Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 492: Ten Thousand Gods (35)

But after a while, the bright eyes were buried by the haze, and the surprises were replaced by endless worries and anxieties.


Fuxi quickly came to Nuwa's side and hugged Nuwa by the waist.

While continuously sending spiritual power to her, he kept annoyed in his heart about himself, the damned people, and the water god who smashed the pillar of the sky.

"Leave the mending sky to me, you have a good rest!" Fuxi, who had never been strict with Nuwa, changed his previous pampering, and his tone was commanding, stern and uncompromising.

"No, brother Fuxi, only I can put the multicolored stones together."

In fact, Nuwa and Fuxi have the same origin, and their spiritual powers are very similar. It is possible to give the five-colored stones to Fuxi to repair the cave.

But there is a risk of failure.

Five-colored stones, the whole world, and only she can refine them.

If it fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

Now that the water god has not been captured, mending the sky itself is also a very dangerous thing.

She didn't want Fuxi to take risks.


She knew that she was at the end of her battle.

After mending days, she may be about to

gone forever

Fuxi gritted his teeth.

He hugged the weak Nuwa tightly in his arms, but he didn't dare to use too much force.

"I'll be with you."

With a pause in his footsteps, Fuxi closed his eyes, opened them, and said to Nuwa calmly, "We live together and die together."

Nuwa was taken aback.

After a while, she buried her head in Fuxi's arms, suppressed the tears welling up in her eyes, and responded cheerfully, "En!"


When Xingyun woke up again in a daze, she saw Nuwa leading her closer and closer to the cave.

Looks like it's time to mend the sky.

historic moment.

Nuwa mends the sky.

She is also one of the honorable ones!

Although it is a member of the stone used to mend the sky.

Xing Yun slowly closed her eyes, waiting for the moment when she completely lost consciousness.

But still a little reconciled, she tried her best to release her consciousness to look for the clear figure of the young man.

not found.

It's not so much that you can't find it, it's better to say that you can't see it.


She can't even do farsightedness now.

Not to mention using spiritual power with Yeshu.

Even if she sensed it, she couldn't see him at all.

Xingyun sighed deeply in her heart.

It doesn't matter, she will be a hero again in ten thousand years.

Still able to see him!

Even though she thought so, Xing Yun still stubbornly maintained her divine consciousness until she felt Nuwa's figure stop.

here we go

Dimly visible in the distance, there are many gods protecting Nuwa, and they are extremely vigilant against the water god who kills a thousand swords.

Fuxi stood in front of the water god, stationed at the forefront full of evil spirit.

Why isn't this guy dead yet?

Xingyun was puzzled.

Could it be that the godhead has fallen?

Then you shouldn't be so peaceful now.

Xing Yun didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

However, she still put on 120,000 points of energy, and kept staring at the extremely ugly water god with vigilance.

She always had a sense of foreboding.

Nuwa has already begun mending the sky.

She slowly lifted up a whole sky-replenishing stone that was smelted from countless colorful stones, so huge that it filled the sky hole.

Xing Yun felt that she was gently placed on Nuwa's heart.


How is she still alive? !

Did not lose consciousness!

what happened

Could it be that Empress Nuwa missed her?

Feeling carefully, Xing Yun discovered that she seemed to have a protective cover.

Xing Yun suddenly remembered what she would be like on Tianshan Mountain a few years later.

Ask for a monthly ticket, it will be over tomorrow, thank you for your company!

See you in the new book!

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