Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 376 The leader of the last days and his fierce wife (50)

"No." Zuo Chenfeng retorted without confidence.

"I'm just so tired."

This man's eyes are red and he can't hold back his tears, so cute!

Coupled with that cold and handsome handsome face, it is simply a sharp contrast.

Xing Yun bent her lips, stretched out her hands to hold Zuo Chenfeng's face, pressed her forehead against Zuo Chenfeng's forehead, and hummed softly in her crisp and sweet voice.

"Then go and have a good rest, Papa Zuo?"

Zuo Chenfeng lowered his long eyelashes, with a few tiny crystal drops hanging here and there, the tip of his nose was reddish, his handsome face was as white as jade, and he looked extremely pitiful.

"Madam has worked much harder than me." Zuo Chenfeng reached out and hugged Xing Yun into his arms, sighing in a low tone.

"Thank you, my wife." He rested his chin lightly on Xing Yun's slender shoulder, and said in a low voice.


Zuo Chenfeng originally planned to leave immediately after one month to destroy the central base of the advanced zombie army in one fell swoop, and then wipe out the advanced zombies in other areas.

But because Xing Yun was going too, fearing that Xing Yun would attract the firepower of the high-level zombie army and put Xing Yun in danger at that time, Zuo Chenfeng pushed back the time a bit, and made a careful improvement of the plan .

Xing Yun, in order not to be held back on the battlefield, took the time to go to retreat and practice again during this period.

As for Little Morning Star, it is a very happy full moon under the careful care of those aunts, sisters, uncles and brothers among the senior operators.

Little Chenxing became the favorite of the group since he was born, and as his father, Zuo Chenfeng was very strict and asked the operators to teach him to learn.

Little Chen Xing, who didn't know that his father treated him like this, would say his father as the first sentence.

The second sentence is mother.

Although Zuo Chenfeng said that this is what he should do, his son has the same demeanor as he did back then, with a calm and calm appearance, but he didn't care about the little morning star who was spoiled by the operators.

After all, Little Morning Star is still young, so it's no big deal to relax.

Wait until he's one year old.


The battle is about to start, Bai Que is sitting on the throne, dressed in a black military uniform, the skin on that overly bewitching handsome face is as white as porcelain, and the red eyes like blood jade are extremely dark.

He casually crossed his slender legs, put his left elbow on the armrest, supported half of his cheek, tilted his head slightly, and stared at the child with beautiful blue eyes.

The human teenager who resolutely betrayed the human base and joined the zombie camp instead.

The young man was very beautiful, with an angelic face, looking very innocent and pure.

But it was such a child who betrayed his benefactor.

But the boy's benefactor happened to be his enemy, so the enemy's enemy was his friend.

It has always been adhering to the principle that those who do not keep their promises can take advantage of them, but they cannot be allowed to live. For the first time, Bai Que was shaken in his mind.

Sensing the weaker and weaker supernatural fluctuations in the boy's body, Baique narrowed his long and narrow eyes strangely.

Can supernatural powers disappear?

The young man has been silent ever since he followed him back to the base. As long as he doesn't ask questions, he will never speak.

When the other zombies asked questions, he kept silent and looked indifferent.

Only when he asked a question in person, the boy would speak respectfully and obediently.

I've never seen him resist either.

Even though he was tortured by other zombies, his expression didn't change at all.

Good night!

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