To You, My Beloved

Chapter 788 The most romantic proposal (18)

In the bottom of Gu Qingcheng's heart, what she hated the most was someone insulting April. She took the teacup and hit Cheng Shuiyi on the head: "Cheng Shuiyi, shut up, what do you have?" Are your qualifications compared with Xiaoyue's? If you want to use Xiaoyue's methods to target me openly, I also believe that you are a human being! Like you, who uses all kinds of tricks behind your back and has no bottom line, you are not worthy of being compared with Xiaoyue's!"

On Cheng Xieyi's forehead, there was bright red blood flowing down from being hit by the tea cup, but she didn't care at all. She just curled her lips, giggled, looked back at Gu Qingcheng, and said through gritted teeth: "Yes, I don't deserve it. Compare it to April, because in your heart, I, Cheng Xieyi, am just a poor thing. When I was in college, did you really mean it when you helped me? You were just trying to show off your own goodness, and I was just a decoration for you. Do you really think I am grateful for your help to me? Let me tell you, your help to me is the most shameful thing in my life..."

Your sincere help was once criticized as a show and a shame... Gu Qingcheng's whole body trembled with anger. She subconsciously stretched out her hand, wanting to pounce on Cheng Xieyi and tear her apart.

Tang Shi, who had been sitting calmly and calmly, suddenly stood up, stretched out his hand, hugged Gu Qingcheng, and spoke in a low and gentle voice: "Qingqing, you also said that she has no bottom line. Since she is A mad dog with no bottom line, what do you have to argue with her?"

After a pause, Tang Shi said again: "Yes, when we were rich and willful, we were just bringing shame to her. Fortunately, mad dogs also have self-awareness."

Tang Shi's words were harsh and merciless, and Cheng Xieyi's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Gu Qingcheng suddenly felt much better.

Tang Shi looked at Gu Qingcheng's slightly improved expression, stretched out his hand, and gently patted Gu Qingcheng's head: "Qingqing, you go out, I will handle this matter."

Gu Qingcheng looked at Tang Shi with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Tang Shi gave her a comforting look: "Be good, trust me, go outside and wait for me for a while."

Gu Qingcheng originally came to settle accounts with Cheng Shuiyi, but she didn't expect that the end result would be that she was miserable because of Cheng Shuiyi's anger. She really didn't want to leave, but when she saw Tang Shi's serious eyes, she hesitated. After a while, he nodded obediently and walked out of the box.

Only Tang Shi and Cheng Xieyi were left in the box, sitting face to face.

When Cheng Xieyi faced Tang Shi, she was not as domineering and aggressive as when she was targeting Gu Qingcheng just now. There was even a hint of soft fascination in her eyes when she looked at Tang Shi.

Tang Shi didn't seem to see the fascination. He just poured a cup of tea, picked it up, and drank it slowly. Then he put down the tea cup, stared at Cheng Xieyi, and said straight to the point, "Qingqing." Still waiting for me outside, so I’ll keep this short.”

Cheng Xieyi's lips moved slightly, but he said nothing. There was a hint of loneliness on his face.

Tang Shi stared at Cheng Xieyi calmly for a second, then leaned back on the chair behind him, put his left leg on his right leg, and said in a leisurely manner: "Cheng Xieyi, you are You like me, right?"


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