Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 137: : Self-destruct future

The two parties are quarreling in the conference room.

The operator hopes to withdraw the hot search as quickly as possible, issue a statement, and send a lawyer to the rumors to prove that there is no problem with Zhuoyuan Technology, stabilize the user's confidence, and maintain the stock price.

People in the technical department do not agree with such a simple and rude method. Since a statement is to be made, it must be clarified on the basis of factual evidence. Otherwise, the statement is vulnerable and it is better not to make it. They must find the source of the problem and prove that the evidence on the Internet is false, or that it is indistinguishable from Zhuoyuan Technology.

In the entire meeting, only Zhuo Yuan was the most silent, followed by Brian.

When Shu Tinglan provided Brian's testimony, he did not confess him, but typed his signature, so at this time, no one knew his connection to this matter.

Wang Yan is the most excited. He took the entire technical department to express his opinions many times.

"I don't believe that Jane will do such a thing. After so many years, she has paid for Zhuoyuan Technology for all to see, and can even sacrifice herself for Zhuoyuan Technology. Moreover, she can't do something that will destroy her future. It must be Zhuoyuan Technology that hinders her. The development of our competitors has been compromised, so our opponents deliberately stigmatize us. We must investigate clearly."

The person in charge of the public relations department and the lawyer Zhang of the legal affairs department have already written several statements and are waiting for the results of their discussions. It is late at night, and there is still little online attention. Once the morning peak, the number of people surfing the Internet will grow in a blowout type. If you want to control it then, it will take several times the effort.

"President Zhuo, what do you think?" The person in charge of public relations had to consult Zhuo Yu'an in the end.

He barely spoke all night, and he didn’t speak until now when he was questioned.

: "Everyone must be prepared. This incident is not a rumor, but it was indeed done by Wen Jian."

As soon as his voice fell, the entire conference room was dead silent, and everyone looked at him incredulously.

"Things have already happened, accountability is not the first thing. The most important thing is how to survive this crisis. The operation department must appease all agents and users and give them confidence that Zhuoyuan Technology's products are, as always, the safest Products; Attorney Zhang, you have to respond well, and you have to cooperate with the follow-up investigations, and you have the power to cooperate. On the public relations side, the hot search should be withdrawn and the hot search should be withdrawn, and a statement should be issued."

He assigned the job in a few words, but the public relations department was a little dizzy. How did he make this statement? Can't admit the facts?

After thinking for a while, I drafted a draft statement and sent it to Lawyer Zhang for review.

"Recently, the company attaches great importance to the rumors on the Internet, upholds the attitude of seeking truth from facts and being responsible for customers, and has established a task force to thoroughly investigate this matter. If it is true, the company will not tolerate it; please do not tolerate it until the facts are verified. Spread rumors with rumors. We will inform you of all the follow-up progress as soon as possible."

Lawyer Zhang read it again

"Yes, I'll polish it up and publish it right away." At least state your position.

After Wang Yan heard Zhuo Yuan admit that this was done by Wen Jian, he slammed the door and went to call Wen Jian. The phone rang several times before Wen Jian answered.

"Where?" he asked.

"I just came back from Xining, at home." The gentle tone was calm, as if he didn't know anything about the Internet.

"You really did this?" Wang Yan asked directly without hiding it.

"What do you think?" Wen Jian asked rhetorically.

Wang Yan knows her too well. With this sentence, it can be confirmed that she did it, because with her character, if she hadn't done it, she would have clarified firmly.

"Why? Jane, why?" Wang Yan roared, incomprehensible, incomprehensible.

"No reason." Wen Jian did not want to say, she did not expect Shu Tinglan to find out, nor did she expect Shu Tinglan to be so resolute, completely disregarding Zhuo Yu'an's interests. She hurried all the way back to Senzhou from Xining. She originally wanted to go directly to Zhuoyuan Technology, but stopped halfway. Everything was irreversible, but she didn't regret it.

"Jane, what happened? You want to ruin yourself, ruin Zhuoyuan Technology." Wang Yan still doesn't understand, where is the problem. If it's just because of emotional problems, it doesn't stop there.

"Do you know who the whistleblower on the Internet is?" Wen Jian asked coldly.

"Still investigating."

"You don't need to check, you can ask Mr. Zhuo, he knows who it is. Wang Yan, it is not I who destroyed Zhuoyuan Technology, but he ruined Zhuoyuan Technology. It was he who condoned the other party to do this. It was him!" Wen Jian At this moment, she was standing in the floor-to-ceiling windows of her living room, the windows reflected light, illuminating her cold face.

After she finished speaking, she hung up Wang Yan's phone.

After all, Wang Yan is a technology, and he quickly found out who the ID number called "Ping Fengqi" was on the Internet. It was just a great surprise. Behind this ID number was the lawyer Shu, Shu Tinglan?

Wang Yan only felt that there was a cloud of mist in front of him, and he couldn't see through.

Everyone made him extremely strange.

Always cherish the gentleness of his feathers and ruin his own future;

Zhuo Yuan, who has always focused on his career and Zhuoyuan's technology, acts as the other party to make trouble;

Attorney Shu, who looked innocent, had a sharp blade in his hand and mercilessly put them to death.

The days when the three of them worked hard abroad seemed to be still in sight, how could they know that they were so vulnerable and fell apart in an instant.

Jiangshan is easy to fight but not easy to defend. He thought sullenly, turned back to the office, and continued fighting.

After the meeting ended, Zhuo Yuan went back to the office alone. The lights were not turned on. He sat in the dark all the time. The sky outside the window gradually showed whiteness. He knew that after dawn, there was another hard fight to be fought.

When the sun rose, his eyes were stabbed so that he could barely open. He closed the curtains and took out his cell phone to take a look. It was 6:30 in the morning.

He sent a WeChat message to Shu Tinglan

: "Sorry, I couldn't go back last night. In the morning you go to the clubhouse downstairs to eat, and be careful on the way to work."

After sending a normal order, I feel that this WeChat is full of hypocrisy. What he did to Shu Tinglan in his heart was not really magnanimous and indifferent.

It's just that he knew she was not wrong, but he knew that if he stopped taking the initiative, the relationship between the two would drop to a freezing point.

"Okay." An hour later, Shu Tinglan replied.

She just went to the police station and submitted all the information and evidence as a reporter. She created a trend on the Internet to ruin Wen Jian’s reputation. The report was to make Wen Jian bear the corresponding legal responsibility. After doing this, everything will be done. Out of her control, she has a clear conscience.

At this moment, she is on the way to Huhuala Entertainment Company. At any time, work cannot be delayed.

After a whole night of fermentation on the Internet, even if Zhuoyuan Technology withdrew the hot search, even if it issued a statement, the negative impact that has been caused has exploded.

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