To You, My Beloved

Chapter 716 I have triplets (6)

Biquge, the fastest update to my beloved you!

Tang Shi groaned after being kicked mercilessly by Gu Qingcheng. He bent down and stretched out his hand to rub his knees, when he saw a white medicine bottle hit him hard. A second later, she heard Gu Qingcheng's furious voice: "Tang Shi, you gave me these vitamins, right?"

Tang Shi endured the pain, bent down, and picked up the medicine bottle. It was indeed the bottle of vitamins he gave her. Tang Shi kept bending over and nodded at Gu Qingcheng with a blank look on his face: "Yes. Any questions?"

"Is there no problem?" What is his attitude? I secretly changed her medicine, but now I'm going to kill her and refuse to admit it? Damn it!

Gu Qingcheng stamped her foot angrily, walked up to Tang Shi angrily, raised her foot, and kicked Tang Shi hard on the knee. Then she pointed at the medicine bottle in Tang Shi's hand and said through gritted teeth: "Tang Shi, I have known for a long time that you have replaced the vitamins in this with long-term contraceptive pills."

Tang Shi blinked his eyes, as if he had been struck by lightning. The anger in his heart after confirming that the fruit candy was his child was completely gone. After a long time, he unscrewed the bottle cap and took a look from inside. He poured out a few pills, carefully brought them in front of him, and began to study them.

Many times, when you don’t know what the other person is thinking in their heart, you will become cautious, fearing that if you are not careful, you will cause a big mess. However, once you know the other person’s mind, the emotions in your heart will , you will naturally vent it to him.

Just like Gu Qingcheng now, she was not sure about Tang Shi's intentions in the past. When she found out that it contained contraceptive pills, she felt sad. She guessed, but she didn't dare to go to Tang Shi to question him, for fear that he would not want it. The child in her belly, but now that she was sure of Tang Shi's intentions, she no longer had these worries. Therefore, for a moment, she couldn't help but let go of the grievances and anger that had been suppressed in her heart for the past few days. Let it out.

"Tang Shi, why do you want to give me long-term contraceptive pills? If you don't want children, you can tell me that you can take contraceptive measures. Why do you have to resort to such methods? Do you know that long-term contraceptive pills have a negative impact on a woman's health?" The physical harm is so great, maybe if I don’t do it, I will be sterile for life!”

Gu Qingcheng rambled on for a long time, but when she saw that Tang Shi in front of her still didn't react, she became angry, stretched out her hand, and pushed Tang Shi hard.

All Tang Shi's attention was focused on the medicine in his hand. He was completely unprepared. After being pushed by Gu Qingcheng, he suddenly landed on his butt and squatted on the ground.

Although Tang Shi did not understand medicine, he had personally fed Gu Qingcheng several vitamins and knew what vitamins looked like. At this time, the medicine in Gu Qingcheng's bottle did look very similar to the pills he first saw, except that the medicine on it was The letters are different.

Gu Qingcheng wanted to have a child, so there was no need to switch to birth control pills to frame him.

And he gave her the morning-after emergency contraceptive pill in anger that time, but he regretted and felt guilty for most of the night, so how could he give it to her again?

Therefore, there is only one situation, and that is...

Tang Shi was still sitting on the ground, raised his head, looked up at the furious Gu Qingcheng, and said without warning: "Qingqing, this medicine has been changed."

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