Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 129: : You are so kind to your wife

The salesman was also afraid that this order might change, and hurriedly stopped him:

"But Ms. Shu has already paid the deposit and cannot be refunded. Ms. Shu is a lawyer. It is necessary to have her own transportation. You say so. And she is thrifty enough to keep the house. Ordinary, but the most cost-effective car. You can't ask her to buy a car for tens of thousands of dollars."

The more you talk about sales, the less you look down upon the man in front of you, who is dressed like a dog, and doesn't look like a poor man, and he's too stingy.

Shu Tinglan was originally angry because of her domineering behavior, but after hearing the sales misunderstanding Zhuo Yuan, he laughed and deliberately became the same enemy with sales.

"That's right, I make my own money, I can buy whatever I want, you can't control it."

Zhuo Yuan exploded

"You made up your mind to be angry with me today, aren't you?" When he was angry, it was still quite terrifying.

"Sir, we have a camera. I advise you to calm down and don't be rough."

Zhuo Yuan smiled in anger, look at Shu Tinglan

: "Okay, you can buy it."

He suddenly changed his attitude and sat aside leisurely, looking at her.

The change was so great that Shu Tinglan didn't know what demon he was going to be, but he didn't dare to move with a guilty conscience.

"I really want this one? Mrs. Zhuo!" He deliberately called Mrs. Zhuo loudly, meaning that she didn't have any consciousness of being Mrs. Zhuo. Is a 200,000 car worthy of her identity as Mrs. Zhuo?

"I want." Shu Tinglan nodded truthfully.

"You, that's what you want."

There was a stalemate for a while, Zhuo Yuan accepted his fate and got up to accompany her to see the car.

The sales see that he is open, guide with enthusiasm

"Two of you, please, go to our finance department to go through the loan procedures first, and the payment will be completed in 36 installments, right."

"Right." Shu Tinglan.

"Pay in full." Zhuo Yuan said, and directly handed the card to the salesperson.

The sales were stunned. The man who was stingy about not buying a car for his wife just now suddenly became generous and made her uncomfortable. But as a salesperson, you should look like a salesperson, turn your mind fast, and change your course immediately.

: "You are so kind to your wife. It is so happy for your wife to marry you."

Shu Tinglan snatched Kasai to Zhuo Yuan

"I can solve it myself." That's it.

Originally, Zhuo Yu'an was angry because she bought this car, but she was even more angry when she saw that she had to divide the money with him so clearly.

"Should you buy this or that? You can figure it out by yourself." He pointed to another car in the showroom, which was the most expensive of the brand.

Sales shine,

"Mr.'s vision is really good. That car is our latest model this year, and one has just arrived in the store. Now that we have paid the payment, we can pick it up without waiting."

Zhuo Yuan looked at Shu Tinglan and refused to give up until Shu Tinglan nodded helplessly and replied to apply his card, and he took his eyes back.

When the two men picked up the car and sold them out, they found out that the man drove a car worth millions of dollars. Just now he praised his spoiling his wife. In the end, that's it? Drive several million cars by yourself, and your wife drives 200,000 cars? No matter how rich or handsome this kind of man is? Too stingy.

Zhuo Yuan called the driver in the salesman's contemptuous gaze and asked him to drive his car away. He would personally guide a newbie on the road.

Shu Tinglan is not afraid of tigers when she is a newborn calf. Although she has never driven a driver's license even after learning the driver's license, she finds nothing difficult, that is, stepping on the accelerator, stepping on the brakes, and turning the steering wheel. She sits in the driver's seat full of confidence.

As you can imagine, Mr. Zhuo, who was in the co-pilot seat, scolded him to doubt his life.

In fact, we can’t blame Zhuo Yuan for scolding her because her hand-foot coordination ability is comparable to her culinary skills. As soon as she hit the road, she almost ran into the flower garden next to her.

"If you haven't learned to walk, don't even think about flying. Drive slower, then slower."

"Are you going to heaven... Didn't you see the car in front hitting a double flash? Are you still stepping on the accelerator and rushing forward?"

"Red light, red light..."

Zhuo Yuan was torturing Shu Tinglan with 360-degree surround sound. Shu Tinglan never knew he was such a long-winded person.

She resisted the urge to swear, and only yelled

"Shut up..." She was about to explode and kept listening to him talking...

After the red light, Zhuo Yuan endured for 100 meters, still couldn't help but continue to speak

: "You just turned left and didn't turn on the turn signal. It is very dangerous for you to drive like this. At least you must learn the traffic rules before you go on the road."

Shu Tinglan slammed on the brakes, stopped the car on the side of the road, turned off the engine, and rushed out of the car and roared towards Zhuo Yu's:

"You can do it, you can do it, I won't do it anymore."

I have never seen such a verbose thing.

Zhuo Yuan was really not polite, and when she glared down, she changed from the passenger seat to the driver's seat, and she was not ashamed.

: "You should practice and familiarize yourself before you start. You are responsible for yourself and others. I will let Brother Chen practice with you later."

Brother Chen is his driver.

He also admitted that he was not a good training partner. When he saw her driving without rules, he would be uncontrollable and want to swear. When it comes to safety issues, there is no such thing as a gentleman or a pity.

Shu Tinglan actually agreed with him in his heart, but couldn't accept his attitude, so he refused to admit his mistake in front of him, and sat in the passenger seat without saying a word.

When he sent her to the office building of the law firm, he didn't say hello, and left without slamming the door. This temper was big enough. Zhuo Yuan not only didn't care at all, but smiled. At the very least, she is no longer a response in front of him with a mask, but to be herself.

Before Shu Tinglan entered the law firm, he had adjusted his mood and put Zhuo Yuan behind and devoted himself to work. At noon, I received a call from Lin Zhitong.

"The person you want me to find, I found it for you. It is a research and development director of Fu Shenyi's original company. He is an absolute master of technology."

What Lin Zhiyi said was that the person she asked for help before should investigate the matter of her family's intelligent system.

"Fu Shenyi's original company was a competitor of Zhuoyuan Technology? Not suitable." She refused. After all, she just wanted to check whether Wen Jian had been involved in the system behind her home, and didn't want to get involved in commercial disputes. She had a grudge against Zhuo Yu'an, but never thought of hurting him.

Lin Zhitong didn't know what she wanted to check, but just found a technical expert according to the standards she gave.

"If this person is not good enough, I can recommend another one to you, but the skill level is a little bit worse."

"Yes, in addition to professionalism, the more important thing is to have a good character and a strict mouth."

"Sister, you are really demanding. I will ask him out to meet you in the afternoon."

"Are people reliable?"

"Reliable, he is doing academic work in the academy, and he is completely uninterested in the intrigues of the market. I really don't know what you want to check, it is mysterious."

Their girlfriends are good at this, as long as the other party doesn't want to say, they will never ask more, and give each other plenty of space.

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