To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 681 Happy Children’s Day everyone

Shi Mengwan looked at the handsome face with a hint of evil in front of her and nodded quite shamelessly.

Zhan Haoze narrowed his eyes after listening to her words. His gaze was too dangerous. Shi Mengwan wanted to step back, but it was already too late.

Being pulled into Zhan Haoze's arms again, he lowered his head and kissed her unceremoniously until her hands and feet went weak.

Putting his forehead against hers, his voice was a little rusty: "Okay, let's go outside. I'll take care of the remaining two dishes."

"..." Shi Mengwan's feet were a little weak. She leaned against the wall and looked at Zhan Haoze. She always felt that there was something different about him in front of her.

He pushed her gently: "Go ahead, I'll call you later."

Even if Shi Mengwan didn't believe it, she would have no choice but to go out now. After wiping the table, he went into the kitchen again and saw that Zhan Haoze was actually cooking.

"Are you so worried?"

Shi Mengwan didn't dare to answer Zhan Haoze's question anymore, so she took the bowl and chopsticks and went out quickly.

She just put it away. I happened to get a call. A customer had some ideas about design. Shi Mengwan listened patiently and then wrote them down.

After she and the client have made an agreement, the negotiations are completed. Turning around, Zhan Haoze had already come out of the kitchen.

There are two dishes in hand. He put it down and looked at her: "Come, eat."

Shi Mengwan looked at him suspiciously, took a few steps forward, and looked at the dishes on the table.

She bought onions to fry beef today. This dish looks simple, but it is actually not easy to make.

Beef is a relatively difficult dish to cook. If the heat is not enough, the beef will be undercooked and the taste will be a bit bad. If the heat is overheated and the beef is overcooked, it will be even less delicious.

Shi Mengwan glanced at the beef on the table and saw that it was quite good in terms of appearance.

After sitting down and tasting the chopsticks, she looked at Zhan Haoze in surprise.

"When did you learn to cook?" She really couldn't tell at all.

Zhan Haoze did not answer her question: "How does it taste?"

"very nice."

It was indeed good. What Shi Mengwan was more curious about was how he learned it. Zhan Haoze didn't say anything, but served her a bowl of soup and placed it in front of her.

Shi Mengwan had done this action many times before, and now Zhan Haoze did the same thing to her, and her heart suddenly felt warm.

Many thoughts flashed through her mind, those uncertainties and thoughts of resistance, because of the changes caused by Zhan Haoze's return, it seemed that they were beginning to fade again.

She couldn't resist him when he was cold and indifferent before, but now when he becomes gentle, she can't resist him even more.

what to do? Shi Mengwan. Are you going to sink like this again?

The food tasted to her liking, but she couldn't eat it. Looking up at Zhan Haoze, she found that he was also looking at her. His eyebrows were soft, with a faint smile.

Her heartbeat skipped another beat. She seemed to rarely see Zhan Haoze smiling like this.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?"

Zhan Haoze's voice brought Shi Mengwan back to her senses. She glanced at him: "Yes, there is a design that needs to be repaired tomorrow."

She will complete the changes to the customer's request just now tomorrow.

"Very urgent?"


They are all old customers, so we are not in a hurry when talking.

"Then why not come out for a free day and let's go play?"


Shi Mengwan was stunned for a moment. Going to play? where to have fun?

"You can think about where to go."

Shi Mengwan lowered her head to eat. Is he inviting her on a date?

This time, isn't he afraid of meeting someone he knows again?

"It's not a weekend, so there shouldn't be many people. So you can think about it."

Shi Mengwan originally wanted to go to the newly opened amusement park this year, but when she met Zhan Haoze's eyes, she said out of nowhere: "Let's go to Qin Mountain. I haven't climbed a mountain in a long time."

Zhan Haoze's expression did not change and he nodded lightly: "Okay. Then go climb Qin Mountain."

He looked as if he hadn't thought of anything, and it seemed that Qin Mountain was just an ordinary mountain to him.

Shi Mengwan's mood was inexplicably tangled. Did he forget it, or——

At night, Shi Mengwan looked at Zhan Haoze sleeping next to her, and she always felt that the man in front of her had changed a lot.

"Can't sleep?" Zhan Haoze didn't do anything to her today, he just held her to sleep.

"No." Shi Mengwan turned over and turned her back to sleep. Zhan Haoze turned her body over again. His hands were placed on her body a little irregularly.

Shi Mengwan resisted instinctively: "Stop making trouble. Aren't you going to go hiking tomorrow?"

"It doesn't matter." Zhan Haoze kissed her neck: "If you can't crawl anymore, I will carry you."


Shi Mengwan couldn't defeat Zhan Haoze, but she still let him succeed once. It's just that Zhan Haoze knows to give up when he's ready. He only came once and then let her go.

She couldn't sleep originally, but after being tossed by him like this, she fell asleep very peacefully.

Shi Mengwan was sitting in the car, still in a daze when she arrived at the foot of Qinshan Mountain.

Here, she has never been here since she was separated from her elder brother when she was thirteen years old.

This is a sad place for her. She always regretted and was upset. If she hadn't suggested coming here, the eldest brother wouldn't have met those bad people, and she and the eldest brother wouldn't have been separated.

Shi Mengwan was in a complicated mood at this time, but when she saw Zhan Haoze, she looked like he was fine.

Compared with more than ten years ago, Qinshan has changed a lot. A road was built at the foot of the mountain, leading directly to the mountainside. Originally this was a hilly area and the mountains were not too high.

Shi Mengwan just sat in the car and watched the car go up the mountain. Finally stopped at the parking lot halfway up the hill.

When she got out of the car, she looked at the cars in front of her and behind her. When she turned to face Zhan Haoze, she was a little confused: "Can we not let them follow us?"


It was rare for Zhan Haoze to speak very well, and Shi Mengwan breathed a sigh of relief.

The scenery along the way to the top of the mountain is quite good. Shi Mengwan had no memory of Qinshan. All she had was the beatings and blood shed by her elder brother, and her loss.

Now her mood was different. She stepped up and looked at the beautiful scenery on both sides, feeling appreciative.

I was walking very fast, but I didn't pay attention and tripped over a small stone on the roadside. When her body tilted, Zhan Haoze quickly grabbed her waist and stabilized her body.

This scene is somewhat similar. She turned to look at him, her eyes dim for a moment. Zhan Haoze looked at her nestling in his arms and leaned over to kiss her.

Shi Mengwan's face turned red for a moment, but Zhan Haoze let go of her at this moment.

"Let's go."

Shi Mengwan lowered her head. She quickly wanted to move forward, but Zhan Haoze held her hand.

She was stunned again and turned to look at him. But he held her hand and continued to move forward.

Lin City is actually a bit cold this season, especially when the mountain wind blows. But Shi Mengwan's hand was held by Zhan Haoze, and his hand was very warm.

Such heat made Shi Mengwan ignore the coldness on her hands.

In addition to the big stone that looks like Qin, Qin Mountain also has several strange rocks. Although it cannot be compared with famous mountains like Huangshan, the scenery is quite good.

The two went up the mountain together. Since it was not a weekend, there were not many people.

Shi Mengwan's interest finally aroused after seeing the huge piano stone. She took out her phone and took pictures. The huge stone resembles a huge guqin due to the changes of time.

Shi Mengwan touched it with her hand, turned to look at Zhan Haoze, and said almost subconsciously: "Brother, I'll climb up -"

Shi Mengwan didn't say anything else.

More than ten years ago, when Qinshan was not yet developed and it was not a tourist attraction, no one came here. She once followed her elder brother and climbed up the huge guqin.

Now that she has grown up, and tourists pass by the mountain from time to time, she is embarrassed to climb up.

Zhan Haoze held her waist: "Do you want to go up? If you want to go up, I will carry you up."

Shiqin is huge and naturally very tall. Shi Mengwan shook her head, realizing her slip of the tongue just now, her interest dropped by half.

"No, just be a civilized tourist."

Looking at Zhan Haoze, she handed him the phone. Without saying anything, Zhan Haoze understood what she meant.

After taking a few photos, Shi Mengwan was about to take her phone back when a couple came up, also here to play.

When he saw Shi Mengwan, his eyes lit up: "Beauty, please take a photo for us two."


Shi Mengwan did not refuse and took the other party's mobile phone to take pictures of the other party.

I took several pictures at once from various angles. When the girl took the phone, she said thank you to Shi Mengwan: "Thank you, beauty. Your boyfriend is also very handsome. How about I take a photo for you too?"

Before Shi Mengwan could speak, Zhan Haoze had already handed the phone to the girl.

The girl clicked her tongue, with a look in her eyes. Handsome men and beautiful women. Such models look so cool when photographed.

Shi Mengwan was still a little uncomfortable when Zhan Haoze stood over, and Zhan Haoze put his hand around her shoulders. Look at the camera together.

Shi Mengwan subconsciously raised the corners of her lips, and the hand on her shoulder suddenly exerted a slight force at this moment. She looked at Zhan Haoze with some confusion.

At this moment, he happened to come over and kiss her lips. Shi Mengwan's eyes widened, but she heard the sound of the camera ringing.

The picture is frozen.

Shi Mengwan was a little embarrassed. After the couple left, she quickly left Zhan Haoze.

In addition to this huge stone that looks like a harp, Qin Mountain also has some other stones of different shapes. Shi Mengwan didn't remember much about the time she came here when she was a teenager.

When I revisit my old place, my mood is different. She turned to look at Zhan Haoze, and he was also looking at her.

She wanted to speak several times and ask if she was the eldest brother, but in the end there was only silence. Forget it, why ask again?

If asked, Zhan Haoze would not admit it.

Opening up her mind, Shi Mengwan allowed herself to have fun. As for the rest of the things, for now

It was almost noon when we came down from Qinshan. The two got into the car, but Shi Mengwan was tired after all.

She stayed in the office every day and was a little tired from climbing this mountain. In contrast, Zhan Haoze. His face remained calm and his spirit was calm. No impact at all.

Compared with others, the gap between this person and others is really huge.

When the car passed the foot of the mountain, Shi Mengwan glanced outside. That was the place where she and her elder brother were separated.

She turned to look at Zhan Haoze, but he didn't react at all. Is he really her big brother?

She has never forgotten those memories and time for so many years, but Zhan Haoze seems to have completely forgotten them.

Did he have an accident and lost his memory, or was there something inside that she didn't know?

She thought that Zhan Haoze's current status was different from the past. Perhaps, the experience of being a gangster was not what he wanted.

Is that why he avoids talking about it? is that so?

"Are you hungry? What do you want to eat for lunch?"

Zhan Haoze's face magnified in front of her, and Shi Mengwan realized that she was staring at Zhan Haoze, and felt a little embarrassed.


Zhan Haoze glanced at her and was not annoyed.

The car ended up at a very famous Western restaurant in the center of Lin City. Shi Mengwan followed Zhan Haoze through the door. Before the two of them had time to sit down, someone who knew Zhan Haoze happened to come over.

When the other party saw Zhan Haoze, he came over to say hello.

When Zhan Haoze was chatting with the other party, the other party's eyes swept over Shi Mengwan.

Shi Mengwan felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to pull her hand back, but she felt Zhan Haoze hug her shoulders, and then introduced him very calmly: "This is my girlfriend."

She was stunned on the spot. Zhan Haoze, does he know what he is talking about?

She didn't even notice the man's ambiguous gaze. After all, at this stage, everyone who knows Zhan Haoze knows that he has a fiancée.

This time, another girlfriend appeared. But looking at Zhan Haoze's eyes, the man was not looking for trouble, so he said hello and left.

The man left, and Shi Mengwan stood there looking at Zhan Haoze: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"You were originally my girlfriend." Zhan Haoze looked at her: "I promised you."

If she wanted a status, he would give her a status.

Shi Mengwan sat there, looking at Zhan Haoze who was completely different from what she remembered, and couldn't control her heartbeat from accelerating. Once again, I am moved by the people in front of me.

"Wanwan." Zhan Haoze held her hand. His expression was focused; "Follow me back to Qingcheng."

At this moment, Shi Mengwan could not say any words of rejection. She just looked at Zhan Haoze in a daze, feeling an uncontrollable impulse in her heart. She really wanted to leave everything behind and follow him.


In the next few days, Zhan Haoze and Shi Mengwan seemed to have returned to the previous time.

He is very busy. After all, he has to deal with a lot of official business this time and then prepare to go to Qingcheng.

But every night, he would have dinner with her.

Shi Mengwan's apartment was very small. Zhan Haoze suggested that she change places, but she was unwilling. She wasn't sure how long Zhan Haoze could stay like this, and more importantly, if one day he would leave. What does she want?

Time went forward a week, and Zhan Haoze seemed even busier.

Shi Mengwan knew that he was busy and had no intention of disturbing him. She also happened to take this opportunity to negotiate with two foundries.

Xunge Studio can be considered a big step forward.

Shi Mengwan was in a good mood, thinking that the relationship between Zhan Haoze and her was slowly getting better during this period, and she suddenly had an idea to celebrate with Zhan Haoze.


Chen Feifei looked at Zhan Haoze in front of her. After not seeing him for a week, the person in front of her seemed to have changed.

There is still a cold look between the eyebrows, but it is a little softer. Needless to say, this must be the power of love.

She was really jealous of the woman who won Zhan Haoze's heart. It's just that she knows better than anyone else what the most important thing is at the moment.

"Brother Hao. Sorry, it seems that I will have to trouble you tomorrow."

Chen Feifei considers herself a very "filial" daughter. So a lot of thought was put into Chen Yongchang's retirement home.

Finally, she was allowed to choose a small town in Canada. The environment was good, the people were simple, and everything was perfect.

The only imperfection now is that Chen Yongchang doesn't want to go. In the past few days, she had lost her temper at home because of some of her actions with Zhan Haoze.

"You're welcome. I promised you something, and I will do it naturally."

It is very simple to bring Chen Yongchang on the plane. Even letting Chen Yongchang stay abroad for the rest of his life and never come back is not too difficult.

There was a bit of ridicule in Chen Feifei's eyes: "Do you know? My dad has been scolding me at home these days."

She has only joined the company in the past few months and has gained some understanding of the company. And it will take time to completely take the company back into his own hands.

Chen Yongchang wanted to resist, but with Zhan Haoze around, he was severely suppressed.

Chen Yongchang has been cursing at home these days. Of course, not only Chen Feifei was scolded, but Zhan Haoze was also scolded.

"He said, I have no conscience, and said you are a white-eyed wolf. I think it's really funny. It was him who said before that everything in the Chen family will be mine from now on. Why is it that now I just got it in advance, and he is like this Are you angry?"

Zhan Haoze couldn't answer her question, so Chen Feifei smiled: "Forget it. Let's not mention him. Brother Hao. Let's have a meal together at noon."

Before Zhan Haoze refused, Chen Feifei raised her index finger: "Don't refuse me in a hurry. That old fox from Dacheng Enterprise made an appointment to meet at noon today. You know he has always been lewd, and I am afraid I will suffer a loss if I am in his hands." .After all, you have helped so much. I think you don’t mind going to a dinner with me?”

He leaned forward a little: "If I can get the Dacheng order in advance, it will also allow me to establish my authority in the company in advance. Maybe, I will come out and terminate the engagement earlier."

Zhan Haoze was speechless, but Dacheng, that old fox, did not have a very good reputation. It happened that there were some connections later, and there were benefits from working with him, but this person had a bad reputation: "Let's go."

Even if Chen Feifei didn't say anything, he would still help with these small favors.

"Thank you, Brother Hao, you are the best."

Chen Feifei smiled innocently, looking the same as she had many years ago. Only they know that Chen Feifei's smile is completely different.

After going downstairs, Chen Feifei hooked her hand on Zhan Haoze's arm before getting in the car: "Brother Hao, I've wronged you. Don't worry. Just this time, I promise not to trouble you next time."

When she gets a foothold in the Chen family, Zhan Haoze really doesn't need to step forward. Just put a name on it.

Zhan Haoze glanced at her and seemed a little helpless at this point: "I didn't say I wouldn't help you."

"Thank you very much."

The two of them got in the car together and went to the place agreed by Chen Feifei.

Zhan Haoze ordered someone to drive. What he didn't expect was that on the other side of the street, Shi Mengwan, who wanted to explain things clearly to Zhan Haoze, saw him coming out just now and happened to see Zhan Haoze and Chen Feifei holding hands. The scene of leaving arm in arm.

With a cold face, she watched Zhan Haoze take Chen Feifei into the car with "a doting look on his face", and also saw Chen Feifei's overly bright smile.

In that scene, they looked like a truly loving and affectionate couple.

Shi Mengwan suddenly felt that all the love words she heard yesterday had turned into jokes.

She sat in the car and tightened her grip on the steering wheel, without any emotion in her eyes.

Shi Mengwan watched the astonishing motorcade leave the Zhan Haoze Company building. She also got into the car, started the car and left.

But this time, it was not back to the studio. But go home.


Zhan Haoze not only accompanied Chen Feifei to complete Dacheng's order that day, but also visited the Chen family. Appearing with Chen Feifei can be regarded as establishing his authority.

During those days in the Chen family, his prestige was not much worse than that of Chen Yongchang. Many people have always regarded him as the future head of the Chen family.

Now Chen Yongchang said he was "unwell" and wanted to recuperate, and the person who took over became Chen Feifei. Everyone was a little worried, but when they saw Zhan Haoze, there was nothing to worry about.

After all, with Zhan Haoze here, Chen will only get better and better. Chen Feifei looked at the eyes of those people looking at Zhan Haoze and clicked her tongue.

"Brother Hao, your existence is like a giant Buddha. With you, these people dare not not take me into consideration."

"Thank you for sticking up for me."

"You're welcome." Zhan Haoze said expressionlessly, "I'm just returning the favor to you."

"Tsk, this is how I can repay the life-saving grace. Why do I feel a little shortchanged?" Chen Feifei is no longer too lazy to hide herself in front of Zhan Haoze.

Zhan Haoze glanced at her: "Or do you want uncle to stay?"

"No need." Chen Feifei didn't dare to tease him anymore: "Okay. I promise you, we will be clear."

Zhan Haoze entered her office, looked at some of Chen's recent cases, and briefly told Chen Feifei some points to pay attention to.

After all, Chen Feifei also studied business, and she took over these things very quickly.

He believed that it would not have any impact if he returned to Qingcheng in two days.

I spent the whole afternoon in Chen’s. Rejected Chen Feifei's proposal to have dinner together. His dinner was with Shi Mengwan.

"I am so anxious to see your sweetheart, I really want to meet her."

Zhan Haoze glanced at her and didn't respond. Before everything was completely stable, he didn't want Shi Mengwan to appear in front of Chen Feifei.

After leaving Chen, he went directly back to Shi Mengwan's apartment, only to find that she was not at home.

Zhan Haoze was stunned for a moment. At this time, she should have returned from the studio. Looking at the empty house, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

Shi Mengwan didn't answer his call. He called again, but no one answered. Later, Shi Mengwan's cell phone was turned off.

Holding the phone in hand, he looked at the living room in front of him in trance.

What is Shi Mengwan doing? Ten minutes later, Zhan Haoze's people brought news.

Shi Mengwan went home. go home? What is she going home for at this time?

Zhan Haoze's first thought was, could it be that her mother had arranged another blind date? Thinking of this, Zhan Haoze suddenly couldn't sit still.

embarrassed. . I wrote 8,000 words yesterday. When I was about to upload the second update, I discovered a BUG. So I wrote it again. It's my fault for not telling you in the comment section. sweat. I wanted to change it before uploading it this morning, but you know what day today is, right? Children's Day. I went with the kids. Say nothing more. This chapter is for today. There is an event in the kid's extracurricular class in the evening, and I want to accompany the kid to attend. When I get back, I will make up for what I promised you. Just purple. . Come, look into my sincere eyes. Guaranteed to update today. real. real. More real than pure gold!

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