To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 3 Chapter 34: clever benito

Something's not right lately. Benitoce frowned tightly, lost in thought.

Two days ago, news from the witch Alia, Earl Sason's daughter Goboja, and Du Juanhou's wife came back one after another. Because the three pieces of information he got had some wonderful contradictions. According to the news from Goboga, the king's soldiers lost her, thinking that she had gone to Wallachia, and Solomon also took the opportunity to threaten Du Penghou to hand over Goboga... This part of the news, and The other two sides are the same.

But neither Alia nor the Wallachia leader mentioned anything about "the Dujuan prince surrendered to Solomon" and "welcome Goboga and the prince back". Even everything is exactly the opposite—in fact, Du Juanhou just spent a lot of money to raise a water head. Just about to take something out of his mouth. Good for King Solomon. Why did it become like this? What exactly went wrong?

"Your Majesty, everything has been arranged.

Hildigard's voice sounded behind Benito: "They have no objections. He is still the same as before, wearing an emerald green hunting suit. He is proud of his white jade-colored longbow on his back. There are two iron swords, one long and one short.

"White Bow", "Bow", "Lucky Archer", these are the titles of Hildigard in his early years. It is said that this man was once blessed by Artemis, and when he was young, he competed with a centaur and won. He still managed to escape in front of the huge black dragon whose head was as big as a mountain. Coupled with his handsomeness, the deeds of his youth were compiled into ballads by poets and sung everywhere. Perhaps being handsome is the main reason for his fame.

"I don't think they will have any objections. My Hildigard. Benito turned his head and said casually: Let those corpses hang for a while longer. Wait until they are rotten and then take them down."


Hildigard responded, paused and asked, "What are you hesitating about?

Benito grinned and touched Hildigard's shoulder.

He said in a deep voice: "I'm thinking about the news about Du Juanhou's surrender to King Solomon. How likely is it to be true? If it is false, then who is lying? What is his purpose? ?

He raised his head and looked at Hildigard with scorching eyes: "My good hunter, my teacher. Tell me, what do you think about the intelligence of the previous few days?"

"My opinion is... Adrian's intentions are huge, Hildigard hesitated, and said: "I think he lied. There is a possibility of more than 50%.

the question is that. What benefits can the Pope get? It would be much more profitable for him to hide Goboja," Shi Wang snorted coldly, I can imagine it. He definitely planned to teach Gobojia's son to be a priest and obey him. That's the way to treat him most profitable plan."

So, eliminate dissidents? "Benito shook his head: "The old man is not a weak person, and his obsession with power is beyond human reach. If he thought that someone would shake his position, he would have done it long ago, and there would be no resistance. I prefer to believe that the last words he said to Coboga were just excuses for her to act with confidence. "So, it's King Solomon's fake news?

Benito was silent for a while, then said:

"I mean, why didn't King Solomon actually spread the news, or let someone else finish it. Instead, he only told the Adrians?"

Stone King lightly tapped on the handrail of the window sill. Seeing Ana circling and flying into the distance, she said, "It's just as Adrian Shi said. If King Solomon really adopts such a plan, he needs to pick a nobleman at random and ask him to find a fake Goboga. It’s enough to act with yourself. After that, Coboga and her son have no value. Killing or not killing is the shortest distance for Solomon. It only needs a simple performance, welcome back The missing princess can make Coboga immediately become a meaningless abandoned child. If this false news is not from Pope Adrian, but from Solomon, it means that this plan is He figured it out. But the current situation will not only cause unnecessary trouble for Solomon, but also disrupt Adrian's original plan, and even cause Marquis Du Juan to be assassinated.

It seems that everyone will suffer in it. Whether it is Pope Adrian or Marquis Du Juan, they will be pulled by intelligence and fall into a crisis that is difficult to break out of. And Coboga will also become Solomon. After all, in principle, this Frank still has half of Carloman. If his son had come forward to claim his share, it would have meant that the entire Fak would be divided at Solomon's hands. This is not only a major blow to his ruling power, but also will cause unresolvable factional struggles in the country, and even plunge the whole country, or half of the country, into a quagmire. Bogar forced out. It is also impossible. Because for him, Coboga is not only an enemy that must be eliminated, but also an enemy that must be attacked secretly. It was impossible for him to let her go, and still in this direct confrontation. Because if he strangled Goboga in a fair manner, it would mean that he admitted that Carloman was killed by him.

So, who actually lied? What is his purpose?

Benito's head almost hurt from thinking about it.

"If you can't figure out who will benefit, Sire," said Hildigard, "think about who is the most unlucky among them and who is the least unlucky among them. If everyone is wise, then everything will be fine." Should be pretty clear.

"The most unlucky one. Of course it is Dujuan Houjuyiwali.

Benito replied: "Solomon's rule will plant factors of instability. Coboga, who was hiding well, will also start to flee, and the old guy Cuivari will be killed directly. The least unlucky After thinking for a moment, he frowned and whispered, "Could it be Adrian? "

"Yes, Your Majesty. He has completely avoided the risk of being found hiding Cobogat. He can also take advantage of the opportunity to hide Cobogat's son. He can also eliminate dissidents by the way. Originally, this is not for the Pope." A difficult thing, but he was risking his head now after all.

Hildigard sneered: "So the situation is not very clear? This is just a move that the Pope intends to use the Marquis to distract his mind."

"It's you, Hildigard! My good archer. I know you have a pair of good eyes, but I didn't expect you to have a good brain!" He immediately became excited, and punched Hildigard on the shoulder.

"Adrian, it's too dangerous... I thought it would be enough to exile him, but he actually tried to usurp the throne.

Benito frowned: "If he becomes the king of Frank, I'm afraid he will be harder to deal with than Solomon." He took two belly steps and ordered: "That's it, Hildigard. Pass down the order: Send a few assassins to sneak into Du Juanhou's banquet. When Coboga made a move, he took advantage of the chaos to assassinate Adrian. If not, go and attack Koboga. Let the bystanders realize that there are two groups of assassins. In this way, King Solomon will realize the problem, and Adrian's plan to hide himself will come to nothing. Fall) into the hands of Solomon—Solomon is not a stupid person, and he cannot be allowed to have any possibility of knowing the top secret information about the witch. Benito sighed with satisfaction: feed the important information to Solomon bit by bit, Not letting him know that I'm **** behind my back...that's really hard.

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