Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 192: : Suicide note

The doctor on duty received her call and explained

"We left the package at the nurse's station. We have to check it with you before we can determine whether to give it to your mother. But your mother secretly took it away when we were not paying attention." The doctor was also helpless. Her mother is now normal. People, the hospital cannot be guarded like other mental patients.

"I gave your mother a tranquilizer, and now I'm calm down. Come to the hospital as soon as possible." The doctor couldn't help but dislike it. There are too many things in this family.

Shu Tinglan ran all the way back to the hotel room. Zhuo Yuan just had a brief meeting with Fu Shenyi and was about to go out of the study to find her. She saw her running back barefoot and hurriedly.

"What's the matter?" he asked hastily.

"Book the ticket back to Senzhou." She didn't explain, as she said, she hurriedly packed her luggage.

"What's going on?" Zhuo Yuan didn't hesitate, as he asked, he had booked the fastest flight back to Senzhou.

"My mother is not in good spirits." She found a reason. Regarding what Wenjian said about her father, when she was unsure, she didn't want to say more.

If her father really had such a relationship with his father, he should have found it a long time ago, not only hiding it from her, but also from his own parents. For this, she didn't doubt that it was in line with his style, and he would automatically shield her from all bad news, allowing her to live in a pure environment like a vacuum all the time.

They arrived at Senzhou at about 3 in the morning. They drove directly to the hospital. The doctor on duty said that her mother had been in a coma now and had to wait for a full examination to see if she would relapse due to irritation.

"If there is no recurrence, it is recommended to be discharged from the hospital. The environment in the hospital is not conducive to her recuperation." The hospital does not want to bear this responsibility anymore.

"There are packages, I have to come back, here you are."

It was just a simple file bag, and Shu Tinglan took it with trembling hands.

Since the death of his father, all his things have been burned by his mother, not even his ashes are left, and no tombstone has been built. Then they quickly left Xining's parents to live in Senzhou. In this world, there is nothing that belongs to the father. Although Shu Tinglan hates him, she misses him occasionally, and has nowhere to pin her occasional miss.

Zhuo Yuan didn't know the existence of this package, and wanted to take it over and hold it for her, but she held it tightly in her arms and refused. So he didn't know that it was her father's relic.

"Who sent the package?" He asked the doctor coldly, thinking that it was from the Zhuo family.

"I don't know, there is no sender." The doctor said.

"It was sent by my mother's old friend." Shu Tinglan explained. She didn't know the content of the suicide note, and she didn't want to say more.

The two sat side by side on the bench outside the ward and waited for dawn.

"I'm sorry." Shu Tinglan finally calmed down at this time, and his thoughts gradually calmed down. I feel sorry for Zhuo Yu'an. He finally arranged the honeymoon and took the wedding photos, but he didn't implement it, so he hurriedly accompany her back to Senzhou.

"It doesn't matter, there will be opportunities in the future. Mother's health is the most important." Zhuo Yuan held her in his arms to comfort.

I was all a little tired. I had climbed the mountain for a day, plus catching a plane late at night, and I was nervous and didn't sleep all night. At this time, I was a little tired leaning against the ward and slept next to me for a short while.

After dawn, the attending doctor came to work and gave her mother a comprehensive examination. After her mother woke up, she was not emotional, but she became dull again. There was no light in her eyes, like a puppet. The doctor asked her to She did what she did, looking utterly disappointed.

Shu Tinglan leaned outside the door and watched silently, the bag of documents in her arms tightly held in her arms, knowing that her mother had seen his father's relics or suicide notes that evoked a sad past. And she didn't have the courage to open it up, facing her father's sudden death, they could only relieve the pain in their hearts by hating him. As if holding a hatred, he could accept his death frankly, because he died more than guilty.

For so many years, she never thought about her father's goodness, she just hated him all the time, so she didn't care about losing him.

But on the island, Wen Jian just sent the other side of her father in front of her. When she was a child, there were a lot of past events, and all her father's love for her came to her heart.

Leaning in Zhuo Yuan's arms at this time, she was dragging her father's relics and suicide note in her arms, and her tears kept falling down without becoming a weapon.

She cried silently and wet Zhuo Yu'an's clothes. He didn't care, and gently patted her back to comfort.

The attending doctor said: "The current examination result is that there is no recurrence, but the mood is unstable. It is recommended to continue to be hospitalized for observation, and when to return to the previous state and then to be discharged."

After listening to the doctor's words, Shu Tinglan breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to stay with her mother, but was rejected by the doctor. Having relatives around was not conducive to the control of the condition.

Shu Tinglan squatted beside her mother before leaving,

"You listen to the doctor, and when you are done, I will take you home."

Ma Shu nodded, tears welled up in an instant, and the mother and daughter cried in their arms, feeling terrible pain in their hearts.

On the way home, Shu Tinglan still held the file bag tightly. In fact, she knew in her heart that her mother's illness had never completely recovered. A small stimulus would infinitely magnify her emotions. This is the mother herself. Uncontrollable.

After returning home, she locked herself in the study room, and she closed the curtains because of the light being too bright, and only turned on the light in front of the desk.

On the outer skin of the file bag, it was written: Zhuan Zhang He, Ting Lan. Zhang He is her mother's name. This file bag was probably given by Wen Lan to her mother before her father committed suicide, but Wen Lan kept it and never took it out.

Inside was a dad's diary, and two letters, one for her mother and one for her.

In the letter,

He said, Lanlan, please forgive my dad for leaving without saying goodbye. My dad has done something wrong and has no face to face you.

He said, Lanlan, you are my father's most loved and loved daughter. You are outstanding, upright, and kind. You are the pride of my father's life.

He said, Lanlan, it is my father who is sorry for you and mother. If there is a future life, we must be a family again, and my father will use his life to make up for you.

Seeing this, Shu Tinglan's eyes had been blurred by tears, his nose was congested, and his heart was blocked, as if he was about to suffocate and breathe. After so many years, her father suddenly passed away without leaving a word, leaving only a mess for her and her mother. This is something she has never been able to let go of. For so many years, she always wondered, does Dad love Wenjian or her more? Is there any guilt? These questions circling in my heart suddenly got the answer.

This late confession and apology is the salvation for her and her mother.

There are a lot of comments recently, so I won’t reply one by one, thank you.

In addition, Cheng Zhimin, due to her son's strength, originally planned to close her eyes, but Shu Tinglan's father Shu Minghai's past events are not acceptable even in normal families, let alone the Zhuo family.

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