To You, My Beloved

Chapter 106 She doesn’t love me (14)

Just when Gu Qingcheng felt that the car was missing its destination and she was about to choke to death, the car finally stopped.

Tang Shi ignored Gu Qingcheng in the back seat, opened the door and got out of the car.

Gu Qingcheng took a deep breath first, and then hurriedly got out of the car. When standing on the ground, Gu Qingcheng found that her legs were shaking very badly.

Tang Shi didn't even glance at Gu Qingcheng and walked straight into the hotel.

His steps were extremely fast, but they didn't look rushed at all. Instead, he gave people a sense of elegance and calmness.

Gu Qingcheng trotted closely behind Tang Shi.

The seat in the box was booked on the top floor of the Hilton Hotel.

When the waiter took Tang Shi and Gu Qingcheng to the box, Miss Anne and her female assistant were already sitting inside waiting.

As soon as the door opened, Miss Anne immediately stood up and greeted her with a bright smile.

Miss Anne has waist-length blond curly hair and wears a low-cut dress. Her facial features are three-dimensional and delicate.

She said hello in a somewhat stiff Chinese language: "Tang Shi, long time no see."

Tang Shi's face had returned to its usual elegance and indifference. He shook hands with Miss Anne politely and spoke in fluent and standard English: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Miss Anne blinked her big blue eyes and changed her language to English: "It doesn't matter, I just arrived not long ago."

After a pause, Miss Anne looked at Tang Shi with a slightly gentle look. She did not hide her appreciation and affection for Tang Shi at all: "Besides, Shi, you know that I am happy to wait for you."

Although Miss Anne spoke English, Gu Qingcheng, who had stayed in the UK for three years, understood these words.

She subconsciously glanced at Tang Shi and found that the man was not moved at all by his explicit confession to Miss Anne. He just made a gentle gesture of inviting everyone to sit down.

When we made a reservation at the restaurant, we had already ordered the food. After serving the food, the waiter left silently and closed the door of the private room.

Miss Anne picked up the wine glass in front of her and raised it gracefully: "Shi, I'm glad to have dinner with you tonight."

Tang Shi raised his wine glass, touched it gently with Miss Anne, and took a sip.

Miss Anne put down her wine glass and realized that the secretary Tang Shi brought today was actually a different person. She stared at Gu Qingcheng for a while and then said, "Shi, is this your new secretary?"

Tang Shi nodded slightly.

Gu Qingcheng picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Miss Anne, and said hello politely in English: "Hello, Miss Anne, please give me your advice when we first meet. My name is Gu Qingcheng."

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