To You, My Beloved

Chapter 888 The one he loves is back (Part 3)

In an instant, countless familiar sorrows and sadness filled her heart so densely.

No matter how long it took, as long as she thought of him, who no longer had a relationship with her, she could always be instantly overwhelmed by pain to the point of being defeated.

Even after three years, she desperately tried to get rid of that man from the bottom of her heart, but it was always to no avail.

April grasped the divorce certificate in her hand, slowly closed her eyes, and asked herself in her heart: "April, how long will you be crazy for that man before you give up?"

April's tightly closed eyes were slightly sour.

But no matter how crazy she was about him, she was just a superfluous person in his life.

He was the one person he tried his best, cruelly and decisively to drive away.

However, he treated her so cruelly, but on the first day she came to France, she began to daydream about when she could return to the city where he was.

Some people may say why she is so stubborn and unrepentant, and some may scold her for being born a bitch... However, they forget that she is just obsessed with Su Nianhua and is born a bitch.


Beijing China.

Walking through the bitterly cold city of Beijing, spring is warm, flowers are blooming, new leaves are everywhere in the city, and the spring breeze is gentle. Even late at night, people will not feel the biting cold.

Su Nianhua drove through the streets with bright neon lights, turned the steering wheel smoothly, turned the car into the underground parking lot, took the elevator, went all the way upstairs, stood at the door of his apartment, raised his finger, and entered the password.

Su Nianhua opened the door and what he saw was a dark room. He stood under the dim light of the corridor and looked at the dimly lit room with a slightly dazed expression.

Although three and a half years had passed, he still couldn't get used to it. When he opened the door, he saw a dark room.

It was obvious that she had only been married to him for ten short months, and the number of times he came home was less than one-tenth of those ten months. However, every time she opened the door, there was a lamp she specially left for him. A warm light.

Before the loss, he didn't feel anything. After the loss, he realized that in fact, the lights left for him one by one during those ten-month nights were her longing and her hope. return.

The familiar heartache swept through Su Nianhua's heart. Su Nianhua was stunned for a long time before he stepped into the room and pressed the light switch. The bright light from the crystal chandelier in the living room illuminated the entire room. But Su Nianhua's heart felt even more empty.

He took off his suit jacket and threw it on the sofa. He turned around and looked in the direction of the kitchen. The cleaning aunt had cleaned it up extremely clean. The dining table was wiped spotless. There was a bouquet of wilted flowers in the vase in the middle. Ba's flowers.

After divorcing her, he never stayed out at night again. He knew that she was no longer at home, but no matter how busy or tired he was, he would always drive home.

However, there was no delicious late-night snack waiting for him, nor was she who walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron when she knew he was coming back, as if she had won a lottery.

Before he fell in love with her, he didn't know what it meant to be unforgettable, and before he lost her, he didn't know what it meant to be heartbroken.

If he could have predicted in advance that he would love her so deeply in the future, he would not have been so cruel to her back then.

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