Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 275 The High-cold Singer God Acts Like a Baby Online (23)

Xingyun had no choice but to agree.

She suspected that the previous sensational scene might have been carefully planned by this man in order to get her to agree to Mo Qingxun's entry into the kitchen.

Xing Yun leaned against the door of the kitchen, watching Mo Qingxun in fear as he took out the ingredients from the refrigerator, washed them skillfully, and picked up the knife.

Xing Yun swallowed, then quietly walked behind Mo Qingxun, intending to stop Mo Qingxun as soon as she found something wrong.


ten minutes later.

Xing Yun looked at the delicious fish-flavored shredded pork in the pot, just smelling the aroma made people's index fingers twitch.

Xingyun blinked suspiciously.

Didn't Li Jie say that he is a waste of daily life?

What is going on now?


It's possible.

but! Xing Yun has been taking care of him for the past few days, and he often works overtime at night to practice songwriting. How can he have time to learn how to cook?

"Ah Xun, you know how to cook?"

The corners of Mo Qingxun's lips curled slightly, and he nodded lightly, "Yeah."

Xing Yun tilted her head, and finally no longer worried that Mo Qingxun would hurt her, and then asked with a puzzled look:

"But Brother Jie said that you are a waste of life."

The expression on Mo Qingxun's handsome face was faint, but there was a smile on his face, "He is too stupid, if I really don't know anything, then I would have starved to death before I met Sister Yan .”

Xingyun was taken aback.

That's right.

In fact, Xingyun herself hadn't thought about this problem.

Now it's her turn to feel sorry for Mo Qingxun.

"After becoming a singer, I just don't bother to worry about these things anymore."

But in fact, he will still come by himself for some important things.

It's just that he deliberately didn't let Li Jie find out.

Xing Yun stood on tiptoe, reached out and touched Mo Qingxun's head, "It doesn't matter if you are lazy in the future, I will take care of those other things."

Mo Qingxun smiled, but did not respond.

Both of them don't have a lot of food, and this is already considered breakfast, and both of them have to go to sleep after eating, so Mo Qingxun only made two dishes.

Xing Yun ran to make dumplings while he was cooking.

It is a traditional custom to eat dumplings on the morning of the first day of the first lunar month, and it is said that it will be more auspicious.

Although Xing Yun doesn't care much about these things, if two people celebrate the New Year together, the form will become more important.

What's more, she has to pack some and save it for her grandma to cook before she goes home to sleep, so that grandma can eat it after she wakes up.

In the past, the two of them wore bags under their dark circles together. This year, she is not here, so grandma should be sleeping.

After Xing Yun and Mo Qingxun finished their meal, Mo Qingxun sent Xing Yun back home, and then called Ge Ziyan.

The phone was connected quickly, and it was five o'clock in the morning. Obviously, the owner on the other end of the phone might have stayed up all night.

"Sister Yan, are you okay?"

Mo Qingxun asked softly.

The younger sister who resolutely broke up with the family because of love, died more than ten years ago. As the older sister, Ge Ziyan must feel guilty and blame herself.

And let the little niece wander outside for so long.

A hoarse and vicissitudes female voice came from the other end of the phone, sounding a bit drunk:

"I can't die, brat, why are you calling? You won't spend the night with my little niece, right? Let me tell you, you are not allowed to bully her! Even if she likes you, you can't touch her now! How dare you touch her Hairy, even if you are my son, I will kill you!"

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