To You, My Beloved

Chapter 749 A mysterious express delivery (9)

Then, April's ears heard the shy and timid pretense of scolding from the female voice just now: "I hate it, Mr. Su!"

April swallowed hard, placed the pen firmly on the checkout table, then slowly turned her head and looked at Su Nianhua.

Su Nianhua wore a sky blue suit. His fair complexion made him look even more elegant. Under the glazed lights of the store, his face looked a bit stunning. He put his hands in his pockets and looked lazily. Standing there proudly, a young woman on the right held his arm tightly, her big breasts exposed in the low-cut skirt pressed tightly against his arm.

Su Nianhua seemed not to have expected that he would meet April here. The teasing smile on his face suddenly faded, and his eyes staring at April became a little cold for a moment.

April didn't say anything, she just stood there and looked straight at Su Nianhua. Even when the waiter who packed the bag she just selected handed it to her with both hands and talked to her, she didn't react at all.

April and Su Nianhua looked at each other for a long time. Finally, Su Nianhua took the lead and looked away coldly, as if April did not exist at all. Instead, he took out the arm held by the woman and replaced it with a hug. He held the woman's shoulder, as if on purpose, and pressed the woman into his arms: "Since you are so reluctant to part with me, why not choose a few more bags? One bag for one night."

"Young Master Su, you are so bad!" The woman stretched out her hand coquettishly, patted Su Nianhua's chest, then stood on tiptoes, kissed Su Nianhua's cheek, and said, "Then if I choose 360 For five bags, you will stay with me for a year?"

"If there are really 365 bags in the store, I will stay with you for a year." Su Nianhua said with an indifferent attitude.

"Would your wife agree?"

Su Nianhua did not rush to answer this question. Instead, he glanced at April, and then said with a smile: "If my wife can control me, can I still hold the card and swipe it for you at will?"

April's hands clenched tightly into fists. She walked unbearably and walked directly in front of Su Nianhua. She stretched out her hand and grabbed the woman's long hair, pulled her out of Su Nianhua's arms, and then fiercely Thrust aside.

She had practiced in April and was very strong. The woman was thrown to the ground by her, let out a scream, and then looked at Su Nianhua with tears in her eyes: "Young Master Su..."

Before the woman's voice could settle, April opened Su Nianhua's suit, took out his wallet from the lining pocket, took out all his cards, and forcefully took out all his cards. He bent the magnetic piece so that the card could not be used, and then threw the card and wallet at Su Nianhua. He glared at Su Nianhua and took the birthday card he bought for Gu Qingcheng from the waiter on the side. Gift, without thinking about it, he stepped on his high heels and walked away very quickly.

This scene happened suddenly, and the atmosphere seemed a little stagnant. After about half a second, the woman who was thrown to the ground by April finally shouted in great grievance: "Young Master Su..."

Su Nianhua shrugged with his hands in his pockets, bent down to pick up the wallet on the ground, pulled out his ID card, and then threw the wallet towards the woman: "Don't you want a bag? I'll give you this wallet."

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