Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 318 The High-cold Singer God Acts Like a Baby Online (66)

The enemy jungler was frozen, facing the siege of four people, of course it was impossible to escape, and Xing Yun took the head.

The enemy mage cautiously took advantage of this moment and hurried back to the city.

My sister marries me (Houyi): "Why don't you be so cruel!"

Yijian Hanshuang (Li Bai): "Don't think about it, it's not yours."

Girl marry me (Houyi): "."

Because of this dialogue, the barrage became popular again:

"This boss is so powerful!"

"Basic exercises, basic exercises, let me practice for ten years."

"It's appeared! It's a monster!"

"You are awesome, you were the king of glory last time, let me have a look at the national uniform!"

"Take me's spaghetti and give this friendly soldier a taste!"

"Graceful burial of friendly troops."

"Don't fire, this is a friendly army."

"Cheat food and drink! Rich burial!"

The enemy Houyi was still very unconvinced and asked again, "Is Wang Zhaojun a girl?"

Xingyun didn't speak, just played the game silently.

However, the barrage made a fuss about asking Xing Yun to answer. Some suggested that Xing Yun say that she was a man, to see the reaction of the boss and Hou Yi, and some suggested that Xing Yun tell the truth.

Xing Yun concentrated on developing and playing games, and supported her back and forth in three directions, and already got two heads and three assists.

The top laner was ambushed by the enemy jungler. Li Bai, the big brother, was fighting the tyrant in the bottom lane. He had no way to support him. Xing Yun hurried to the top lane to support a wave. The enemy mid laner quickly went to the top lane to carry out the battle support.

Xing Yun and the top laner barely escaped under the siege of the enemy's top laner, jungler, and mid laner. Both of them lost blood. Xing Yun hid in the grass and returned to the city to make up for it. However, it was calculated by Hou Yi The last big move hit Xing Yun who hadn't had time to recover blood after returning to the spring.

Star Rhyme: "."

While dying, Xing Yun took the time to look at the barrage.

The barrage was full of people asking Xing Yun to reply to Hou Yi's words, and some who lamented Hou Yi's big move and made fun of Xing Yun. Xing Yun said seriously, "This Hou Yi's consciousness is still very strong."

Although a bit sloppy, he played well.

As soon as the words were finished, there was a notification sound, and Xing Yun turned her eyes back to the screen again, and saw Li Bai killing Hou Yi under the protection of Zhuang Zhou.

He also had residual blood, but he still ran away with his superb skills.

My sister married me (Houyi): "I robbed you of your wife? What hatred?

The bullet screen was swiped by 666 and the powerful comments, and Xing Yun also sent a "nice job" signal to praise this boss.

Yijian Hanshuang (Li Bai): "Yes."


Um? ? ?

Xing Yun blinked, stopped suspiciously in the middle, and glanced at the chat history.

What's happening here?

She doesn't know this big guy?

Is this boss also the kind of person who likes to flirt with girls?

The barrage became lively again.

"What's the matter with this big guy?"

"Although Su is good, this situation is not right."

"Little Xingxing, do you really not know the boss?"

Xing Yun replied, "I probably don't know each other, we only play team games together occasionally."

"Maybe this big guy is just protective? Most men don't like girls in the team to be bullied."

"It doesn't make sense. What Hou Yi asked was about stealing a wife! The boss answered yes!"


"To be studied, 23333."

"Looking at the situation, Brother Mo is going to be green hahahaha."

"Brother Mo, come and play games with your wife."

Xing Yun thought about it, and decided to tell the truth and remind this boss.


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