To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 3 Chapter 61: cornerstone of civilization

"The steam engine Morris repeated suspiciously. Charles nodded and looked directly at Haisang: "Do you understand? ".

I don't quite understand.

Mei Sang was silent for a while, and said honestly: 'I can only see that this is a machine powered by steam. It looks like it's for lifting. But the Fengshen Wheel doesn't seem to have much power, does it? "

He just smiled slightly, and said calmly: "If you know this, it's easy to explain.

"Not only the generation of steam will cause the force of expansion, but also the condensation of steam in a confined space can also produce suction. You can do this experiment yourself later, and I will say the conclusion first."

"This suction is due to the condensing of a large volume of steam into a small volume of water, creating a vacuum. The interaction of the vacuum with the atmosphere creates a one-way force. After my experiments, the pressure exerted by the atmosphere is approximately equal to thirty inches long The pressure created by the vertical column of mercury. It is this pressure that determines the height to which the liquid can be lifted by suction.

Charles explained the knowledge of atmospheric pressure in the language as easy as possible: "In this regard, I speculate that as the altitude increases, this pressure will decrease. This may make the water in the high seas easier to boil. In other words, atmospheric pressure can do work on the piston that creates the vacuum.

"From the screw pump invented by the sage Archimedes to the piston pump invented by the sage Ctesibius, there are all pumps for pumping water. I was wondering if there is a pump for pumping air After his voice fell, Baixiang took out a gold hemisphere that was tightly fitted together, and there were two metal rings on both sides of the half. Baimen handed the sphere to Morris silently. Morris took it Passing the iron ball, he originally thought it was solid, but he didn't expect it to be so light that his skin flickered for a moment.

Morris stood still in a panic, and looked at Charles with some confusion: "I didn't use nails or fire to fuse them together," Charles said with a smile, "It's just that the air between them was almost drained, so Immediately there was a strong suction force "You mean, an artificial void? "

Hassan looked at this in surprise.

Charles nodded: "Try pulling it away.

"Yes, Your Majesty.

Morris nodded, and first carefully pulled his nose, but it didn't move at all. He froze for a moment, then began to increase his strength. But until he tried his best, the ball didn't change at all "I try

Hey, I didn't open it, you are so old, but as soon as he put his hand on Haisang's shoulder, he immediately felt hot. It's like touching the pot of boiling water. Uldi shouted loudly, rushed over and slapped Morris' hand away. Before Morris could react, a blazing flame burst into Haisang's body. His whole body was shrouded in golden-red flames, and the scorching heat made Morris almost shed tears. He immediately backed away, but even at that moment, he still felt his face was a little dry from the heat.

He stared in astonishment at Haisang, who was bathed in the fire like a god. He watched it for a long time, then avoided his eyes in awe, and lowered his head towards Haisang, this man is really the high priest! Not a counterfeit! Morris reacted belatedly. He heard Hai Sang chanting those incomprehensible words before, and thought he was a liar or a lunatic.

result now

His heart moved, and he looked at King Solomon.

His Majesty the King was calmly looking at Haisang who was bathed in the fire, like a **** descending from the earth, without any panic or fear.

Auris immediately remembered what Haisang had said to him earlier. Wisdom and compassion are beyond the imagination of Morris. But there is also a little more hope in my heart. Haisang worked hard for another five or six seconds before the flames on his body gradually faded away. Judging from his demeanor. That shouldn't be the force scorpion, but that he didn't dare to burn the iron ball to cause something to happen due to the high temperature.

Can't tear it apart.

Haisang took a deep breath, looked at the iron ball in his hand in surprise, and explained to Charles: "Your Majesty, I used the secret method of the Jacko Sect before, and I used the power of Ahura Mazda to strengthen myself, and Ge's level can be improved. There are four horses, but they still can’t be pulled away. I know that it’s the spell "Fire Power" in the Baal domain. Charles nodded and said calmly: "Of course ten horses are not enough. According to my experiment. It can even withstand the pull of sixteen horses.

"But this is only half of this theory. When we established that there is a powerful and terrifying force in atmospheric pressure, I was thinking about how to use this invisible force to turn it into a usable force. If it is cheaper and easier to use Sadly there is a more practical way to get this atmospheric pressure.

"My idea is to still use water and steam—use an independent condensation chamber to get power from atmospheric pressure.

With that said, Charles pointed to the drawing in their hands that was it. And you see, there's a chamber here that converts steam pressure into force and I call it a cylinder.

"It has two-way air intake, and a piston is connected to a rod in the middle. In this way, as long as the left air intake, the rod can be pushed to the right; the right air intake can push the piston to reset the rod. At least sixteen horses or more, enough to generate enormous force. I call the distance the piston travels from one extreme position to the other a stroke.

"A typical model of steam engine, by my calculations, can pump eighty barrels an hour at a pumping depth of yards. This is assuming six foot strokes per piston, sixteen double strokes per minute. ideally.

"Your Majesty, I have a question.

Haisang hesitated for a moment, and said, "What if there is an air or water leak? No matter how good a blacksmith is, it is impossible to perfectly make a part that looks exactly like the drawing. It will definitely have gaps. If the pressure has been stored so much If it is, maybe steam will come out of it and burn people or damage it. It is also a problem that the strength of the metal is not enough.

"I think this can be settled, sir.

Urdi on the side said: "The committee of the Tang State may be able to

Haisang immediately rebuffed: "Only the ox that is pulled by the courtiers of the first grade can be used as an ornament. This is even more expensive than gold." I tell you this because I want you to use your wisdom to help me complete its design. I have done experiments on the basic principle, and I can confirm that it is established. Charles smiled slightly and said peacefully: "The only thing left is the process of sealing, which is left to you.

"Of course, the essence of the steam engine is to use steam to generate a great force. I think it may have other uses or it must have other uses. But that is what I will consider for the sages later I think it's okay, Your Majesty

Looking at the drawing of the steam engine, he hesitated for a moment, and said: Charles smiled slightly, and said calmly, "I always thought so."

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