Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 172: :I miss you

The economic situation of Wenjian can actually rent another set or even buy another set in the same community, but it is no longer necessary. The photos should be taken and sent, so that the Zhuo family knows the existence of Shu Tinglan, and the conflict will sooner or later. It broke out, and this is just the first step.

Zhuo Yuan is really not a nostalgic person. Wen Jian thought that he had driven her out of this community and lived away from him enough. As a result, two days later, she actually received a letter from his lawyer on the charge of assault. Privacy, really cruel and unfeeling.

Wen Jian’s heart is not without pain. Counting it down, the time she spent with him far exceeded the time he and Shu Tinglan spent together. In the past, the two were abroad, from studying to starting a business for so many years, they were almost inseparable. She thought that even if she couldn't become a lover, she would be a best friend for life. How could he know that he would be so merciless, and once and for all she was trapped in the darkness for Shu Tinglan. He is not benevolent, so I don't blame her for being unrighteous. There is still no end between her and Shu Tinglan.

Zhuo Yuan didn't miss the old feelings about Wenjian, but Wenjian had already broken his principled bottom line. Starting from inserting the hypnosis system in Shu Tinglan's home, she personally destroyed the career she had worked so hard to build, and at the same time destroyed it. The friendship between the two people. This time he broke through his bottom line again, and wanted to destroy the person he valued most, so he would not miss his old feelings again.

He is like this. Within the scope of his principles and bottom line, it doesn't matter what you want to do, but he is ruthless than anyone else if he breaks this line. This is not only true for Wenjian, but also for your own parents. You can draw the red line clearly and whitely there. You don’t have to cross over and think about it, but once you cross over, there will be no emotion to talk about.

His principles and bottom line, in this life, probably only Shu Tinglan can sabotage at will. She sabotaged, not only did he dare not be angry, but he had to coax.

At this moment, he was full of anxiety, full of worry to see her from Senzhou after driving for two hours. People were busy and ignored him at all.

"Today is not Wednesday, I have no time to see you." She was very principled, saying that she would see you on Wednesday, and not see you a day earlier.

She is also really busy. In Yuzhong Real Estate, she is mainly responsible for all the relevant documents of the Kangyang City project, various contracts, various permits, and various official approvals. Each item must be taken seriously and sloppy. No.

The general manager of this Kangyang City development project is Mr. Ma, one of the shareholders of Yuzhong Real Estate. Every time I see Shu Tinglan and Attorney Shi, I always look sad.

"We have planned this project for five years, and it is no different from our own children. We would not be willing to transfer it unless the group's capital chain was broken. The prospects of this high-end pension product are obvious to all."

Every time Shu Tinglan listened, he responded politely. He didn't say much, but he was a little confused about Mr. Ma's rhetoric. Ordinarily, under normal circumstances, the acquired target company will not easily disclose that its capital chain is broken before transferring the project. Doing so is tantamount to exposing its shortcomings to the acquirer. The acquirer knows that you are short of funds and need money urgently. Being in a weak position, the price will definitely be kept to a minimum when negotiating.

But the horse always doesn't seem to care about putting himself in a passive position.

Attorney Shi and Shu Tinglan have the same doubts. He guessed: "It is probably because the capital chain of Yuzhong Real Estate is broken. People in the industry know that there is no need to hide it. Besides, he put this on the lips, probably because he wanted to Let’s look it up casually, don’t be so strict."

Shu Tinglan felt that this was what President Ma meant, and thought they had investigated too carefully and strictly, so to say it was nothing more than to let them open their eyes and close their eyes.

Mr. Ma once met Shu Tinglan, and when chatting, he mentioned: “I and Mr. Gao of Lisen Shichuang have reached a consensus on the transfer of this project. Asking your lawyers to do due diligence is to go through the process and make a scene. Attorney Shu, relax, don't be so nervous, see you staying up until the middle of the night every day to return to the hotel, it's so hard, so many documents, how can you finish reading."

Shu Tinglan just smiled and responded politely: "Thank you, Mr. Ma, for your concern. This is our job responsibility and it's not hard work."

In the same way, no matter how the target company wants her to fool things, even if the buyer's customer clearly tells her that it is a cutscene, she will stick to her own working principles because she is responsible for her signature.

Not only does she carefully read every contract and every approval document, she will definitely go to the relevant government agencies, such as the Land Management Bureau, the Planning Bureau, and the Municipal Planning Commission to check the authenticity of the project item by item. Of course, these institutions will not help you to check it casually. Even if she brings the entrusted certificate of Yuzhong Real Estate, the staff of the staff has a slightly better attitude, and it is difficult to find it for you. If the attitude is not good, you will always find some reasons to prevaricate and let you. Two trips in vain, three trips are normal.

Often when the staff is dismissed in a few words, there will be a deep sense of frustration.

When she saw the WeChat sent by Zhuo Yuan, she happened to be on the way back after going to the Land Management Bureau to verify that the land ownership was rejected. This time I was rejected because the management center was being renovated and there was only one window for external office work. As soon as she was here to investigate the Kangyang City project, she was asked to come again next time. Today is too busy to check.

Things didn't go well, and seeing Zhuo Yuan's message again, I couldn't help being a bit angry at him, and said bluntly that there was no time to see him on Wednesday.

"Okay." When the news was sent, he responded immediately, with a surprisingly cooperative attitude, and he didn't even say a word. If it were as usual, he must have sent some excuses.

When he was quiet, Shu Tinglan felt a little uncomfortable, and silently answered one more, his attitude became gentler.

"Today, Tuesday, why did you come in advance?"

"Miss you." The reply was straightforward and unabashed.

The simpler it was, the harder it was to strike Shu Tinglan's heart, wishing to go back to the hotel to see him right away, but I hadn't seen him for only two days after thinking about it.

"You work at ease, I'll wait for you in the hotel." He added.


She returned to Yuzhong Real Estate from the Bureau of Land Management. It is rare that everyone is progressing well today and can leave work on time. The group walked back to the hotel happily.

"Attorney Shu, how did you go so fast today?" Attorney Shi called her from behind. She is usually the last person to walk, and the person who can bear the temper. There is wind on the soles of her feet today, and she can't wait to surpass them and walk in the forefront soon.

"Lawyer Shu, let's go to the snack street next to the hotel to have a barbecue. Let's go together." Zhang Jing and Zhao Miaoge also called her.

Shu Tinglan slowed down and looked back at them

: "No, you go, I'm a little uncomfortable and go back to the hotel first."

"Do you want me to accompany you back?" Mi Shan asked concerned.

"No, you guys have fun."

"Okay, then I'll pack something delicious for you back."

Seeing that she was in a hurry to return to the hotel, everyone did not insist, and laughed all the way to a barbecue.

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