Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 147: : I like female gangsters

Sure enough, after listening to the answer, Zhuo Yuan's face was stiff, with an incredible expression: "Is it a rogue?"

Just when Shu Tinglan felt that he was successful in the play, the other party was faceless and authentic.

: "But I like female hooligans, you continue."

He said, holding her waist with both hands and changing the position. He was lying down, his back was close to the grass, and Shu Tinglan was held on him by his waist.

He sighed: "It's really wet."

You said he did it on purpose, or on purpose... he is the real old gangster. Shu Tinglan was so embarrassed that he punched him, and then he held the grass with both hands and remembered that he was not controlled by him.

He teases

: "Where do you think? I'm talking about the grass, why the little girl is full of unhealthy thoughts."

I believed in your ghost, and she gave him a face.

Seeing that she was really angry, and there was indeed heavy water vapor on the grass, he hugged him for a while and got up. But the mouth is still cheap

: "It's better to be comfortable on the bed."

"You shut up." She scolded.

"You messed with me first." He was not to be outdone either.

The two of them went home all the way, and talked about these unnutritious topics all the way. The jokes between young couples are not even quarreling. When you get home, the door is closed, and it is not difficult to separate. I don't know what the eve is.

When Shu Tinglan woke up the next day, he began to complain that he was miserable. The clothes in midsummer were thin and cool, and the neck and V-neck were not seen at all.

This can’t really be blamed on Zhuo Yu’an, he has tried his best to control, but her skin is white and tender as it had been soaked in milk, so she kissed it lightly and it turned red.

Shu Tinglan smashed it with a pillow

"Your name is lightly? Your name is nibbling!"

A man who usually restrains himself can't control his strength when he loses control.

When she was distressed about what clothes to wear, she was really helpful. They found a short-sleeved white silk shirt from the cloakroom, and handed it to her with a silk scarf.

"If you don't leave again, you'll be late." He urged her.

Only then did Shu Tinglan calm down and go out.

Today, I’m going to listen to Whale Finance Company’s report on the progress of the project. When I arrived at their company’s parking garage downstairs, I turned down the mirror in front of the driver’s seat, patched up the lipstick, and carefully arranged the silk scarves. I couldn’t see any clues. Then I got off the car and took the elevator upstairs in high heels.

Her report is to Mr. Xiao, the project leader. Mr. Xiao’s assistant is already very familiar with her, and she can’t help boasting:

"Is there any happy event for Lawyer Shu lately? I look so happy." When Zhu Ideal saw her at the first time, although she smiled on her face, it was the cultivation of etiquette. At that time, the whole person was dusty. Yes, don't look at her well-dressed, exquisite makeup, but it feels like gray. And now you look at her again, you can only use Ambilight to describe it.

"Well, thanks to you, the project is going well." She was as polite to the assistant as she always did.

At this time, the assistant thought of the trouble between Lawyer Shu and Zhuoyuan Technology. I thought that it was probably because of hypnosis and mental illness at that time.

I wanted to ask her how she is now, but people have walked to the door of Mr. Xiao's office and had to give up.

"Please come in, Mr. Xiao is waiting."

Xiao always couldn't figure out the relationship between Lawyer Shu and Young Master Lu Kuolu. He only knew the relationship was very close, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect. Obviously it was Party A, so he made a low posture of Party B. Seeing her coming, he gave up his seat and served tea.


"Attorney Shu doesn't need to go there in person. You work meticulously and earnestly. Each report is very detailed. After reading it, our legal affairs are full of praise. If they don't understand, they can communicate by phone or email."

Mr. Xiao is half flattery and half truthful.

Listening to Whale Finance’s connection with legal affairs for this acquisition really praised her. The original words are

"I thought that the lawyer Lu Shao forced in was just as inconsiderate as him. I didn't expect that Lawyer Shu was a sincere man. Lu Shao finally did something serious."

Lu Shao is a person who doesn't know how to tune in. He is conceited and pretending to be confused, and his heart is clear. If it really doesn't matter, it's probably the little princess, Lu Yaoyao. The acquisition of Hu Hu La Entertainment Company has just begun, and I can’t wait to catch up with the progress every day. Mr. Xiao has a lot of projects, and sometimes he is really impatient to deal with this little princess, but helplessly, the Lu family is so thin, just such a princess, can't neglect.

I was thinking about it, but saw that the little princess Shi Shiran broke into his office, and directed at Lawyer Shu again for a while.

"Hey, I said that your lawyers are too inefficient. How long has it been? Haven't checked it yet?"

"What are you looking for? We heard that Whale Finance is willing to buy, and they are willing to sell it. If it hits it off, you just go to the scene and just write a report. Is it that difficult?"

Shu Tinglan thought that those who did not know were not guilty. If it was as simple as writing a report, what would they need their M&A lawyers to do.

But her name is to be signed on the report. If many risks are not mentioned in advance, it will not be her responsibility at that time?

Director Xiao told her during the earliest training that you are responsible for your signature. Even if the client or the target company clearly tells you that it is just a process and just write something, you must not be lazy. Because in the end, only you are responsible for your signature.

However, she didn’t want to spend energy explaining to the little princess, so she just said

"Miss Lu is right, we will speed up the progress."

She has a sincere tone, but it is inevitable that she has a perfunctory attitude. How could Lu Yaoyao fail to see it, dissatisfied

"Don't think that you know my brother and you can be deceived. I tell you, my brother helps a woman with no one thousand or one hundred. You are only that one percent, and he turns his head and forgets who you are."

"Oh, that's the case, then I'll go back and talk to him about who is the remaining 99%."

"Humph." Lu Yaoyao looked at her faceless and skinless, thinking that talking to her would be out of identity.

When Shu Tinglan and Mr. Xiao had finished reporting their work and were about to make a splash, the little princess met her by chance in the elevator.

: "Where is your car? Take me to Zhuoyuan Technology."

Shu Tinglan promised to send her off.

Just seeing Shu Tinglan's car, the little princess was instantly happy.

"My brother will give you this kind of car? It's not as good as his meal."

"Your brother eats gold?" She said with disdain, can you eat 200,000 for a meal?

"Huh, no knowledge." Lu Yaoyao decided not to be familiar with her. Her brother was better than the Golden Swallowing Beast. Not to mention a meal, even a bottle of wine was more expensive than this.

In contrast, Zhuo Yuan is a lot low-key.

Thinking of Zhuo Yu'an, the little princess who was too lazy to Li Shu Tinglan just now suddenly became interested.

"But as for you, there is something to be praised."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details."

"Fearing power, Zhuo Yu'an's company was upset last time and he was interviewed. His parents can catch the opportunity to reprimand him."

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