To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 3 Chapter 8: I'm only a little better than them

After a while of silence, Queen Beltrada sighed deeply.

"It's all my responsibility." She whispered a little decadently, "It's me, as a mother, who didn't discipline him well." If only I had paid more attention to him then. Restrain him to study hard and not let him fool around with those people, maybe he will be better now.

"No, that's not the case. Charles shook his head slightly and said softly: "It's not your responsibility. Otherwise, wouldn't there still be the responsibility of my father as a father, my responsibility as an elder brother, and Tuping's responsibility as a teacher? Does it still have the responsibility of Roland and the others as friends? If it goes back like this, there will be no end. Those who are closely related have greater responsibilities, and those who are far away have less responsibility, but where is the dividing line in the middle? "

He said seriously: "This is all my own choice and my own responsibility.

"A moral education from others can only teach them good habits, what they should do and what they should not do, and nothing more.

"Education in virtue neither makes a man virtuous nor makes him happier-in himself, like a foolish king who throws the responsibility for the foolishness of the prince to the intellect. Charles is articulate and even-tongued Said: "Of course, it cannot be said that there is no responsibility at all. But here it depends on whether they have fulfilled their educational responsibilities.

"If everything that should be taught is taught, but the children are still the same, this is their own problem. If family education can definitely cultivate good habits. Then all children in a family should be equally good. But the fact Obviously not. Charles' eyes are calm and confident "for ordinary people. Nothing is more awe-inspiring than principle and law, but their kings on earth and their infinite wisdom in heaven.

Floros next to him interjected: "But the king must not think so.

"For the king, there are no principles in this world, there are only events; there are no laws, only the current situation. A wise person caters to the event and the current situation, and then he can make the best use of the situation and turn the public opinion to his own use. But a stupid person only knows how to be stubborn. Walk in the straight line you have drawn. Floros whispered, his tone solemn and calm: "In the words of King Solomon, 'Whoever walks stubbornly and does not listen to the advice of the wise man, disaster will befall his kingdom. If he be king, the spiritual wisdom of the people will be destroyed; but he who listens to advice will be blessed, because he knows in his heart that there must be someone wiser than himself in this world'. All wise men think so, but fools think they are the wisest.

You said it, Tuping Pilot.

Beltrada was silent for a while, then nodded seriously:

"Nothing to remember.

Floros grinned: "You don't take part in governing the country, and you don't need it. You don't take part in government affairs. You don't need to teach Charles' future children." No, that's not the case.

But Beltrada refused: "Although I don't participate in governing the country, I want to clarify the truth. Even if I know this knowledge, I can't use it anywhere. However, I think it's better to be smart than dull. She was in awe.

"An adult said to me before. The truth in this world is often discovered when people pursue the useless knowledge. Because they are the truth, they are far beyond the age of the discoverer. That's right. That's what I said. Charles nodded in agreement, a look of approval.

No matter when, my words sound so handsome.

And Beltrada also sighed deeply: "As expected of Tupin's leader, you are really knowledgeable. Actually, I didn't think so much, but I just think it's better to know than not to know. It's just that the good is better than the bad. Meaning, she turned her head to look at Charles, and said in a low voice:

"Your wisdom is even better than your father. You would not want Carloman to share the country equally with you and I also think that Frank would be better in your hands than in Carloman's hands.

"That's right," Floros agreed, "Karoman is too excitable. His problem is that he doesn't listen to the advice of the Zhipa people. But he is influenced by the opinions of people close to him. For example, he Wife. Speaking of this, Floros sneered: "She is not simple. Much smarter than Carloman. Frank fell into his hands. It doesn't take a few years of hard work to be deceived by her most of the time. "


Charles immediately followed up: "And, the Pope's side also

At this point, Charles pretended to violate a taboo, and suddenly fell silent.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Carloman and the Pope have secretly reached an agreement, and I've known about it for a long time. You don't need to hide from me, Charles.

And Floros said righteously: "Although I used to be the archbishop, but now I am just an intellectual. I serve the Frankish royal family. I will serve you first and then the Pope.

"Thank you very much, Lord Tupin."

Beltrada quickly thanked.

Immediately, she couldn't help being silent for a while.

She fell into deep thought, as if thinking about something.

And Charles said at this time: "Speaking of it, Mrs. Queen Mother. Carloman invited me before, and I will go to his room for dinner today. I am about to leave now. You "I will tell him." Just say that His Majesty called urgently, and you are suddenly out of time. Beltrada's tone became tough: "You don't want to go, as soon as Charlie is obedient. Lord Turpin, you should take care of him first, and don't let him run around. His Majesty may send someone to summon him at any time, and she will As if he had made up his mind, he got up and left the room with the barrel in his arms.

After she left, Floros sighed: "She still did it."

"I also guessed it was too obvious. Charles shook his head: "I noticed that Beltrada's character is too independent and aggressive, and he likes to take responsibility on himself. I guessed it since then. You remember to protect her well, don't let her miss and be killed. If necessary, you can expose part of your relationship with me in front of a few people.

"Your kindness."

Floros praised.

"Nothing." Charles shook his head.

He already guessed what Beltrada was going to do.

Although I don't know what she's going to do. But she obviously planned to poison Carloman herself. For her, two sons killed each other. It's too painful. Part of it is the pain of the son killing each other, and the other part is the pain of the winner—the guilt of killing his own brother. If Charles is really Charles, this kind of feeling will really exist.

Of course, even if Charles didn't think it was going to happen right now, she didn't. She would think that Charles was guilty—an empathy that had nothing to do with Giles's own emotions, but something that consisted of her usual knowledge and grasp of Charles' character. And when Charles hinted to her that Carloman had planned to kill him, she made up her mind. Kill Carloman first before Charles makes a move.

And Beltrada is outside the pain of kinicide. She would also feel full in her heart that she would think that she had done Charles a favor. It prevented Charles from being in danger or bearing infamy.

"As for the direct cause

Charles looked at Floros: "Pipin III, is he dead?"

"That's right. His Majesty asked me for a glass of flowers and wine before. Floros nodded and said in admiration, "You still say you don't understand people's hearts. Your grasp of people's hearts is almost miraculous.

"No, in this respect, I'm just a little bit better than ordinary people." Charles said, stretching out his hand and making a gesture of "just that little".

Floros on the side fell into silence.

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