Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 103: : Mother Zhou

It’s hard to get a ticket for Yuan Binghuan’s birthday party. For the first time, she realized how powerful the rice circle is. It took less than a second to release that ticket, and it was emptied. She didn’t respond even with her mobile phone. Come here.

After several rounds of tickets, she didn't get it, and finally had to turn to Lin Zhitong for help. Lin Zhiyi was delighted when she heard that she wanted Yuan Binghuan's birthday party ticket

"When do you chase stars, why don't I know?"

"Help others want."

"My cub's ticket is not easy to get, let me help you ask, a friend is from a public relations company."

Lin Zhiyi has great magical powers and helped her get the ticket the next morning. She sent the ticket to Mr. Xiao’s assistant. She could feel the excitement of the other party through her mobile phone, and sent several thanks, saying no matter what. Shu Tinglan readily agreed to invite her to dinner, and the relationship was stable.

Mr. Xiao’s assistant is also a smart person. In many law firms, she said back and forth to everyone who is official, except to Shu Tinglan. After eating twice, she now knows everything and speaks out quickly. Arrange a time for her to see Mr. Xiao.

Even Director Xiao and Zhou Ming were very surprised. They didn't expect Shu Tinglan to get in touch with the project leader in such a short period of time. It can be said that he has made great progress.

When Director Xiao held a departmental meeting, he focused on praising her, and for the sake of safety, he specially asked Zhou Ming to accompany him when he went to see Mr. Xiao.

At first, everyone was not very optimistic about the project, but it was so bright that she naturally looked at Shu Tinglan with admiration. The happiest one is Zhou Ming, and every bit of Shu Tinglan's improvement is with You Rong Yan.

I accompanied her to meet Mr. Xiao. It was very smooth. Xiao is always a typical businessman. He talked about the purpose of the acquisition and the company's development prospects in the meeting room. Xu Shi is usually too conscientious in his assistant work and helped him prevent a large number of talks about cooperation. Company, so Mr. Xiao doesn't have much contact with him, so he is especially willing to talk.

Fortunately, Zhou Ming was accompanied this time, otherwise Shu Tinglan was afraid that he would not be able to take Mr. Xiao's words.

After talking about the acquisition, I talked about the strangeness of the current entertainment circle. After talking about it, I got involved in self-driving travel. There are no areas that Zhou Ming doesn't know about. No matter what Mr. Xiao says, Zhou Ming can actively participate in and express his opinions at the right time. In the end, he even made an appointment for the next vacation to drive to the Northwest together.

When the talk was over, Mr. Xiao almost praised Zhou Ming as brothers and brothers, and kindly escorted them into the elevator.

At this point, Shu Tinglan admired Zhou Ming in a five-body manner. In terms of eloquence, Zhou Ming said he was second, and no one dared to say first.

"This Xiao is always a fine person, and there is no truth in his mouth. You have to follow up a little later." Zhou Ming urged

"Seeing that he was very satisfied with us just now." Shu Tinglan thought it was impossible, but Mr. Xiao looked very sincere.

"You believe it or not that he smiled and drove you into the elevator last second, and the next second he can let the assistant pull you into the blacklist? A typical smiling tiger."

Shu Tinglan's face turned dark, shouldn't it?

"Of course, we will not let him be blacklisted. But you should pay attention to dealing with him in the future, don't believe verbal promises, everything is written into the contract, and it is true in black and white."

"Teached, thank you Teacher Zhou." Sometimes she does trust others too much.

After visiting Mr. Xiao, Zhou Ming's family and her family were in the same direction after work, and Zhou's mother invited her to dinner for several days. It was better to hit the sun if she chose another day, and Zhou Ming took her home for dinner.

After the first visit, Shu Tinglan came back several times. Every time it was a warm invitation from Zhou's mother. After coming a few times, now I am a little accustomed to it.

Shu Tinglan didn't pick, no matter who cooked it, she thought it was delicious. Zhou's mother liked it as she watched it, and occasionally came on weekends and would take her to the nearby vegetable market to buy food. When I met neighbors in the neighborhood, I would introduce her to them, as if she was regarded as a future daughter-in-law.

Shu Tinglan was very afraid that she would fail the old man’s heart. When Zhou’s mother invited her to be a guest for the second time, she said straightforwardly.

"Auntie, Teacher Zhou and I are just colleagues and friends. Please don't get me wrong."

Zhou Ma doesn't care

"Emotional things can be cultivated slowly. Besides, if you take a 10,000 step back, it doesn't matter if you are really indifferent to our family Zhou Ming. I like you as a little girl. You are not a daughter-in-law or a goddaughter. "

Shu Tinglan was touched, and couldn't wait to call a godmother on the spot.

Zhou Ma stopped

"Don't call me a godmother. Zhou Ming wants a wife. If I turn you into his younger sister, he won't hate me. Wait, if you really can't do it, let's recognize the relationship."

Zhou's mother is open-minded and she doesn't speak sloppyly. Shu Tinglan likes her so much that she believes in her heart that she is a godmother.

Once this recognition was made, it seemed that it couldn't be changed. Before, she wanted to listen to everyone's opinions and try to like Zhou Ming, but now there is no way to try it. For Zhou's mother and Zhou Ming, she naturally has a sense of closeness with relatives.

If Zhou's mother knew that it was the result of her quick mouth, I'm afraid she would regret her death.

Zhou Ming felt that Shu Tinglan’s attitude towards him had completely changed now, and his attitude was better than before, and he accepted his help and care frankly, but how to put it, she no longer had the kind of look at him in her eyes. I'm worried and uneasy.

When a girl looks at you, her eyes are calm and calm, and you know that you are completely out of play. It's just that Zhou Ming doesn't know where the problem is.

It wasn't until Shu Tinglan called Zhou's mother a godmother, he understood, well, he has an extra sister.

"Son, it's not that my mother wants to grab you, Xiaoshu likes me more, what can I do if I don't like you?"

When Zhou's mother said this, she was a little proud. That's right, other girls are willing to come to eat at home, because of my face, but not your face.

Is this still a real mother? Zhou Ming's eyes turned to the sky.

"It's OK, it's normal that people don't like you with your virtues. Wherever you can stay cool, it's better to be a daughter, caring." It seems that Shu Tinglan is treated as his own child.

Shu Tinglan is naturally obedient in front of Zhou's mother, knowing that Zhou's mother is kind-hearted, and sympathizes with her and her mother.

After dinner, Zhou Ming sent her home, only to the gate of the community.

Zhou Ming is very principled: "Since she is a younger sister, the younger sister's treatment can only be sent to the gate of the community. Only the girlfriend's treatment is sent home, which is the patent of the girlfriend."

After getting off the car, Shu Tinglan didn't leave immediately. He stood beside the car and smiled and said to Zhou Ming

: "Then I wish my brother find a sister-in-law who is willing to let you take you home as soon as possible."

This sister-in-law, from Shu Tinglan's mouth, is very devilish. He is really a **** of a sister-in-law.

"Get off." Zhou Ming shouted angrily and left with a rumble on the accelerator.

Shu Tinglan smiled and was very happy. It turned out that changing the way of thinking to solve the problem would not make things worse. In this way, he rejected Zhou Ming and maintained the relationship between the teacher and the apprentice, which could not be better.

After Zhou Ming's car left, she inadvertently looked across the road, her smile stopped and gradually faded. Standing across the road was Zhuo Yuan, who had not seen him for a long time.

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