To You, My Beloved

Chapter 909 The one he loves is back (Part 23)

Su Nianhua waited for April and He to finish buying the tickets one after another. After entering the Summer Palace, he got off the car, bought the tickets and followed in.

In April and after another, we entered the Summer Palace through the back door. After entering, we found Suzhou Street. Both sides were built in imitation of Suzhou gardens and landscapes. There were many people selling things there.

Su Nianhua stood on the bridge and saw at a glance that April and Sui were holding those antique toys in front of the vendors, looking at them, and occasionally scanning the ones he liked, he would take out his wallet and buy them.

Walking through Suzhou Street and bypassing a section of forest, there happened to be a fish pond in a small yard passing by. April and He bought fish bait one after another, sat on the railing, and sprinkled fish food into the pond.

When the golden fish smelled the bait, they swam towards Yue Yue and Lu Yuyue one after another. After a while, the feet of the two people were filled with dense fish. It looked really spectacular. Yue Yue pointed at the pond towards Lu Xueyue. There was a golden fish inside, shouting excitedly for April to see.

Su Nianhua was standing behind a railing not far behind them, and he could clearly hear the joy and excitement in April's voice.

Coming out of the fish pond, the two of them walked along the winding road to the lakeside of the Summer Palace. The sun shone brightly on the lake, making the waves sparkle.

April took Lu Chu's cell phone and took photos of Lu Chu. She even called out to the tourists nearby and took a group photo with them. When taking the group photo, April stretched out her hand to hold Lu Chu's arm generously and tilted her head. , smiling with bright eyes and white teeth, full of energy, so beautiful. But when Su Nianhua looked at that scene, he felt that April's smile was particularly dazzling, making his eyes dry.

After April and one after another walked a long distance towards the seats in the corridor, Su Nianhua came back to his senses and walked forward. However, he forgot that he was standing on the steps and stepped on the empty space. Without any warning, he leaned forward. Fortunately, he held on to the handrail in time, but he still knelt straight on the ground, extremely embarrassed.

Wearing thin summer clothes, he knelt straight on the ground. The bump on his knee hurt a little, and it hurt all the way to the bottom of his heart, making him unable to stand up. He just grabbed the railing hard, lowered his head, and squeezed his lips tightly. Pressing her lips, all that came to mind was April holding Lu Chu's arm and smiling brightly.

An enthusiastic tourist on the side saw this scene and thought Su Nianhua had been injured. He couldn't help but stepped forward and asked kindly: "Sir, are you okay?"

Su Nianhua didn't make a sound, but he tightened his grip on the railing with his fingers. It wasn't until the kind person asked him again that he slowly raised his head, shook his head at the kind person, and then slowly got up from the ground. He stood up, stretched out his hand, flicked the dust on his knees, and walked towards the direction where April and He were leaving one after another, looking a little dazed.

By the time Su Nianhua caught up with Lu Wei and April, the two of them were queuing up to buy cruise tickets, each holding an ice cream cone in their hands.

When putting on the life jacket, he handed the ice cream in his hand to April one after another, put the life jacket on April himself, tied the straps for her, and then put on the life jacket for himself, and the two of them got on the boat one after the other.

They were on a two-person cruise ship. The two of them sat side by side, staring at the pedals, eating ice cream, looking at each other from time to time, and chatting happily.

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