To You, My Beloved

Chapter 912 Unlearnable Rejection (3)

Biquge, the fastest update to my beloved you!

Su Nianhua's hand that was tying the button suddenly paused when he heard the beautician's question.

The expression on his face didn't change much.

That knife wound... was the same knife he had blocked for her.

The beautician saw Su Nianhua's stunned look and said nothing.

After a long while, Su Nianhua came back to his senses. He fastened the buttons without saying a word, stood up, put on his suit jacket, walked out of the private room, and came to the front desk. He handed over his Card, waiting for the lady at the front desk to finish settling the bill, and still looking silent when the manager enthusiastically handed it over.

When I walked out of the SPA shop, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and the night breeze started to blow, carrying a hint of heat left over from the day.

Su Nianhua was not in a hurry to get in the car. He just stood beside the car and lit a cigarette. Halfway through smoking, he remembered the scar he had mentioned by the beautician and couldn't help but reach out and touch it. Then, as if he was electrocuted, he retracted his hand and walked towards the trash can, wanting to throw away the cigarette butt in his hand. However, because Su Nianhua was walking in a hurry and did not look at the road, he bumped into a passerby. together.

It was a woman carrying a lot of things in her hands. When Su Nianhua hit her, the things spilled all over the floor.

Su Nianhua said politely: "I'm sorry."

He squatted down to help the woman pick up things scattered on the ground. When he saw vegetables and a lively fish on the ground, he felt as if he had been electrocuted. He squatted on the ground and could not move at all.

Su Nianhua didn't come back to his senses until the woman he knocked down squatted down and picked up the lively fish. He quickly picked up the other vegetables and stuffed them into the bag, then stood up with them. He handed it to the woman and said, "I'm sorry."

The woman had a good temper. When she saw Su Nianhua apologizing continuously, she couldn't help but shake her head and said it was okay several times in a row.

When the woman took the bag he handed over, Su Nianhua couldn't help but asked: "Are you buying so many vegetables to cook for your family?"

"It's not my family, it's my boyfriend." The woman replied with a smile, then turned around and left while carrying the things. Maybe because the things she bought were a lot and heavy, and when she was carrying them, she couldn't walk easily. Come on, my body is a little tilted, and I need to change my hand from time to time.

Su Nianhua looked at the woman's back, and suddenly the scene came to mind that year, when he blocked the knife for April and lived in the hospital, and saw April carrying vegetables to the hospital cafeteria.

At that time, April, like this woman, was carrying more weight than she could bear, walking with difficulty and changing hands from time to time.

Three and a half years have passed, and those past events have not faded, but have become more vivid.

Su Nianhua felt that his brain was like a slow-motion replay. He clearly saw April standing in the somewhat dirty hospital cafeteria, facing a lively and jumping fish, unable to start, but in the end he gritted his teeth. , kill the living thing, disembowel it, clean it.

Then, the next day, when he woke up in the morning, the first thing the nurse handed him was a bowl of fresh fish soup.

Even after so long, he could still remember that when he drank that bowl of fish soup, his mood was so complicated.

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