Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 142 Boss, smoke a cigarette (28)

"It's our turn."

Fu Yichen put away the pair of silver-rimmed glasses that the little guy gave him, and put them in the left chest pocket of his shirt.


Xing Yun half-closed her beautiful eyes, and the smile on her lips was a bit flamboyant and wanton.

She stretched out her right thumb and scratched her tall nose, then happily stretched out her left hand and clenched it into a fist, raising it in front of Fu Yichen.

"It's time for the Jedi to strike back!"

After Fu Yichen was stunned for a moment, his long eyelashes half drooped, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he slowly transferred the pistol in his right hand to his left. His right hand clenched into a fist, and met Xing Yun's fist which was a circle smaller than his.

"Come on!"


Xing Yun looked beside him with a stern look, a vigorous figure, a neat and straightforward figure, a big brother who shot a child with a single shot, and couldn't help but secretly sighed.

The boss seems to be angry.

However, it was the first time seeing the boss like this.

Suddenly remembered that Zhou Ming once told her that she was the first child raised by the boss himself.

It was also the first child who was so deliberately overprotective that she didn't even want her to see the darkness of the headquarters.

It also encourages her to be free to pursue what she wants.

It's almost like raising a son.

Xing Yun clearly remembered that when Zhou Ming said this, his tone was sour, and the smell was like a vinegar pot being overturned.

She didn't pay much attention to it at the time, thinking that Zhou Ming was just jealous that she didn't have to work for the boss.

Now that I think about it, that seems to be the case.

To her, the boss never seemed to be perfunctory.

Even his original appearance seemed to be afraid of being seen by her, and he tried to appear in front of her in a gentle and harmless appearance.


The boss is really super universe invincible to her.


Xingyun couldn't figure it out.

Did he really raise her as his son?

Xingyun sighed.

Thinking of this possibility, Xing Yun felt uncomfortable.

At first, I thought that the boss used this method to "tame" Yi Heng and the others, but after discovering that this was not the case very early on, Xing Yun always felt that her previous suspicion and suspicion of the boss were simply blasphemy against the boss. .

The boss is indeed trying his best to give her the warmth he can give her.

Although I don't know what it means.

But Xingyun thought, she must repay her kindness.

It's never an answer to lie to the boss all the time, and I'm ashamed that the boss treats her so well.

But thinking of the ending that would happen, she was very afraid to face it.


Still can't figure it out.


If you don’t understand, let’s not think about it.


Fu Yichen looked sideways at the little guy who was following him, who was excited and full of passion at the beginning, but now his head was hanging down and he was not motivated.

The pistol used to kill the enemy was twirled in Xing Yun's hands, and the bullets were not used up a few times, and it became a toy.

However, with him on the line.

Take a rest when you are tired.

Just as long as he comes.

"Bang bang bang—"

Four bullets went down one after another, knocking down the fleeing black shadows. Fu Yichen turned the barrel of the gun on his right hand indifferently, put it on his lips and blew lightly, and said in a low voice:

"it's over."

Even in the dark night, the slender and tall figure is still dazzling.

"Let's go, do you want to go back to rest, or continue to ride the Ferris wheel?"

If Xing Yun had a cigar and a lighter at hand at the moment, she would definitely act like a younger brother and light a cigarette for the boss!

But now she has no cigarettes in her pocket, only a lollipop.

She blinked, and put the pistol into the empty pouch on the boss' left leg.

Third watch.

Good night!


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