To You, My Beloved

Chapter 876 After the Allure of Time (Ending 3)

In a week's time, it will be the day when Guo Tangtang will officially go to kindergarten. For Tang Shi, the thing he can't let go of the most is his little daughter Routangtang.

Tang Shi loved Tangtang so much that it was almost outrageous. Even before he knew how to talk about sugar water and candies, he squatted in front of the crib every day and muttered to his two sons what they wanted them to do. In the future, you must put your sister first and other things second.

Maybe it was because Tang Shi often talked about it. Before Fructose couldn't speak, Tang Shi and Gu Qingcheng had argued about whether the three children would call daddy or mommy first. Who knows, Fructose did it one after the other for three consecutive days. When they all opened their mouths to speak, they actually called "sister" instead of "dad" or "mom".

Tang Shi played with Tangtang for a while, and then Tangtang was carried by the nanny to take a bath. Tang Shi also stood up and wanted to take a bath, but before leaving the baby room, he saw Tangshui piling up blocks there.

When he first sent Fruit Candy to kindergarten, Tang Shi originally wanted to send only Tangtang water and candies. Tangtang would continue to stay at home and be well protected, but everyone in the Tang family and the Gu family continued to object, and in the end he was left alone. He had no choice but to give up.

Now he saw Tang Shui stacking blocks, so he wanted to test Tang Shui's courage and whether he could protect Tang Shui. So for the first time, he walked in front of Tang Shui, waited for Tang Shui to pile up the blocks, and then stretched out his hand to push them down.

After pushing, Tang Shi waited for Tang Shui to get angry. Unexpectedly, Tang Shui didn't even raise his eyelids, as if he didn't exist at all, and continued to pile up the blocks.

Tang Shi waited patiently for the pile of sugar water to be finished, then mercilessly stretched out his hand and pushed it down.

Originally, Tang Shi thought that Tang Shui was finally going to have an attack, but unexpectedly, Tang Shui actually raised his head, with no smile on his young face. He glanced at Tang Shi and said, "Boring."

Then he stood up, with a sullen face, like a little adult, and walked out of the baby room.

Tang Shi blinked his eyes and looked at the back of his sugar water with some surprise. His eldest son actually called him boring?

Candy, who was playing with the train on the side, took in everything that had just happened. He waited until the sugar water went out, thought about it, stood up, walked in front of Tang Shi, and then imitated Tang Shui's behavior and put the blocks away. Pile up.

Tang Shi, who had been despised by Tangtang, saw the candies stacked on the blocks and immediately put away his depression. He thought that his eldest son was unreliable and he could rely on his second son to protect Tangtang, so he waited for Candy to finish stacking the blocks. , push the blocks and see how the candy reacts.

However, what Tang Shi didn't expect was that after Candy finished stacking the blocks, before he could reach out to push them, Candy reached out and pushed down the tall blocks.

Tang Shi was startled for a moment, and then he saw Cantang frowning, looking at Tang Shi sympathetically, and said, "Dad, I thought knocking down the blocks was fun, but it turns out it's not fun at all. How can you How childish!”

After saying that, Candy stood up with a look of disgust, patted his legs, shouted "sugar water", and ran out of the baby room.

Tang Shi, who was left alone, blinked in disbelief, childish? After he was scolded by his eldest son for being boring, he was scolded by his second son for being childish?

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