Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 205 Brother, He Is a Patient (4)

So cute, soft and cute like a kitten, who would resist it!

Xing Yun's heart was in a mess, she reached out and patted Xiao Xinuo's back, gathered the blanket that covered Xinuo's body, and got into the car under the escort of the bodyguards.

"Go to sleep for a while, you will be home soon."

Xi Nuo rubbed against Xing Yun's ear again before closing her eyes again.

Xiao Zhu has turned into a human or a cat or some other animal and went out to wander. He failed to follow Xing Yun in the last two worlds, and he wanted to let himself go for a long time.

Now that his consciousness has finally recovered, and the Lord God Emperor has been "played" by the little Xingxing in the applause, coupled with the little Xingxing's prominent family background and far-out-of-human strength in this life, this life is still relatively stable in modern times, There would be no danger, so Red Candle happily continued to play.


Xinuo fell asleep straight into the night.

When he woke up, looking at the strange but warm decoration in the room, he blinked in a daze.

He stretched out his soft white hand to pull the quilt away, then sat up straight, wanting to get down.

The warm towel fell off his head.

As soon as he sat up, Xin Nuo felt dizzy and covered his head with some discomfort, staring at the towel in front of him in a daze.

"Are you awake? Is there any other discomfort?"

Xing Yun pushed the door open and came in, and saw Xin Nuo covering her head, opening her big dark eyes, looking at the towel with a dull expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

She saw that it was getting late just now, thinking that Xiao Xinuo hadn't eaten anything all day, so she went to cook some porridge by herself.

Because of the influence of the master in the first world, her own cooking skills are not bad.

"Does your head hurt?"

Xing Yun walked to the bed, took the towel aside, sat on the edge of the bed, and rubbed Xiao Xinuo's temples.

Xin Nuo blinked in a daze, looked at Xing Yun and said nothing.

Xing Yun rubbed little Xinuo's temples, trying her best to relieve the little guy's headache, but she didn't notice the water in Xinuo's eyes.

"Does it still hurt?"

After rubbing for a while, Xing Yun put down her hands, found a pillow and put it behind Xiao Xinuo, her long hair brushed Xin Nuo's cheeks.

Xi Nuo shook his head.

"are you hungry?"

Xing Yun took the handkerchief and wiped the sweat on Xiao Xinuo's forehead due to the fever-reducing effect of the medicine.

Xinuo nodded hesitantly.

"I just cooked some porridge. I'll get it. I want to eat something else. I'll make it for you when you're fully recovered tomorrow."

Xing Yun smiled, and was about to stand up when Xinuo grabbed the corner of her skirt.

"What's the matter?"

Xinuo pursed her lips, lowered her head in embarrassment, and whispered, "Sister, I want to take a bath."

Since Xin Nuo really felt Xing Yun's kindness towards him, Xin Nuo now has no defense against Xing Yun at all, and only has the discomfort of not having enough time to spend with him.

However, this sister didn't feel strange to him at all, and he always felt as if he had known her for a long time.

"But you're just right now. What if you catch a cold after taking a bath? Besides, if you've been hungry for a day, you'll get dizzy after taking a bath on an empty stomach. Let's eat something first."

Xing Yun patted Xiao Xinuo's head, and ordered the servants to put the bath water, while she went to serve Xiao Xinuo porridge.

Xin Nuo looked at the back of Xing Yun leaving, and turned his eyes back to the room.

The style of the room is fresh and elegant, giving people a very comfortable feeling. There are many dolls on the soft and comfortable bed.

I don't pay attention to the detailed description anymore, as long as you know that the hero and heroine are both good-looking!

Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket!

If you can pass 700 tickets today, you will get an extra update!

Thank you [Meng Xi] for the little cutie's reward, ok!

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