To You, My Beloved

Chapter 406 Never touch her again (6)

When Gu Qingcheng came out of the bathroom, Mrs. Zhang happened to go upstairs carrying medicinal porridge. Gu Qingcheng took out a tissue, wiped his hands, walked to the bed naturally, lifted Tang Shi's shoulders, and put a cushion behind him A thick pillow kept him in a semi-sitting position, then he sat on the edge of the bed and glanced at Aunt Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang immediately filled a bowl of porridge clearly and handed it to Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng took it and stirred the porridge with a spoon to let the heat dissipate slightly. Then he took a spoonful of porridge and handed it to Tang Shi's mouth.

Gu Qingcheng's face still retained the blush caused by Mrs. Zhang's revelation of what she had just done. She looked charming and charming.

Such a considerate woman must be loved by every man.

However, it was what Tang Shi feared the most.

Because he couldn't tell how much sincerity and how much hypocrisy was hidden in her thoughtfulness and concern.

If she really cared about herself, if she refused to eat the porridge, she would consider it for him and would persuade him.

If she was just pretending, if she didn't want to eat the porridge, she wouldn't force it.

When Tang Shi thought of this, he didn't open his mouth, but just looked at Gu Qingcheng, who was as gentle as water.

Gu Qingcheng frowned, raised his eyelids, and glanced at Tang Shi, who was indifferent. He just thought that he, like himself, had no appetite after recovering from a serious illness, so he said in a good voice: "You still have a fever, eat something. That way you can get better quickly.”

A layer of hope arose in Tang Shi's heart. He was not the kind of person who pushed beyond the limits, but at this moment, he just leaned back and closed his eyes with a look of disgust, as if he was kicking his nose in his face.

Sister-in-law Zhang stood aside and saw that Tang Shi looked like he was not eating at all. She couldn't help but speak up and persuade her: "Master Shi, you should at least eat something. What if you don't eat?"

Who wants you to talk and persuade? Tang Shi complained slightly depressedly in his heart, and then seemed to be ignoring it, but he pricked his ears and waited attentively to see if Gu Qingcheng would speak later.

Gu Qingcheng looked at Tang Shi and still had no reaction at all. His brows furrowed even more. Thinking that he was a patient, he suppressed his temper and spoke again in a calm tone: "Even if you have no appetite, you still have to eat a little." point."

Tang Shi just felt a wisp of warmth beginning to fill his heart. He still tried hard to maintain a calm expression on his face, without even moving his eyelids.

Mrs. Zhang began to take care of Tang Shi in the Tang family's old house a long time ago. She almost regarded him as her own son. Now seeing him refusing to eat porridge, she became even more anxious: "Yes, Master Shi." , Miss Gu is right, even if you have no appetite, you still have to eat a little."

When Tang Shi heard Mrs. Zhang speak again, his excitement dimmed.

She is not Gu Qingcheng, why is she always joining in the fun here?

Gu Qingcheng had never served Tang Shi before, but she had never seen him so difficult to serve. Now that she and Mrs. Zhang were talking about it, he still looked like he didn't want to eat at all, and she couldn't help but become a little bit... irritable.

She really wanted to throw down the bowl and not care about his life or death.

But when she thought that his fever had not gone away, she became a little unbearable.

Recovering from illness requires a lot of energy. How can he recover if he doesn't eat or drink?

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