To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 3 Chapter 77: Wrath of the Lion

...have you met the king?

Leonardo took a deep breath. Although he is also the son of the marquis, he still feels a little nervous at this moment.

His father once imprisoned Princess Koboga. Also tried to blackmail King Solomon for it. This made him feel guilty and uneasy. His father, the Marquis de Cuivaripoitou, was not even willing to hand over Princess Coboga's body—if she had been killed, at least bury her. Leonardo met Princess Koboga once a few years ago.

She is so peaceful and beautiful. It is as soft and pure as an owl standing in the water, and its clear and bright eyes seem to be able to speak. Even when meeting Leonardo for the first time, facing him who was clumsy and noisy, Coboga always spoke softly and patiently taught him the noble table manners.

Although he was the same age as himself, Leonardo, who was still a child at the time, could never forget Coboga's gentleness and courtesy.

Then. When he heard about her again, he learned that she was married to Prince Carloman.

Well, at least Prince Carloman is quite handsome and smart, unlike his clumsy and dull self. But after Coboga had an accident in his family's territory, his father didn't give any explanation. Some say he used Coboga's body in a wicked and obscene witchcraft ritual, and others say that Dujuan Hou planned to sell the beautiful Coboga to the king of Goth in exchange for a piece of land in Goth - did he do it or not? did not do it? Leonardo was very puzzled.

He repeatedly asked his father to explain the matter. If you did something wrong, you should pay the price, at least you should admit your mistake; if you didn't do something wrong, you should also show evidence and show a frank attitude.

But he just arrested those innocent people who spread the news, beat them up or even beat them to death—they were clearly misled, but his father wanted to break their legs or hands.

How can they survive without their legs and hands? Without these young laborers, how will their relatives survive? When Leonardo questioned his father angrily, he got a very indifferent answer.

"What does that have to do with me? What does it have to do with you?"

"They are your subjects, and you are responsible to them

"Yes, they are my property. I am responsible for my property.

After receiving such a response, Leonardo completely lost confidence in his father.

He often ran to that tavern, and murmured his dissatisfaction with the proprietress of the tavern. Also under her suggestion, he distributed the money he saved to buy horses to those poor people whose hands were cut off. The strange thing is that he clearly told those people not to talk nonsense—because he actually didn’t have too much money. Too much pocket money can only help a few people. But after a few days word of his deed spread throughout Wallachia. When he was walking on the street, he would be caught by such behavior, which unexpectedly did not excite his indifferent father. Du Juanhou just said that he would not make up a penny of the money Leonardo sent out, and he would not have any more change in the future. This is not a powerful threat to Leonardo.

Anyway, it's not his turn to spend most of his money, and most of it is taken by his friends to drink together. Leonardo, who was born in a marquis family and had no worries about food and drink, was not sensitive to money, and he didn't have anything in particular he wanted. He didn't even spend half of the five silver coins every month.

Until that day, Pope Adrian came to Wallachia. Things just got a little different.

Because of a rebellion, his father threatened to send him to the Holy See as an intellectual. This was barely a deterrent to Leonardo.

After all, Leonardo is different from his father. His mind has not been very good. It is okay to work hard to hammer heavy iron, move things and so on. But learning those mumbled things indistinctly, he will only feel sleepy. Thinking of himself sitting on the seat like a wooden pole, being reprimanded and forced to learn something he didn't understand from morning till night, Leonardo felt subconsciously afraid. So he sulked. When I went to the tavern I frequented to drink the last drink, a tragedy happened. The Gothic Stone King sent a wave of assassins, disguised as musicians, to infiltrate the castle and kill several bishops and archbishops...and his entire family. If it wasn't for His Excellency the Pope's divine power, even he would have been assassinated there.

Leonardo speculated that the Goths had planned this operation to assassinate the Pope who had left Saint-Denis. After all, he never imagined that there was any conflict between their family and the Goths... But his annoying father was nothing more than that, and his mother and grandmother were also killed by the Goths' assassins. Not even his newborn brother survived. There were only two survivors of the Povato family. Apart from him, there was only the fat Shuitou Malajiji who came to lazily with him that day. Leonardo originally looked down on this greasy fat man who was always smiling. On the one hand, it was because he was not good-looking, and on the other hand, it was because he had a strangely good relationship with his father. But after the disaster happened, those friends of mine left him one by one. Only this fat man who is not handsome at all is by his side.

He comforted himself, hunted in the wilderness with him, and accompanied him through the most difficult and painful days. Hatred was better than pain, he told himself, that revenge was a sacred duty. He told himself that the strength of the heart is better than the strength of the body. He made himself stand up again from loneliness and despair, opened the eyes of the young lion, and let Leonardo know what is the strength of the heart. Because he heard that His Majesty the King has taken back the Wallachia Territory. In Leonardo's iron-hard head, his logic was that since the king took back their family's property, then it belonged to him. He went back to his home to take these things, which was essentially theft. Leonardo vowed to return the blood to Benito, King of Stone, in full - no matter the cost.

He left Wallachia to be with Malakiji. His eyes gradually shone with a lion-like brilliance, and those with evil hearts and blood on their hands dared not look directly at him, and his sword blade seemed particularly heavy and sharp to them. And in the past half a month, Leonardo has also gradually understood what kind of life ordinary civilians live, and also heard about the series of actions of their wise and wise new king. And when Leonardo and Malajiji recited how wise King Solomon was for the sixth time, Malagiji said so.

"Don't tell me, I actually know King Charles.

Malajiji said solemnly:

Leonardo once thought that this fat man was bragging until now, when he was really led by Malajiji into the royal court of Frank and stood in front of King Solomon's gate, he was so fat... Who is it?

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