To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 4 Chapter 53: lorenzo's melancholy

In late autumn, the morning dew in Florence is extremely cold. Lorenzo de' Medici sat by the window on the third floor of the Wild Rose Hotel, turning the pages of the book alone.

In front of him is a warm bowl of creamy quail egg stewed fish soup, which is their signature dish, and there is a charcoal fire underneath, so don't worry about it getting cold soon.

On the stairs behind him, a young man with dark hair and blue eyes, extremely pale and thin walked up slowly.

When Lorenzo heard the footsteps, he turned his head and couldn't help smiling.

"Long time no see, Leonardo.

"Long time no see, Lorenzo.

Leonardo responded casually, sitting opposite Lorenzo, showing a gentle smile: Our eldest son of the duke can still remember an ordinary person like me, it is really my honor that a mortal like me can have you It is my pleasure to be your friend, Leonardo. Lorenzo smiled helplessly: "Don't make fun of me.

"Then I'll take your words as flattery." Leonardo said casually, picked up the spoon, and added the fish soup to the two bowls: "Here, yours. "After taking the fish soup handed over by Leonardo, Lorenzo noticed very carefully that the amount of fish soup in the two bowls was exactly the same. Not only the soup noodles were at the same height, but even the amount of fish meat, The same amount as quail eggs. And this is just a few spoonfuls that Leonardo added at random." I really envy you, Leonardo.

Lorenzo sighed: "You are always so outstanding. No matter what you do, you are far beyond ordinary people. If I have you, just give me a quarter of my talents, and I will not fail in everything."

"I guess you have a question to ask me." Leonardo smiled slightly and asked directly: "Tell me, just treat it as meal money." I will answer for you.

"I have Francesco de Pazzi wanted according to your letter."

When it came to business, Lorenzo also became serious: "My friend, what am I going to do next?"

"What do you think?"

Leonardo took a sip of the fish soup and asked calmly, "What do you think you should do?"

I. Guess I should magnify the progress of this matter. Let the whole country know Francesco of the Pazzi family and what the Pazzi family has done. "


"Then, I think the Pazzi family should have reacted. They may bribe or assassinate us, so we should invest a certain amount of manpower to protect and monitor these witnesses.

"Wrong, Lorenzo. You can't protect everyone, and the Pazzi family won't bet all their odds on this matter.

Leonardo sighed, and Qing said: "Do you need to protect them? After they say what they say, their life and death will become meaningless, so what if they are bought?" Then let They are being bought. People's hearts can of course be induced, and the people are naturally stupid and ignorant. But people are not puppets after all, let alone mindless slaves. They don't believe what you say.

Leonardo said calmly: "Sometimes, they believe whatever you say, and sometimes, they don't believe anything.

"It's as easy for a foolish mortal to trust everything as to doubt everything, because those two things require no brains.

"You make people suspicious, show them what the Patsys do so that if people who say it change their mouths, people immediately believe them again?" Leonardo said, with picturesque serenity Smiling, he said softly: "The human heart has never been such a simple toy.

"People have started to doubt, and the power is like a tidal wave. All you have to do is convince people of their doubts, make them clear, make them angry and so on.

Lorenzo felt a sudden chill in his heart as he was stared at by those serene holy blue pupils. As if it wasn't his childhood friend, Leonardo, who was staring at him. It's like a **** who is high above and omniscient. He collected himself, and asked softly with a somewhat dry throat: "So, what should I do?"

"Organize a workers' strike. The Patsys will surely get in the way. Violent Town. If they don't do it in time, then you do it yourself. Then. Make it public.

"In other words, inciting people to hate the Pazzi family?"

"If you want to use the word incitement, yes." Leonardo replied: "It is easier and more durable to make people hate each other than to make people love each other." The latter is a divine desire, but the former is easy. Even just a gossip, a bad word sounds terrible.

"Because it is indeed terrifying, Lorenzo. Leonardo looked suspiciously into Lorenzo's pupils, whose pale golden light flickered on and off; "I'm glad you realize that such power is immoral.

"So is there another way I can choose?"

"of course not.

"I think so.

Lorenzo smiled helplessly: "I still remember the sentence you said when you first met me, 'As a king, there will never be peace'

"Shakespeare's words," Leonardo shrugged and ate a warm quail egg, "you know, I didn't say it.

"But I'm becoming more and more aware of its validity.

Lorenzo sighed and put down his spoon: "People will hate me.

"Men will hate all rulers, leaders, and all who are over their heads. No one would wish to be free, my friend. Unless fanaticism, fear, or grace can make them forget this hatred for a while." Lay Leonardo shrugged, and added one more to himself. That's why he didn't want to be king. He raised his head and looked at Leonardo seriously: "You know, I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that. Not to mention he is, like you said, hurting others." You have a good heart, Luo Renzo. That's why I will be your friend. Leonardo shook his head with a smile, and said peacefully, "But most good people have the same deficiency." They all like to wishfully exaggerate the good deeds they have done, and because of this, people have an overly optimistic illusion. They are addicted to this kind of fantasy, thinking that the good deeds they do must help others." Leonardo's pupils were still calm and cold, so cold that it made people frightened: "Aren't you too arrogant, Luo Renzo? Do you think you are a god? Without making any mistakes, you can satisfy everyone, without hurting anything that is manifested by your spiritual power?" Hearing this, Lorenzo was speechless. The psionic energy he awakened was very simple—it was to make people agree with his words from the bottom of their hearts. This is the power hatched in Lorenzo's inner fear of "I can't be a good ruler".

"There will never be an answer that satisfies everyone in this world. This is called Arrow's Impossibility Theorem. If you want to hear it. I can tell you about this topic Lorenzo Silencer, shaking his head: "I'm already sober It was too arrogant before. I will do it.

"The Patsys must be destroyed. It's good for you. It's good for me. It's good for most people. That's enough. Don't search for the philosophy of it, and don't try to doubt where your authority comes from. Because It doesn't stand up to scrutiny." Leonardo drank the last sip of fish soup, and I tried my best.

"Well, Lorenzo. If you can keep your innocence like this, I will give you a gift before you die.

Leonardo raised his eyebrows and promised.

Lorenzo said helplessly: "The time of this bet is probably too long... Forget it, I will remember it. Then I hope you can live longer than me."

"Then I'll go first." If you have other questions, you can come to Master Verrocchio's studio to find me, and if you don't know what to do after the public opinion is stirred up, you can also come and ask me.

Leonardo got up, and finally whispered: "Actually, you can call the teacher too. There is nothing to hide.

I just don't want to be too embarrassing.

Wait until after Leonardo leaves. Lorenzo reached out and covered his forehead, and murmured in a low voice: "Will I be a qualified king?" Leonardo is much better than me, he is even better than his father and teacher. Know everything, understand people's hearts, like an omniscient and omnipotent god. Lorenzo sighed again before noticing the fish soup left in the pot. The fish soup had exactly half the meat left and the same with the quail eggs. The fishbone was removed, the fat of the fish melted slightly, and the thick soup no longer burned your mouth. It was the most delicious temperature. Would you like to have a meal? It’s so good. Lorenzo took a sip of the delicious fish soup, feeling even more depressed up.

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