To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 2 Chapter 116: oath of judah

Judas was summoned and immediately set out to find Jesus. To be honest... He hasn't slept well these days.

He always had a recurring nightmare.

The beginning of the nightmare is different, but the end is always the same - Judas runs in a panic in the street, and the crowd chases after him and stones him. Then he fled back to his home, and couldn't wait to put his head in the hemp rope snare that had already been set. Hang yourself. Then he woke up with a start. Such an ominous dream repeated for several days, which made Judas physically and mentally exhausted.

What the **** does this... mean? It so happened that **** wanted to summon him. Judas decided to take the opportunity to ask **** a question. With the wisdom of Jesus, it must be able to help him interpret his dreams, so that he can regain his peace of mind.

But when Judas entered the temple of Jesus. His thoughts were dispelled in an instant.

Apparently...his Master **** might be in some trouble. This was no time to take the opportunity to solve his own problems. Judas had already heard about it. **** dismissed his servants. No servants to serve him except a few of his most trusted ones. But Judas didn't expect that it was because of this reason that the hall of **** was filled with destructive ripples of power. Gorgeous colored light echoed in the hall, and the white light of the fish moved slowly like a living fog. Indistinctly, the sound of gurgling water accompanied by solemn whispers rang in Judah's ears.

The body of **** is almost transparent, shining with a garlicky white light.

He sat upright on his seat, and an illusory figure made of pure light emerged from his body. That seems to be the model of an adult. It is a whole circle bigger than the childlike body of Jesus.

And behind Jesus, there is a brilliance like wings of light and a halo blooming behind him.

It's just... like a god. This idea popped up subconsciously in Jude's mind. He came to his senses immediately, and was ashamed of himself for thinking such a thing.

He naturally knew that the master he served, Jesus, had been working hard to eradicate the worship of gods by mortals. **** has always had the opportunity to be God. And he refused. Not only did he explicitly reject the glory of raising the throne and becoming a god, he even didn't want to be worshiped by people after death. He also gave three points of his power to the three representatives of the three countries and **** himself, whether great, wise, or wise. Such words cannot describe him. If he had to be summed up in one word, it would be "compassion". Silent father. **** said peacefully: This will be the greatest, most painful, and most arduous of all the work I have entrusted to you. His voice rumblingly echoed in the hall, like a voice from heaven.

"It would be my pleasure," Judas replied. **** asked again, "What if it takes your life?"

"You gave me my life." Judas said without hesitation, "If you need it, feel free to take it away." I will be honored for it.

So... If I were to fulfill one last wish for you, what would you want? ' **** asked softly.

Judas hesitated at last. He thought for a moment. But he hesitated to answer.

Seeing this, **** said again, "Just say what you want, and if you can't reach me, I'll find a way.

…I thought, see my father again. "

Judas was silent for a while, and then whispered: "But you said, I will see you sooner or later.

"Ah, yes. I said so."

Jesus nodded and said calmly, "I remember that your father is Fugalo, right?


Judas was thrilled to see that **** remembered his father's name, which he had only mentioned once before.

Not because he could see his Father again...but because **** remembered his offhand words so clearly. This made him feel warm in his heart, and he became more determined to "Asmodeus" who gave his life for Jesus.

king. A hoarse and seductive voice sounded like a snake. The shadow under **** swelled and turned into a girl kneeling on the ground. She raised her head and looked at **** with attachment, and asked softly, "What do you want, my king?" . Yastar behind Jesus, "You will take Judas to see Fogalo later. You must be back within four days, understand?" Astrude looked at Yastaru, lowered his eyes and answered in a low voice. Then **** looked at Judas, shrugged his shoulders with a light smile: "Actually, your father... is also one of the demon gods who assist me. Of course, in theory. Because I haven't seen him yet.

"That's not a theory."

Yastaru couldn't help but said, "It's true.

"Well, the truth." **** nodded obediently.

immediately. He looked at Judas, his face became solemn: "Then next, I will read your mission to you.

"I will hold a sacrificial ceremony in the city of Rome four days later, preparing a hundred cows, a hundred sheep, a hundred calves, and a hundred young pigeons to make the final sacrifice to the gods. Separated, no more contact.

Jesus looked at Judas and said in a deep voice: ...will assassinate me in the ceremony.

What? . Judas was stunned. His expression was dazed at first, then confused, then terrified and desperate: "You... why are you doing this!? I will never kill you! You are my father, my mother, my brother, my king I never want to betray you!"

"Are you afraid of death, Judas?"

Jesus asked peacefully, "Are you afraid of the inevitable death after killing me?"

"No, just. Just...

"That's it." **** interrupted Judas.

He explained in a low voice: I want you to kill me... because my hour is coming.

"In six days, I will ascend to the sky and become a god. The whole world will see that scene, and everyone will know that I have become a new god. So what's the point of everything I did before? Woolen cloth?

"One baker cannot feed all the workers in the world. I took liberty back from the gods, not my own. I am not that selfish...I hope you understand me. You are my most trusted man, only you can perfectly execute such a task.'

"That's right, I can't become a god—but if I commit suicide, the seeds of suspicion will be planted in the country. No one will think that I will die suddenly, they will definitely think that someone killed me. But if they can't find the murderer, they must Will attack each other. Since then, the kindness has been extinct, the alliance of the three kingdoms is on the verge of collapse, and the war has returned to the earth.

"There must be one person who bears the crime. He has to be the person everyone hates. And because of this, people can be united. **** sighed: "I am sorry for you, Judas. From then on. You are bound to be reviled by everyone—even as a traitor to humanity, cursed for generations. I cannot imagine your pain, nor can I offer you grace and forgiveness.

Even so, can you fulfill my last wish? certainly. If you really don't want to... I can find someone else. "

look wide

He stared at the face of Jesus, tears slowly streaming down his face. Judas looked at **** and murmured softly, "As for me... I have foreseen this day.

"I am willing to take on my mission.

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