To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 2 Chapter 37: the price of wisdom

Four days after Satan struck, people hardly talked about it anymore. Compared with that, the Prince Regent, who was like a young son, was more able to attract their attention.

It has to be said that the masses are forgetful.

People's attention is easily diverted, and they actively seek this diversion - because no matter how conservative or stubborn they are, people cannot resist this instinct of curiosity and curiosity. As long as people can clearly realize that Jesus' ruling will not affect any of their existing benefits, let alone do troublesome things, they will be able to make their lives better... The broad masses of people are not sure about what is going to happen. to govern themselves, all indifferent. Of course, this is also because "Satan's Attack" did not cause any substantial damage. When a group of people with extreme ideas gathered together, the result of the discussion must be even more extreme. Because they all supplemented their own ideas from the words of the other party, and gained courage because of the support and approval of the "majority of people". If too many people die in this catastrophe, although they may be more dependent on and feel more grateful to **** who saved them...but they may not point the finger and blame at the same time whether the new king **** saved them or not. where are they? of course. But have their relatives and friends not been rescued? Of course it is. So **** was their enemy who had entrapped them—they would have skipped steps right away to get this result. Baimeng nodded knowingly: "Indeed, I was negligent. **** said calmly: "The crowd is inactive when they reason. They tend to value emotion over logic. And finally come to an ignorant conclusion that looks ridiculous to outsiders but points to convincing themselves...

"In your original plan, let Abaddon destroy the key buildings in Cyprus, and let people rebuild under the promotion of my policy...

Jesus said: "That is indeed meaningful. But it is still not perfect.

The two young sons who looked very similar were talking in a low voice in the empty hall. **** threw Ruo Ruo the report on the casualties and building damage that Bai Meng had just sorted out, and carefully checked Ruo Ruo. Yastaru is currently not by his side, but has been sent to another place by him to prepare for a key mission. But it is also because of this that Jesus, whom no one dares to control except Yastaru, can have time to work all night, that is, on the right hand of Jesus, the position is slightly shorter than him, and the difference from Baimon is that Jesus' hair is shorter than his. Slightly longer...because clean and beautiful long hair is also one of the signs of separation.

Looking at the face of **** that was 90% similar, even though his temperament was as calm and indifferent as Baimon, he couldn't help but feel a little complacent.

But on the surface, Baimon didn't say anything, he just stared at **** calmly, always ready to listen to Yeque's teachings.

By the way, the gentle smile that always hangs on Jesus' face was specially adjusted by Solomon at the request of Floros. This is really impossible. He wasn't very good at laughing when he was Solomon...and he still is. But he took a different approach. After negating the idea of ​​turning his character into a gentle and compassionate character, **** proposed the weird idea of ​​"simply making the expression so that it looks like he is smiling when he is expressionless". The weirdest thing is that the effect is surprisingly good—when **** was lecturing in a low voice, he looked up and found that he was distracted, and called him back with a slight frown. Baimeng blinked, and sat down obediently again.

Jesus squinted at him, and said in a serious low voice, "Come and see. There are seventy-six dead and wounded...but only three of them were actually killed by Abaddon. Do you think it's because of panic?" Baimon said in a cold voice: "More people were injured because of panic, crowding and stamping on each other."

"Yes. But why are people crowded like this?"

Jesus stepped forward and asked, "Is it just because Abaddon is so terrifying?" Baimon hesitated a little, thought for a while and then shook his head. The young son in front of him sighed and said in a low voice, "It's very simple, Baimon . Because you can see people's hearts, you can't understand...that's because people have become smarter.

I know your purpose very well. It is nothing more than to repeat the training mode of the eldest sons, so that people can cultivate friendship in the process of working together... But this situation is in Tire, at least in Cyprus. **** said calmly: The reason for the stampede accident is nothing more than the previous People fell down, but the people behind couldn’t stop the flow of people because they didn’t hear it, or couldn’t stop the flow of people because they heard it, so they could only push the people in front and continue to move forward.” They worship me and fear the high priest. As long as I arrange the high priest among them, I can guarantee that they will act as I think and get corresponding feedback. However, this is no longer feasible. Because These people have changed. **** said calmly.

"As people become civilized, their thinking becomes complicated. They gradually lose their sense of awe. People begin to doubt other people's statements first, rather than believe them. Of course, this is a good thing. Because they gradually have the ability to think independently, and they have Know the standard of things, and will not blindly follow other people's actions.

"If a thousand years ago, when people in front stopped in unison, the first reaction of the people behind would be to stop too. Because they don't trust their own judgment. They believe in the wisdom of elders and ministers more. .They ruled better than today's people, and they are easier to deceive. **** slowly rolled up the scroll. He said in a brisk tone: "But it can't be done now. People are more likely to try to believe in themselves than the opinions of others. Even if you see the people in front stop, if someone falls down, the first reaction of the people behind is that if I stop, I will be killed by the dragon, so they push the people in front to continue forward. It is a kind of stupidity. But this kind of stupidity itself is the evidence of the awakening of human wisdom." He looked at Baimon and said in a very soft voice: "From now on, until their conscience and morality catch up with their own wisdom So far, it is impossible to re-establish the Firstborn Legion with altruism and dedication as its spiritual core.

"But, my lord. Isn't that a step backward?"

Baimon questioned Jesus: "I can see that the hearts of human beings have become dirty and selfish. Although they used to be ignorant, their hearts were pure. But now they have become civilized. **** couldn't help laughing : "No, Baimon. It makes sense.

"When people start to be consciously selfish, when people start to subconsciously believe in themselves...that's when wise men start to think about the philosophical question of who I am. Sometimes, stepping back is to take a bigger step forward.

The corners of his mouth turned up. Wen Sheng said: "You have to love this crime, Wei Meng. You have to love this desire together... because this is what human beings are all about."

"But we still have to blame this kind of crime on the surface - because people are emotional, they can't always achieve their goals. If I encourage them to be free, they will commit crimes; if I order them to be strict with themselves, they will relax themselves When he came down here, **** paused for a moment, then suddenly said, "Go and invite the guests in. If you stand outside and listen, you may not be able to hear clearly. "

"Don't bother Your Excellency John... I'll just come in by myself.

An old voice came from outside the hall.

II. Mercy Chapter Thirty-eight Mom said that if the name is too long, the people inside will see it if you stand outside the house. Walking in from outside the hall is a middle-aged man who is slightly fat and fair.

He looks average. There are no special features, and the legs are a little lame.

It was very clean. The most important thing is that his psychological quality is quite good - even when **** called i while eavesdropping, there was no tension on his face, but he walked in with a calm expression.

Jesus also saw this man for the first time. But it wasn't the first time he had heard his name. **** asked peacefully: What will happen to me that I cannot let you know? "

Mistake. The person who hid outside and eavesdropped was Peter's younger brother who was about to be murdered by Sharman III in the "Quick Rescue" mission.

It was hard even if **** wanted to not see it. It was also because of this that knowing who the outsider was, **** pressed Baimon's hand, implying that he should not attack that person rashly.

But **** was only just realizing it. If someone has a long name, even if they hide behind a tree, Zi 2 will probably see it at a glance.

"Because I heard your words are very reasonable, I couldn't help but stop, wanting to listen to your wisdom more.

Andre said with a smile: "I think you are right. People are sentient. If you encourage them to be free, they will commit crimes; if you order them to be strict with themselves, they will also "I am not Shaman III, Andrew strong. "

But when he heard his praise, **** just smiled gently and replied calmly: If I want your praise, I will take it myself. Instead of waiting. The praise you have given to Mr. Yu Ming from the people is an honor, not a gift that can be used to curry favor.

"Where are you talking

Andre said with a smile, the expression on his face did not change at all: "I praise you from the bottom of my heart. Sharman III is going to kill me, and you probably know that I am here to express gratitude to Andre Lie was flattering, but **** just said nothing.

He looked towards Baimon and patted his hand lightly.

With a cold voice, he suddenly said: "That's what I said, but who would dare to believe who knows what this child is thinking. It is not clear who is in charge of the current Tire. If you don't come, you won't be a Wait a minute, what is he talking about??" Under Andre's shocked and apprehensive gaze, Baimeng spoke out the thoughts in his heart even more clearly than Andre's own mind. Some vague thoughts that just passed by in a flash were also spoken out in detail by Baimon.

"You saw it too, Andre. Make it conspicuous. And the way you hide it is so clumsy. If you think I don't know what you're thinking, you're insulting my intelligence.

Look straight at me, Andre.

He said calmly:

You said so.

Andre took a breath in silence, and the skilled smile on his face retracted. The waist that was always stooped straightened accordingly. The moment the social smile on his face completely disappeared, a sense of existence that cannot be ignored came from Andre. It was not the sense of oppression of someone with authority, but more like a sage with a great wisdom That sense of detachment. Regarding Baimeng's ability to peek into the heart, Andre had a thousand thoughts in his mind for a moment, but in the end they all came to naught. As long as you walk upright and sit upright. Then there is nothing to be afraid of.

"I would like to address you, Your Majesty first, because I thought you were no different from Sharman III. It would be an insult if I treated you, Your Majesty, the way I treated that person.

"I am not yet His Majesty. I have not yet enthroned

"People who lose their wits will always try to increase their wisdom, while those who are rich are eager to be more noble. Just as a man loves to exercise his strength, a beautiful girl will take care of her body and wear gorgeous jewelry... the same People with authority will naturally try to learn to hold more authority. The driving force of human progress is that they are never satisfied. **** relied on the throne that was too big for him, and said lazily: "This It's human nature, Andrea. Even if he is the king of a country, it doesn't mean that he has no desires and desires. Rather, it is precisely because he has great power that he desires greater power.

"He's already a king, but he still feels that he doesn't have enough authority?"

"Because for Sharman III, you are much easier to defeat than Rome. Everyone likes to bully the weak, and so does the king."

Jesus said calmly: "Shamanshi is a pragmatic person. From the fact that he can tell that I will take his throne sooner or later, I can see that his wisdom is only a pity, his foresight and heart." I think, that not just because he has no vision

Andre said with some hesitation: I sometimes think about it. Was that man, consciously, selling Tire to Rome? "The northwest of Tire is Rome, and you want to give Tire to Rome, so that Rome can use their strength to resist the Persians?"

"No, Andrew. **** said calmly: "If all of Tire is given to Rome, then when the Persians arrive, the Tireians will still be the first to attack. This will not change. It is impossible for Sharman III not to see it.

"What he has to do is to maintain a balance. Tire is at the center of multinational transactions. Whoever controls Tire is tantamount to mastering the economic lifeline of the other two countries.

"Shaman III has repeatedly weakened the strength of Tire. In fact, he intends to use softness to overcome rigidity and use strength to suppress the defensive power of Tire to the limit. As long as he fights casually, he can contribute to the country of Tire. But because of this, no one can allow it. The enemy country made any offensive move against Tire, lest they occupy the country first. **** shook his head: "But he was negligent. "

Andre suddenly realized.

"Domestic?" "That's right

Jesus replied, "It is you.

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