Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 142: : She is my wife

Only Wang Yan fell out. This was the first time that he was mad in front of Zhuo Yu'an.

"Why on earth are you doing it? Just for Shu Tinglan? What is she like Jane? You be sober, for so many years, it is Jane who has accompanied you from nothing. She has no credit and hard work, so many years of hard work. , You just don't remember your old feelings at all, just abandon it like this? Then who will work for you in the future? Who will dare to believe you." Wang Yan was angry and sad.

When the three people started their business together, he and Jane followed Zhuo Yu'an wholeheartedly. They were convinced by his abilities and believed in his personality. They believed that the three people could work together to fight the world and become leaders in home intelligence.

The three of them did not have any economic disputes, let alone any contradictions. For so many years, Zhuo Yuan has never treated them economically, but why? Can he do this for a woman? Disregarding their years of comradeship.

Zhuo Yuan waited for Wang Yan to go crazy before speaking

"This matter has nothing to do with Shu Tinglan, but to break through principles and the bottom line, and act to hurt herself and the company. If she is not severely punished today, what do users and company colleagues think of Zhuoyuan Technology? , I wanted to investigate the database at the beginning. It was you who stopped me, so that I could not let down the trust of hundreds of millions of users. Today, I also give this sentence to you and to Wen Jian. User trust is the cornerstone of all our development. ."

Wang Yan looked at him and sneered

"What's the point of naming it so grandiosely? It's just to make excuses for yourself. If it's for the good of the company, you don't have to hand over Jane at all. We have recalled all the same products for testing, and we have also invited the Academy of Sciences. According to the research conducted by Mr. He, our product is completely fine. Netizens are very forgetful, and other new things will be distracted after a few days. Is that Shu Tinglan really that important?"

"Wang Yan, I think, when you calm down, we will talk again."

"No need, if Jane is not in Zhuoyuan, it would be boring for me to be here alone. I quit!" He threw the badge on his neck to threaten Zhuo Yuan. He didn't believe that Zhuo Yu'an would really do it for a woman, even his brother was not wanted.

The two didn't let anyone else, this was Wang Yan's final trump card.

"Shu Tinglan is my wife."

Zhuo Yuan let go first, looking at the badge that Wang Yan threw on the table and said.

Wang Yan was stunned, so shocked that he could not say a word with his mouth open.

"She is my wife, and I cannot allow her to be hurt by anyone. What you said just now is half right. I do have selfishness and want to give her an explanation. But there is one more thing I do, in addition to giving her an explanation, also Give Zhuoyuan Technology an explanation. Wenjian’s current mentality is no longer suitable for leading the team in research and development."

In the end, Wang Yan grabbed his badge and slammed the door out of his office. He still couldn't digest the news.

The crisis of Zhuoyuan Technology is temporarily lifted.

From that statement, Shu Tinglan also realized Zhuo Yu'an's little meaning. With Zhuoyuan Technology's statement, no matter whether the lawsuit wins or loses, Wen Jian is truly ruined.

When I got home from work, I received a call from Zhuo Yuan.

"Go home obediently, I'll catch you." The voice was still a little tired, but it seemed very relaxed.

"I'll go back to my own house first, and I'll talk about it in a few days." She didn't really want to go back, nor did she want to face him. In this contest between the two people, there was harmony and respect for each other on the surface, but there were scars in their hearts, but they didn't show it. So she doesn't want to live with him for the time being.

"Do you need me to remind you of your identity? Mrs. Zhuo."

Suddenly, the real voice was nearby, and then Zhuo Yuan, who was holding a mobile phone, came towards her. He had been waiting for her in the corridor of her house.

When Shu Tinglan looked at him, he was speechless and couldn't say a word.

Although there is still a tired face on the comer's face, it is much better than last time. Looking at her, there is a smile in the corner of his eyes. When he approached her, he hung up the phone, reached out and rubbed her hair, then slightly lowered his head and held it. She looked up at her face for a moment.


Only then did Shu Tinglan come back to her senses. She was used to Zhuo Yuan playing cards unreasonably, and she was also accustomed to Zhuo Yuan’s style. He has always been like this. No matter how big things happen outside, as long as she sees her, she seems to be It's calm and calm, and doesn't bring back the emotions outside to her. Even though the matter this time was obviously a contest and dispute between the two, he was still calm and calm.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

"Come and see my wife who ran away from home."

He was very relaxed, he dragged the person into his arms and hugged him while speaking, and whispered something in her ear.

: "The problem is solved."

"Yeah." She replied faintly, pushed him away, and went to change her shoes and clothes. Zhuo Yuan didn't mean to leave either. He rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen to make dinner. Knowing that her refrigerator must be empty, he had already prepared, and he bought some fresh ingredients back.

"If you don't want to go back, we will live in your house." It's impossible for him to separate from her anyway.

Shu Tinglan is noncommittal, knowing that rejection is useless.

After eating, she continued to be busy writing a due diligence report. Zhuo Yuan lay on her bed and read a book for a while. When Shu Tinglan finished busy and looked back, he had heard the sound of well-proportioned breathing and fell asleep. The sleep volume is stretched, which is about peace of mind, so I slept very deep.

Shu Tinglan took the book away for him, turned off the bedside lamp, and lay down to sleep too sleepy. As soon as she lay down, the person next to her was still reflexive, reaching out and hugging her to sleep.

She slept until dawn, feeling a little suffocated in the dimness, a group of black shadows enveloped her, hurriedly opened her eyes, and saw that Zhuo Yuan was already awake, looking at her with a clear and refreshing smile, her lips were not the same. The feeling of dryness when waking up, and looking at his lips, is also quite suspicious, so just now, was he choked by his kiss?

Is it still a human being?

She was about to get angry, and the other party was preemptive again, leaning over and looking at her.

"Mrs. Zhuo, are you going home today."

"No, go back and wait to be bullied by you!"

She stretched out her hand to push him away, can she sit up and talk.

can not! Zhuo Yuan was leaning over to talk to her with his arms, and now he reached out to grab her hands, the two bodies were tightly attached to each other, only their faces kept a slight distance.

Of course, this slight distance, in less than two seconds, Zhuo Yuan completely destroyed it and became a negative distance.

For a long time, he said without shame, "I like this kind of bullying."

Shu Tinglan couldn't help cursing swear words in his heart. Don't think that he could get her forgiveness by making a statement yesterday.

Isn't he selfless and unkind in his official business? She can do it too. The PR of Zhuoyuan Technology slandered her, but she has not held her accountable yet.

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