To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 3 Chapter 42: life he loves

It has been more than a month since the massacre in the territory of Wallachia. It was getting late. Adrian Shi closed his eyes, carried a heavy metal piece, and crawled around the room on all fours. And a little boy sat on the bed and looked at him in a daze.

Adrian's movements are very quick and light, and he can avoid obstacles in the room without eyes, like a lizard crawling on the ground. Just then, there was a knock on his door.

He opened his eyes immediately. In the deep and dim pupils, there was a brilliance like electric sparks popping up, and then gradually fading away. The old Pope asked calmly, and stood up from the ground. He took off the vest with the metal sheet sewn behind him, and put it back in his cabinet. Even after crawling on the ground for a long time, his hands were still as clean as if they had just been washed. Not only is it clean and abnormal, but you can even faintly smell clear oil and incense.

"It's me, your loyal Leo. Archbishop Leo's respectful voice sounded outside: "I lord, you are looking for me. Adrian didn't have any expression on his face, he just walked over and opened the big "】, and put Leo in.

If an ordinary person came here, he would show that iconic kind and majestic smile. But only in front of Leo, such preparations are no longer necessary.

"May the wisdom of King Solomon be with you.

"May he bless you too. The two lightly touched their foreheads and hearts with their dominant hands in sequence, as a simple salute.

Adrian walked to the cupboard and said casually, "What do you want to drink?"

"Wine bar, you can have some as you like." Leo chuckled, showing a simple and harmless expression, as if he hadn't seen the boy on the bed.

Adrian I responded lightly. He touched the wall of his bosom with his hand, turned the water into transparent wine and handed it to Leo.

This is one of the abilities he has learned to master.

Since Adrian was a young man, he had already sat on the position of archbishop at a young age because of his piety and his role as the Pope's mentor.

Since then. He gradually realizes that he can do some amazing things. For example, turning water into wine or any drink you have drunk, or paralyzing the heart of someone who is close to you and has murderous intentions towards you, or igniting something that is rushing towards you at high speed. But Adrian did not hide his special features. Instead, it was widely publicized. Among his many miracles, quite a few of them are divine arts that can only be accessed at the archbishop level. But only those three special abilities are things that other priests cannot do. He called it a miracle, proof that King Solomon's lineage was repeated in him. So. He has the support of a considerable part of the nobility and the royal family. Because Adrian belonged to the faction of the princely family, which was different from the mainstream faction at that time. At the time of the Gothic war, the main voice at home was the Compromisers who restored peace. It's not just the people at the bottom who want the war to stop. These bishops hope so much more. They do not produce, and if no one feeds them they will starve to death. The more civilians die, the lower their quality of life will be. The land won was Gothic, the population gained was pagan. They get almost no benefit. But Adrian chose to support the war, supported the very young Benito and his father, and even gave them recruitment speeches and pre-war mobilization. As Ruo Goth fought more and more bravely, the once hopeless and chaotic atmosphere in the country gradually recovered. And many people looked back at this time and realized that this young archbishop had silently done so much for Goth.

So something happened that made the Pope feel wrong. The Gothic king at that time and the next Gothic king both supported and even promoted this statement on a large scale. With the victory of the army, Archbishop Adrian, who obviously did nothing, was pushed to the position of a hero. With the support of the king and many great nobles, Adrian even gradually won over half of the bishops. Even right inside the church. More and more people believe that he is the reincarnation of King Solomon.

One of the things that proves his identity is his miracle of turning water into beauty. Many people believe that this is the miracle that **** led the crowd through various places and remained healthy after three months of abstinence from food and drink. And the last two abilities he learned and mastered made those assassins who assassinated him almost all become nourishment to prove his greatness. As far as Leo knew, he even contacted other archbishops and asked them to hire assassins to assassinate him in front of everyone, so as to establish his mysterious image.

In the end, it took him six years to go from being the youngest archbishop with the lowest approval rating to becoming the chief bishop who controlled most of the bishops' conference and almost the entire bottom of the Holy See.

"I was almost the same as you back then. Leo the Pope watched Leo drank his drink. He couldn't help sighing softly: I am also the same as you. I don't have anyone's support. It's just different from you. You also have no one against you.

"Yes, my lord. But it's my luck." Leo laughed haha: "It just so happened that I didn't meet anyone I wanted to fight with them.

"I think so too.

The Pope nodded, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly but he didn't smile.

He said earnestly: "I've heard some bad news...about that thing in Wallachia."60

"The people called it the 'Blood Banquet'. Now people are saying something everywhere. Although Du Juan Hou seemed to be assassinated suddenly by the Goths, it was actually the result of the joint efforts of the Holy See and King Stone. The purpose was to steal Take away Princess Carloman's son, and usurp half of the Franks when he becomes an adult. "

Leo said with some trouble: "After all, His Majesty the King has no evidence. But we have actually ruled out the hidden dangers.

"Yes. The hidden danger has been eliminated, whether it is the problem of Cobojia being discovered or the problem of Cobojia's identity being stolen. But a new hidden danger has also been born. That is, those who have personally experienced this incident You, me, and others. The Pope said solemnly: "Although I have selected some pious and faithful brothers, it is not ruled out that someone will come to tempt them later, trying to get the hidden facts behind that incident.

"But I don't think you can keep your mouth shut," Leo said directly. "That would almost mean that your lord has a guilty conscience. Although the king still doesn't have any. According to...but there are some people who do things, it is not important evidence." Yes, the old man sighed He said: "So I can only ask you to help me take care of them. Prevent them from being tempted by malicious people and make their innocent souls fall into the abyss of sin. You are my most trusted archbishop and their elder brother, but Gotta keep an eye on them for me. When this is over, I'll make you head bishop.

"Ah...that's really great! Leo's eyes are bright and he has a happy smile on his face.

The two of them chatted for a while afterward. After Leo left the room, the two of them hurried away with warm and happy smiles on their faces.

Really... Leo glanced back at the Pope's house, shut his mouth and walked out in silence. He has some confidence.

Now, the Pope is completely afraid to kill him. As he said before, although all the people who returned from Wallachia kept silent, Adrian Shi did not dare to silence anyone. As long as this news is not spoken out and no one knows, it is the best amulet. Because the news doesn't even have to spread, as long as they die, King Solomon will start to doubt the Pope's intentions. Not even just kings. The same goes for those middle and lower Christians who trust the Pope. Their trust in the Pope will also crumble at that time.

If belief even loses the most basic trust, what is left? But Leo's expression was a little complicated. What the Phoenix lady said was not wrong, as expected no one could understand her. Even the pope tried to use the position of the chief bishop to buy himself 2, to control the most deadly weapon of speech to him so that it does not get out of control. Maybe people can understand that their desires are stronger than their own? ! people, but it is difficult to understand desires lower than their own. This is the blind spot that all intelligent people share. "

Leo repeated Ms. Phoenix's words in a low voice, showing a self-deprecating wry smile: But I... don't want to do this.

He looked at the vast starry sky, feeling lost for a moment in the indescribable tranquil beauty. He even wanted to write a song, or a poem praising the beauty of the starry sky. But here, no one can hear, no one is interested. No one loves this starry sky as much as he does, the instruments played by stringed instruments, and the feeling of juicy food being cut between his teeth. No one loves such a happy life. No one wants to stop here and stand still. And ironically. Those who don't want to move forward will be pushed forward, and those who want to move forward are doomed to stop.


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