To You, My Beloved

Chapter 319 A blessing in disguise (9)

Gu Qingcheng really didn't expect that one day in her life, such a dramatic scene would happen, and she would be kidnapped.

She has always believed that real life is not a bloody TV series or a whimsical novel, but sometimes, life is more bloody and dramatic than novels and TV series.

She was wearing the coat Cheng Xieyi gave her, and when she came out of the bathroom, she still had a happy smile on her face.

The corridor leading out of the bathroom was quiet except for her low-heeled shoes, which made a crisp sound when they stepped on the ground.

As Gu Qingcheng walked, she held her mobile phone and placed various lenses in front of the front camera. She wanted to take a selfie and upload it to WeChat Moments.

She took five photos in a row. Because there were no windows in the bathroom corridor, the lights were a bit dim. The skin in the photos was not so healthy and smooth, so Gu Qingcheng stopped and prepared beautiful pictures for her photos. Suddenly, she heard the sound of the safe passage stair door being opened behind her.

She just glanced back, without even seeing the person behind her, and uploaded the beautiful photo to Moments, along with the text: "Shopping with Xiyi, the clothes she gave me..."

Before Gu Qingcheng finished typing these words, she felt someone standing behind her. She was startled for a moment, and before she could turn her head, a wet handkerchief suddenly covered her nose and mouth. With a strange medicinal fragrance, she had not yet made any reaction. It was as if all the strength in her body had been drained. Without any strength to resist, Gu Qingcheng subconsciously turned her phone to silent. , put it into her pocket, and then she was dragged directly into the stairs of the emergency passage by a pair of strong arms.

"How was it? Success?"

"Go quickly."

Gu Qingcheng just heard a simple conversation between the two men. A piece of black cloth was covered over her head, blocking all sight. Then she was picked up, and then she felt some bumps, like After going down the stairs, she fell completely into a coma.


When Gu Qingcheng woke up again, her eyes were still covered with black cloth, but now she was sitting in the car. The road was not smooth, and she could hear sounds similar to construction in her ears.

If Gu Qingcheng had not had time to figure out what was going on when she was dragged away, now, she knew that she had been kidnapped.

No one could remain calm when faced with a kidnapping. What's more, she didn't even see clearly what her kidnapper looked like, so Gu Qingcheng felt even more uneasy.

She didn't dare to show that she was awake, so she always pretended to be still asleep. She kept her ears open and waited for a long time, but she didn't hear anyone talking in the car, only the sound of a lighter occasionally came from , through the black cloth, she could smell the smell of second-hand smoke.

The car drove unsteadily for about half an hour, and finally stopped.

The car door opened, and Gu Qingcheng was not gently pulled out of the car. The black cloth covering her head was not untied, and she was dragged forward without being able to see anything. Walking with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

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