Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 190: : Honeymoon 3

Zhuo Yuan and Shu Tinglan went back to their room for lunch after having lunch. They got up early in the morning to catch a plane. After arriving at the hotel, they learned to swim for another hour. At this time, they were full and drowsy.

She took a nap, Zhuo Yuan worked in the study, a workaholic. When it was getting dark, Shu Tinglan woke up lazily. The island at the end of summer was very cool in the evening. The two put on a thin coat and went to the beach to watch the sunset. They walked slowly along the coastline, and the pace of life slowed down, which was very pleasant. It wasn't until it got really dark that I went back to the hotel restaurant.

Back in the restaurant, I saw Wen Jian, sitting with Li Yu.

Zhuo Yuan took her shoulders and turned to leave the restaurant, and ordered the room service to go back to the room for dinner. It was not that he was afraid of being gentle, but that he didn't want to add to himself.

"I'll change to another hotel." He said, and he didn't want to be disturbed by anything during his honeymoon trip.

"It's unnecessary. If she wants to, we can change the hotel and she can follow. Besides, there is no need to hide from her." She was very calm.

For the western food delivered in the guest room, the two of them set up a simple dining table beside the infinity pool on the balcony and lit candles, which was also romantic. Close by is the sparkling infinity pool illuminated by lights, and in the distance there is the sound of the sea against the shallow reefs, and guests are doing part not far from the hotel, and there are low music and laughter from time to time. .

Only this corner is very quiet. There is only her and him in the whole world, only him in her eyes, and only her in his eyes. It turns out that happiness can be touched and it is very clear! A night of lingering beauty.

I woke up three poles the next day.

The second day’s itinerary is to climb the mountain in the forest not far behind the hotel. The endless mountains are lush and covered with various rare and valuable trees, but most of them are undeveloped virgin forests. Only one mountain is for tourists to visit. of.

You can choose to take the cable car straight to the top of the mountain and then slowly climb down, or you can choose to climb up and take the cable car down. Shu Tinglan wanted to be lazy and didn't want to climb mountains. She didn't have the slightest interest in sports.

When he arrived at the entrance, he pulled Zhuo Yuan's clothes: "My husband, I want to go up by the cable car."

"No, you have to climb up. It's hard to exercise." Zhuo Yuan didn't even look at the ticket office of the cable car.

"Tired!" She acted like a baby and looked up at the mountain road uphill. Before she left, her legs became weak and she didn't want to climb at all.

"Waiting tired, I will carry you up." He coaxed, resolutely not to be a cable car.

"Are you afraid of heights and dare not take the cable car?" She muttered, but Zhuo Yuan held her hands and climbed up the mountain, recognizing her fate.

Because there are green shades and streams, the air is nice and cool, which is a little more relaxed than she thought, not to mention Zhuo Yuan will stop to accompany her to rest from time to time.

It took more than three hours to climb to the top of the mountain.

There is a project on the top of the mountain is a glass plank road, which is very long. It extends from this mountain to the opposite mountain. It is at least 300 meters long. It is suspended in the air. It is about 2000 meters deep. It is very challenging to watch. There are downhill roads, all on the opposite side.

Shu Tinglan was very excited after regaining his strength, and had long wanted to experience the glass plank road, put on the shoe cover, and was eager to try it.

Zhuo Yuan was standing next to the glass plank road, dizzy. He was misguided. When he went up the mountain, he knew that there was a glass plank road on the top of the mountain, but he didn't take a closer look.

He is indeed afraid of heights and is fine indoors, but outdoors, such as glass plank roads, such as cable cars, he dare not touch at all. Shu Tinglan laughed heartlessly, even the omnipotent appearance of President Zhuo also had something to fear.

"Try it, it's safe." She walked a few steps first, and had already walked into the center of the glass passage and called him.

He is working hard to do his own psychological construction, he looks very calm on the outside, and his heart is broken.

"I'll be leading you." Shu Tinglan walked over and held his hand quickly, and found that his hands were cold. It turned out to be really afraid of heights.

"Don't look down and see that the soles of your feet are okay. Let's walk faster. After challenging this glass plank road, your fear of heights may be fine." She encouraged heartlessness, and finally had a chance to laugh at him, and she didn't know how happy she was. .

Zhuo Yuan clutched her hand tightly, and finally took that step into the glass plank road. The dizziness became stronger, and he could only slightly look up at the sky in the distance, and only slightly improved.

Shu Tinglan originally wanted to tease him, but seeing that his hands were cold and his face turned pale, he knew that he was seriously afraid of heights, so he hurriedly speeded up his steps and quickly crossed the plank road to the opposite mountain range.

Only a few minutes later, when he left the glass plank road, Zhuo Yuan couldn't stop, vomiting in the trash can leaning on the side. Normally, he can't see that he has a fear of heights at all, because the house he lives in is the top floor, and the infinity pool in the hotel yesterday was completely fine.

"I'm sorry." She poured water for him, knowing that she had just returned to the mountain on the opposite road.

Zhuo Yuan shook his head.

Shu Tinglan originally wanted to take the cable car down the mountain, but now he can only go down the mountain.

"I haven't heard you have a fear of heights."

"Well, it’s not a fear of heights. It’s a fear of specific circumstances. When I was a child, I was on the cable car. The cable car had an accident. I waited for 6 hours in mid-air for rescue. That cable car happened to be made of glass, so now it doesn’t matter. The cable car or the glass plank road is not good either." He didn't shy away either.

Shu Tinglan could imagine the size of the psychological shadow caused by the 6 hours of fear.

"Then we won't play this kind of project anymore. By the way, we crossed out the mountain climbing item." She thanked God that there was a reason not to climb the mountain in the future.

Going down the mountain is not so tired, the two slowly walked down, walking for a while and stopping for a while, but it was also very pleasant. In fact, what Shu Tinglan didn't say is that the wedding photos taken on the glass plank road just now are very beautiful. She has seen many strategies on the Internet. Many newcomers will come here to take wedding photos specially, floating in the air, beautiful and romantic.

Zhuo Yuan first spoke

: "The photographer showed me a few samples, and some of them were shot there. Maybe we can try it." He came today and originally wanted to see if he could overcome it. Tinglan had also seen those samples. She had read the photos back and forth several times at that time, and he remembered it in his heart.

"No, I don't want to climb the mountain anymore, please forgive me." Half for him, half for myself, all sincerely.

By the time she returned to the hotel, it was dark, and the day was tired enough that she collapsed on the bed and couldn't move after taking a shower. Zhuo Yuan still has the energy to go to the study to handle official duties. This person is really self-disciplined. He goes out on a honeymoon and spends his time with her during the day. At night, he will inevitably spare two hours to work in the study.

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