To You, My Beloved

Chapter 119 Loving her is a perfect pantomime (3)

Her memory of Tang Shi truly became profound when she sat on the back seat of a bicycle every day.

In fact, she couldn't remember exactly why Tang Shi started driving her home to and from school every day.

For a long time in primary school, Tang Shi would help her with her homework every morning.

At first, two people wrote her homework together, and later, Tang Shi wrote it alone, while she watched him write while holding a comic book or a cup of milk tea.

With such a ready-made homework solver, she was too lazy to do her homework.

As her class moved up, there were more and more homework, and Tang Shi also entered the sixth grade of elementary school and began to prepare for the exam to enter junior high school.

But despite this, Tang Shi still helped her with her homework every morning, rain or shine.

At that time, Tang Shi had a really good temper. At least in Gu Qingcheng's memory, although Tang Shi had a vicious mouth, he had never been cold to her.

Precisely because no matter what she said or did, he never got angry, so she became a little lawless in front of him.

Even after so many years, Gu Qingcheng clearly remembered that when Tang Shi helped her with her homework, not only did she not express any gratitude at all, but she took it for granted. Even when she piled up a lot of homework, Tang Shi When she couldn't write, she not only didn't mean to help write with her, but instead stared at Tang Shi writing furiously with a look of complaint on her face, and said angrily: "Tang Shi, are your test scores fake?"

"You were so hesitant in writing your fourth-grade homework. Did you get into sixth grade through the back door because your Tang family is rich?"

"Oh, Tang Shi, can you hurry up? Our monitor is registering who can enter the classroom first. I want to be the first one to enter the classroom."

Sometimes Tang Shi would be annoyed by her yelling at the side. When he helped her finish her homework, he ferociously organized her homework and textbooks, stuffed them into her schoolbag, and coldly said: "Don't do it tomorrow." Ask me to help you with your homework!"

Then, with a handsome and aloof face, he walked towards his classroom with his schoolbag slung across his body without even looking at her.

Then the next morning, Tang Shi still showed up at the door of Gu's house on time, took her to school, put his bicycle aside, as if what he said yesterday was nonsense, picked up her schoolbag, and asked: "Yesterday What’s your homework?”

What he said could be forgotten at any time, but she didn't. She would stare at her eyes and pout and say, "Don't you stop helping me with my homework?"

When someone used what he said to block him, he didn't feel embarrassed or speechless at all. He just raised his head lightly, glanced at her, and said, "Do you think I care about helping you write?", with his hands already turned over. She found the homework card issued by the teacher, took a pen and started writing imitating her.

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