To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 3 Chapter 28: Gryphon Ana

Benito walked to the balcony, propped his shoulders, leaned his hands on the stone handles, and frowned habitually. He looked at the wet grass in the yard, it should have been wet by last night's rain. The cool morning light fell on him, and the smell of pollen on the wind disappeared. Beside the pool, a lion chained to an eagle is grooming its feathers. That's the lion tread he raised when he was young, Ana.

When he was looking for stone in the Alps, he once encountered a nest of griffins.

Of course Benito had seen griffins, but the lions he usually saw were yellow, brown, and dark brown. And has fierce dark red pupils. He once saw a taming regiment keep a dark lion. That was already the most beautiful lion tread he had ever seen. But he had never seen a griffin with such beautiful silver-gray plumage and pale pink pupils. He fell in love with Ana just by looking at him.

At that time, he asked his father to capture the lion road for himself. Benito's personal indifference rarely makes requests, so his request was immediately granted. The old hunter repeatedly said that the most dangerous moment for griffins is the moment they swoop down from the sky. At the lowest point, even Xianghou's iron shield can be easily torn like parchment. On the other hand, as long as the wings of the lion's point can be abolished, the lion that can't fly is often not even as powerful as the bulky lion. So they first used the poisonous arrows, the smart arrows with ropes, and the pre-set traps to hunt and kill the most dangerous male lion in the forest. This was easier than planned since there was no need to worry about the integrity of the loot. But when they gained confidence and planned to forcibly climb to the top of the cliff and try to capture the lion cub, they were attacked like crazy by the lioness who smelled blood. Benito had never seen such a dangerous and beautiful beast.

Her wings can whip up sharp storms, and her four feet can step on the wind and crush rocks. Only one dive is required. The ground was torn apart by the hurricane. The top of the cliff broke in two, and the hunting team fell straight down before they could climb up. The hunters who died at this time accounted for almost four-fifths of the hunters who died in battle.

Not even the Zoroastrian flamers can resist, their flames being extinguished by the wind before they even get close to the wall of the Lioness. A dive tore their bodies into two pieces, the blood coming in and out seemed to be spraying. There were two griffins and a few eggs in the lioness nest. The lioness was not in a good condition, and what he took away was white. The white griffin, which Benito loved, yelled angrily twice and stopped fighting, but directly held the nest in its mouth. Obviously, the white griffin, which Benito loved, seemed not to be loved by her mother. The spirit of Xiao Shici who was abandoned was very Jiang Mi, and he didn't recover for a long time. Benito, who was still a teenager at the time, named her Hena. Anadi is now twenty-four years old. In the lion cum, this belongs to just entering middle age. After Ana found Benito looking at her, she shook her wings and roared loudly at him. The sound board was sharp and loud, like an eagle or a lion, just like a female general shouting loudly on the battlefield.

"Unlock the chains!

When Benito saw Ana, he felt better

He laughed loudly, and shouted vigorously to the gardener who got up early and was watering the flowers: "Let Ana fly!" The old gardener ran to Ana's side tremblingly, and untied her from the iron chain carefully. One end of the iron chain was connected to the iron ring that Ana moaned, and because his movements were very cautious and fearful, Ana also stood up and yelled at him as a prank. The old gardener was so frightened that he sat on the ground that she giggled. When the old gardener finally unlocked the lock with his hands, the lion stallion straightened up, shook off the feathers on his body, and let out another cry. She pulled the old gardener aside and took two steps on the ground before flying up. She hovered in the courtyard, and called out again when she passed by Benito. She didn't stop by his side, but turned her head and rang far away. She was going to hunt and Benito knew well that Ana had stopped eating the food he fed since she was seven or eight years old. She usually catches a calf or a lamb, sometimes a deer, but not a hyena or a wolf. If she was careful, she would fly far away to catch some fish for snacks, but she would not bring them back. Benito knew all about Ana's living habits like the back of his hand. He loved the white griffin even more than his wife. But when Ana flew too far, Benito would still worry subconsciously—maybe a certain day, a certain morning. She can't come back.

like his father, 1

"Your Majesty, you got up really early today.

Hildigard's voice sounded behind him: "Is there something bothering you.

"You really understand me, Hildigard." Benitoce sighed and turned his head: "Sometimes I'm afraid of you."

"You are afraid of anyone, Your Majesty, you are far less brave than you have shown yourself." Hildigard said calmly.

"However, no one asks that the king must be fearless. The king is also a mortal, and a mortal will be afraid. All people want is that their lives will become better, and that is enough."

You are right, my friend. Benitosh was silent for a long time, then nodded seriously.

"Loyalty is my duty.

De said... Today's breakfast is boiled goose eggs, fried fish with onions and bacon, and two apples. Blood sausage or cheese, if you want, as much as you want.

"Of course, Your Majesty," Hildigard nodded and followed Benito to the castle, his face expressionless as usual, "this matter is not particularly urgent. But I think it is very important , may affect your view of some events."

"Then let me hear how important it is."

Benitoce said straightforwardly.

"It's loosely about Coboga. Her grandmother... you know, the old witch who was dying of illness - she woke up a few days ago and brought us important information about Princess Coboga these days. Hildigard said: "Contrary to what we thought, Goboga did not die, nor was he caught by Povatuholi.

"Where is she? Is her son still alive?"

Benitosh's voice immediately calmed down. Hildigard paused, and said: "She seems to hope that her mother, or her grandmother, can send troops from Burgundy to rescue her... Benito I shouted sharply without hesitation: "Come out at this time, she Do you want to die? ! Let her stay with Adrian first, at least it is safe there, and Solomon can't find it and can bring us back important information.

"But the Marquis of Povato knows the truth," said Hildigard, "and he knows that Bogart did not go to Wallachia at all."

"If you know it, don't say it. It's rare that Solomon is looking in the wrong direction, so let him go in the wrong direction." .We will help him at the critical moment. The main task is to save the life of Coboga and her son - especially her demented son. Dementia is better, just alive."

"Obey, I'll pass it on."

Speaking of this, Hildigard paused: "But, are we really going to help him?" Benitoce said casually: "Also, go to have breakfast with me now. Anyway, the earliest news will be It can only be passed on at night." Hildigard replied respectfully as usual.

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