To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 6 Chapter 12: Suicide is illegal and carries a maximum penalty of death

When Luke opened his eyes again, he almost thought he had a long dream: after all, Luke didn't feel any wounds on his body, and there was no pain in his body, so he almost thought so. Although Carl had reduced it to its lowest was still enough to kill an unprotected normal person. For at least that moment, the touch of death was so clear.

Luke could even smell Death's breath clearly—it was close at hand.

But now, he doesn't have the slightest scar on his body.

"Because I have already cured you all. Wearing a white gown, Zheng Fu put his hands in his pockets, stood aside and said softly: "You know, my healing ability is very outstanding.

"Very... Dr. Zheng Fu. Luke stood up slowly from the ground in fear, and breathed a sigh of relief: "You saved my life, good brother. I managed to find a job this time, and I may not have the opportunity to be reborn next time... I don't want to be a rice bug and be compensated. "In this day and age, not everyone has the right to work.

Yes, "work" is no longer an obligation, but a right. This is actually an evolutionary model of human beings. In the very ancient earth age, people would desire not to do physical work. If people can not participate in manual work, it means that they have either already survived by virtue of their intelligence in society, or they will soon die. Either way, the genes that make humans better and smarter will be passed on.

And in the future, even people who have already used their intelligence to work will hope that they can be more leisurely and their workload can be reduced. This kind of lazy desire will make people with lower power gradually lose the power to have offspring... Therefore, it also means that the average intelligence level of society has been improved. In other words, people will feel happy because of laziness, which itself is an evolutionary screening mechanism. Those who lack ability have no room for laziness.

And the same is true in today's era. In this day and age...suicide is illegal. Because as long as people are alive, they will continuously provide spiritual energy for human beings all over the world. In this era, psychic power generation and psychic breeding technologies have already been developed. In other words, people have realized the perpetual use of new energy. And suicide means that you destroy the energy shared by all people. If the scale of suicide is too large, it may even affect regional functions. Therefore, suicide is very dangerous, a measure that harms others and harms oneself. Suicides are usually sentenced to more than 20 years in prison, and the highest sentence is the death penalty—referring to the real death penalty. This time it's all soul extinction.

—Since you have voluntarily chosen to give up your right to life, it is better to throw you into the melting pot of souls, as the food to nourish this planet, to use up the last sliver of accumulate fuel for igniting the torch of the star in the future.

Of course, people can die naturally. However, in order to prevent a large area, people have to lottery and line up when they die. And it can only die naturally, and killing others is also a felony. But the problem is that when the body starts to age, the remaining lifespan will become very difficult: seeing yourself getting old, sick, and decaying is by no means an experience that can be easily overcome. Especially when you have reached the limit, but it is not your turn to die, then you will hang on to your life until you can really die. Few people can endure the third decline. So after the second natural death, people usually sign an agreement to suspend the resurrection or give up the resurrection. The former is to temporarily mount one's soul into a server with a small footprint, and live freely in the boundless virtual world "central". And their spiritual bodies provide a steady stream of energy for the whole world. As for the latter, it is to completely abandon this world. Only a very small number of people will persist in living. Feel the gradual growth of the body, learn new knowledge, make new friends, and then participate in the same or different jobs, or live like ordinary rice worms, and then gradually grow old.

Like rice worms, how is it different from death? But there are also some people who will choose to "live" to win the right to work. That's the only thing you can't do after the one-time "youth". But getting a job is not easy.

Because human beings make mistakes, if you want to work, you must first be better than artificial intelligence in the same field. This usually requires you to have professional psionic abilities, or extremely outstanding specialties. After they lose their leading edge, what they have The remaining working hours are gradually reduced.

This means that each death can be the end. The more "worker" you are, the more you cherish your own life.

And Dr. Luke's psychic ability is not a medical specialty. He may die unexpectedly once, and when he returns to his post, he will face his own time-limited dismissal notice.

Even the three months when he was under control had delayed a lot of his study time. The person who controlled his body obviously wouldn't learn from Luke.

"I can't feel it at all, my body is controlled..."

Luke smiled wryly, and thanked repeatedly: "Thank you very much, Major Carl! This nasty guy has wasted a lot of my time, and I have already fallen. Too much... Fortunately, my telescope was not messed with by him. Thank you very much!" Even It wasn't until Carl confronted "Luke" that Luke suddenly realized that his will had been quietly changed: he said things he didn't know without any basis, and did things he didn't know at all. It was not until then that Luke suddenly woke up and realized that he was actually under control.

Zheng Fu said with a smile: "I came here, actually, to investigate this matter. And now I have obtained a lot of useful information.

"But... Karl is also a little puzzled: "Why don't you investigate it yourself? In fact, you can easily subdue him, right? "

He has already had a spiritual resonance with Zheng Fu, and he knows his details very well. And the truth about this incident was told to him by Zheng Fu. This means that even if Zheng Fu didn't learn all the secrets, he should at least know most of the truth... He didn't need to hand over to himself such a "too young" young man whose subjective life expectancy is less than a hundred years old.

Seeing that Carl used the honorific name for Zheng Fu, Luke suddenly looked at the "Doctor Zheng Fu" who had just arrived in the hospital in surprise.

"I can't do it. And their leader... must know me and know my existence."

As he said that, he patted Carl on the shoulder and showed a kind smile: This matter is very troublesome to investigate. But it is actually not very important, and the consequences are not particularly serious, just suitable for newcomers like you to deal with. Of course, the organization trusts your ability and will naturally give you some benefits. I'll take you to the Astronomical Torch in a while, and give you access to primary rights... What do you think? "


Karl just wanted to politely refuse, but he heard Zheng Fu's last words, so he hesitated for a second.

Then please leave it to me.

He responded decisively.

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