To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 3 Chapter 6: flowers and wine

"You said you were worried that he would poison you? In Charles' bedroom. Floros couldn't help laughing. He replied affirmatively: "Ah...that doesn't exist. Your Majesty, your body is inherently resistant to poison. In Frank, he has already arranged a soundproof enchantment. That's why he dared to call Charles "Your Majesty". However, Charles was a little confused by what Floros said: "You said, this body?"...Isn't this a mortal body? "

"of course not.

Speaking of which. Floros said solemnly: "Based on the lesson of Master Baimeng last time. In this life, your body was made by Lord Yastaru thousands of years ago. After that, save me here. I saw that you are coming soon... just take it It was sent directly to the body of Frankish Queen Beltrada.

When he said this, his tone was very vague and stiff. As if experiencing some bad things: "To put it simply. You were born a long time ago, but your memory is temporarily imprinted...By the way. This is the opinion of Master Ashend. In order to let you wake up .The body is not too young to choose the timing of wearing the ring independently, without having to revive Jesus' miracle.

"That's it. At first I saw that I was not a baby, and thought I had descended directly on Prince Charles." Charles raised his brows in surprise, and couldn't help laughing: "So. In terms of seniority, shouldn't this body be considered the son of me and Yastaru? Say it, Floros. How did you know I was coming to Charles? Did you see that too?

"Whether he is Lord Yastaru's son or not. Hmm... I am not very clear about this question... For the previous question, Floros did not dare to give any answer. He could only be vague and confused. It was almost as if he was reluctantly answering and sending a proposition.

But to the question behind Charles, he immediately gave a very clear answer: "As for why Pepin III was chosen, the reason is very simple. Speaking of this, Floros coughed lightly. He said seriously: "And He It was different last time. This time I didn't see where you must come, nor did I see your limitations on parents, so I decided on my own? …I am very sorry, Your Majesty.

"No, you did the right thing. There is no need to apologize to me, I even want to thank you. Charles replied gently: "Your vision and thinking are very good, Floros.

"You are overrated,

The old man saluted Charles respectfully.

After that, he took out a small silver box from his arms.

He handed it to Charles and said in a low voice, "Here is your you want to put it on now?"

No, not for now.

Unexpectedly, Charles refused it: "You put it away first. It's not time to wear it yet.


Floros didn't ask why, but answered directly.

Charles thought for a while, and explained to Floros: "When I wear the ring, the difference between the front and the back will be very big. I am not worried that this will have a bad impact on my succession to the throne of the Frankish Kingdom... but I think, There is no need for now.

"My reaction when I put on the ring is almost equivalent to a miracle. That scene will build momentum for me, there is no need to waste it on such trivial things-I don't need psionic power and Yastaru at all." Charles said calmly : 'Also, a lot of people know Charles now'. The character of this sentence is not exactly the same as my country... I would rather be the male version of Yastaru. I needed a public place to wear my ring and cause a miracle to excuse my upheaval.

As he said that, he laughed: "If it weren't for this, Floros, believe it or not, some historians will propose that the famous Charlemagne was actually pretended by someone, and the real Charles would have died a long time ago." View?'

"A fool like that, just need to shut him up. The Priests can do that.

Floros said softly, but his tone was full of chilling: "By the way, Carloman tried to murder you. Should I call our people? Today, the four adults have recruited fifty-six demon gods. In addition, the Holy Spirit Holy Keepers of the Firstborn Guild. We can tear any enemy that opposes you to shreds "No no, that would be a waste...

Charles quickly refused, saying: It is rare to have such an opportunity. Let me exercise. In the future, I will eventually fight with others with wisdom. And my talent is not enough, so I need to think more. As he said, he sighed: "After all, there is nothing in this world that is more difficult than human heart. I don't know much about it."

What you... said about Charles. Floros' expression was very tangled, he hesitated to speak, and finally nodded: "Yes. What you said is right. No, I don't feel that you don't understand anything at all...

Floros couldn't spit out his mouthful, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Strictly speaking, it shouldn't be considered poison.

Floros put aside the previous entanglements for the time being, and explained to Charles in detail: It is a crimson four-petal flower. Some Franks call it Devil’s Horn, and some call it the Blood of the Brave Earth, but after a special processing method, a colorless, odorless, light red powder can be obtained after dissolving. Taking a small amount can make people happy and relieve pain. It has a relieving effect, but if it is taken in excess, it will paralyze the sense of touch and pain, make people extremely excited, and increase their strength several times. This is also the boudoir medicine of the Frankish dynasty." However, no matter what the dosage is, if you use it After drinking this precious medicinal material, if you drink alcohol in a short period of time, it is very easy to die suddenly. Even small doses can cause weakness, headaches and vomiting.

"Because this is not a real poison, but a kind of medicine... so even your body will not excrete it directly from the body. There are only a few people who can use this kind of poison."

Floros warned: "In short, as long as you don't drink alcohol, you will be fine. Because this poison and alcohol can be taken separately. So it is very concealed... What are you thinking?"

"Well. I'm... If Carloman had this kind of poison, who would give it to him?

Charles frowned and asked, "You said, only a few people have learned to master this technology?"

"Learn to master this method of making poison. There are only three people who are still alive."

Floros replied without hesitation: "Your father, ... and me. Of course, there may only be two people left now.

"After all, our Majesty Pepin. His blood is not noble. A generation ago, his father was just Frank's palace minister. But one day, after drinking all night with a certain 'lazy king', the palace minister had an affair. The emperor of the noble Roman royal family died overnight in the belly of a woman...without leaving a single heir. There are no living brothers and sisters. So it is a pity that the palace minister can only supervise the state affairs on his behalf.

When Frauros said this, he raised the corner of his mouth meaningfully: "By the way, Your Majesty calls this poison flower and wine.

"Good name.

Charles smiled.

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