanting spells expertly, Burris secretly felt that Lott had the ability to stop bleeding in first aid. In fact, this spell does not need to make the wound so big and deep. A skilled wizard can pierce a wound with less damage and moderate bleeding. But Burris has been doing research in the tower since he was old and has not used this barbarism for a long time. He has a lot of magic, he has rich experience in casting spells, but his techniques are somewhat rusty.

Following the spell, the ashes of the linen paper began to fly in all directions, and the charred black and flames on the bird's bones gradually faded, returning to the previous bone white.

Ashes touched the white-clothed people and penetrated into their mouths, noses and ear canals. All the white-clothed people nearby stood stiff, and the white-clothed people in the distance staggered a few times and gradually stopped moving.

"It succeeded..." Burris finished the spell and wiped his forehead.

Lott pulled his face away, pinched his chin and started kissing. Lott felt sorry for himself. It's rare for him to move so smoothly and so hard this time, just like those noble heroes in romantic novels... But now the atmosphere is not romantic, he really has no intention of enjoying it.

After the kiss, Burris' wound stopped bleeding. Lott asked: "Why do you say'unexpectedly'?"

Burris said: "Because... the spell just now is very dangerous, and the Austrian Federation has banned it... It can't be cast or taught. It is a necromantic spell that can control the living creatures in the cluster, and it can affect Dozens of people, many can control the entire army or even the city...The subjects will be turned into living puppets, acting as the caster wants for a long time, and are not afraid of pain, life and death. In fact, I can't necessarily be able to The assurance of success... After all, these'creatures' are quite special."

Lott asked again: "Why is this spell banned? Because it is inhumane to manipulate living people? Or is it because the wizard is easy to miss and stab himself to death?"

Burris said: "Inhumanity is on the one hand, and the other is because... If the spell is successfully cast, the wizard can stop the spell at any time, but if the spell fails, the subject will temporarily gain immunity to the caster’s magic. Not only will they not be obedient, but they will also ignite a strong killing intent on other creatures...that is to say, after the spell fails, the wizard will create a group of bloodthirsty lunatics, and this group of lunatics will smoothly kill the wizard first, and then Cannibalism..."

Lott was dumbfounded, and suddenly grabbed Burris's shoulders tightly: "From now must not do such dangerous things again! I don't allow it! Promise me! You must promise me!"

Burris couldn't laugh or cry: "Please, can you stop playing the lines in romantic novels at this time? I won't cooperate with you."

"Okay, then." Lott was so good to speak, and immediately let go of his hand, "Then what are your plans?"

"I have to continue to observe the analytical circle." As Burris spoke, the analytical circle was gradually projecting the analysis results into his eyes.

Lott suggested: "If we try to pull out the black thorn, will it affect the analysis result of the magic circle? Doesn't it affect? ​​Then we might as well try to pull it out."

"How to pull it? We can't easily go up to the altar."

Lott pointed to the people in white clothes everywhere: "Let them try it. It's best if you succeed, and it won't matter if you fail."

Burris thought about it for a while, and thought it made sense. Anyway, the people in white clothes are temporarily his puppets, and it would be too wasteful to keep them motionless. So he gave orders to the puppets to walk on the altar and try to remove the black ice cones from the three creations.

The people in white gathered in the center of the altar. Burris was reading the runes silently. Lott had nothing to do for the time being, so he went down the steps and ran to the edge of the platform on the top of the tower.

"This tower is taller than yours," he leaned on the crenel and looked out, "but it's nothing...The taller the tower is, the better. Wow! You must not believe how many monsters there are under the tower! I won't say anything about the puppet knight. , There are many dead people with no characteristics! There are also many small white, they are big animals...white giant dogs!"

"It's the Frost Wolves," Burris said, "They are already extinct... what you see is not a living thing, but a construct based on the Frost Wolves."

Lot continued to report the situation under the tower: "The Frost Wolves and the Puppet Knights formed a two-sided attack! The wizard with gray clothes fell down! Fortunately, his companion erected a shield for him. I don't know how his injuries are now... The Sword and Shield structure reorganized its formation and broke through the blockade of the Frost Wolf! Wait, someone is setting a fireball, I can see it! It must be a fireball..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise in the distance, shaking the mountain for a while, and blazing into the sky. Lott turned away temporarily and quickly turned back: "Berrys, you say, does this look like a warlock's behavior..."

Burris almost laughed. So he also went down the stairs and came to the wall crenellation. He was a little worried about the safety of fellow wizards, and wanted to see if there were sorcerers out there.

Standing so high and so far away, Burris could only see the snow flying under the tower and the red light in the distance. The flame appeared far away from the tower, and it was probably someone who intercepted the monster rushing from the forest.

Lot's eyesight is better. He can see a group of gray people or monsters, and a bright red on horseback...Red hair and red clothes, superb riding skills, fast spells, big hits, no Stopping the fire will only set it on fire, and it is still setting on fire...

"Is that a red vulture?" Lott squinted.

When the two of them were looking into the distance intently, several crisp noises came from behind, like the sound of ice breaking.

When they turned their heads, a cloud of gray-black smoke rose from the altar, instantly forming countless roaring incorporeal human faces.

Augilia was floating in the smoke, and there was still a scary wound on her ankle caused by a black tip. She had the smallest and least pointed cone, and the people in white actually successfully pulled it out.

Lott called her name, but she did not come to salute like before. She grabbed the virtual body beside her, and the virtual body stretched out into a black giant sickle. She floated off the altar, waved the giant sickle, and rushed towards the owner and Burris.

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