Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 227: : Do not contact, do not disturb

Fu Shenyi couldn't understand Zhuo Yuan's thoughts.

He returned to Zhuoyuan Technology, but went straight to his office without summoning anyone. Those senior executives who had a good relationship in the past, even Lawyer Zhang from the Legal Department, had reported several times to their assistants and wanted to see Mr. Zhuo, but they were all sent off.

The assistant was trembling and didn't dare to knock on Mr. Zhuo's door, and only whispered to a few executives

: "The light in Chief Zhuo's office hasn't been turned on. Or see you another day."

"Alright, as long as people come back."

At that time, Zhuo Yuan walked in a hurry, and disappeared inexplicably. Although Mr. Fu and Mr. Wang have repeatedly emphasized that Mr. Zhuo just returned to the US headquarters to take over the scientific research department, they are all panicking and speculating that Zhuo always gets a serious illness and goes abroad for treatment. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense. Don't show up for no reason.

Then just now, after more than three years of absence, he suddenly appeared at the company, and several executives only hurriedly met with each other to be more sure of what they were thinking.

Mr. Zhuo was thinner than before, his complexion was also pale and unhealthy, and his eyes had no emotion at all.

Is this cured? Still not cured? This is anxious for them.

Zhuo Yuan didn't attend the funeral of the old man. After coming out of the hospital, he went straight back to Senzhou. After getting off the plane, I suddenly felt that I had nowhere to go, so I simply came to the company.

The company has not changed much. His office is exactly the same as when he left. It is kept very clean and tidy. It must be that the cleaning staff will come in and clean it once a day.

He was sitting in an office chair without turning on the light. After flying for more than ten hours, I went to the hospital to see the old man, and then returned to Senzhou without stopping. I couldn’t support my body no matter how hard I was hitting, so I was a little groggy sitting on the office chair and slept for a while. I had a shallow dream, probably because in a familiar environment, the people who came in the dream are also those who used to be.

She rubbed his face with her hand and smiled: Husband, husband, I love you so much.

He also smiled, reaching out to take the person into his arms.

Suddenly, her face changed to a distressed expression, and she pushed him away: Let's get a divorce, please let me go!

His hands paused in the air, and he woke up suddenly, as if a drowning person was taken out of the water, suffocated for a while, and he didn't know how to continue breathing.

He hurriedly turned on the light in front of the desk, and the light in the room was brighter, and he slowly returned to his senses and slowly resumed his normal breathing rhythm. However, the heart was torn, aching, and unstoppable pain.

He got up, turned on the light, and opened the curtains, which was a little better.

At this time, there are thousands of lights outside the window. It is good to return to a familiar environment. At least in this city, one of these lights is hers. Don't contact, don't disturb, it's the only thing he can do for her.

Seeing that the light in his office was on and there was movement inside, Fu Shenyi, who had not left, knocked on the door and walked in. Fu Shenyi is the CEO of Zhuoyuan Technology. Zhuo Yuan came back, so he naturally didn't dare to leave early.

At this time Zhuo Yuan was sitting behind his desk and looked at Fu Shenyi lightly, just like a few years ago.

For a while, Fu Shenyi didn't know what to say. There was no personal relationship between the two except for work. Especially in the past few years, Zhuo Yuan was in a foreign scientific research room. If it is not a major incident, Cui will convey most of his work.

Fu Shenyi wanted to ask him, did he leave after he came back to attend the funeral of the father? Or decided to stay in China in the future? But this question, asked by his CEO, is very sensitive.

After thinking about it, Fu Shenyi suddenly said: "Mr. Zhuo, you are welcome to come tomorrow for my wedding with Lin Zhitong."

It doesn't matter anyway. Fu Shenyi has no relatives or friends in Senzhou. In addition to Lin Zhitong's relatives and friends who will attend the wedding tomorrow, most of them are also employees of Zhuoyuan Technology.

"Your wedding with Lin Zhiyi?"

Zhuo Yuan seemed to think for a while before he remembered who Lin Zhiyi was.

Fu Shenyi was actually out of a polite invitation, and based on his understanding of Zhuo Yuan, he would not be able to participate. However, unexpectedly, Zhuo Yuan thought for a while and actually answered


Coincidentally, the funeral of the old man in Beijing happened to be the wedding of Fu Shenyi and Lin Zhitong in Senzhou, separated by a distance of more than a thousand kilometers.

Lu Kuo was a little frustrated when he learned that he was going to attend the wedding in Senzhou instead of returning to Beijing:

"You really don't come to see the old man one last time?"

"I said goodbye to him when I was in the hospital." His deep bow was to say goodbye.

"Hey!" Lu Kuo sighed and continued.

"It's up to you. Before your grandfather died, knowing that you promised to return to China, you know you forgave him. Maybe he didn't want to see you for the last time, but just waited for your forgiveness, knowing that you are willing to come back, he will go Very peaceful."

"Yeah." Although the grandfather and grandson have not exchanged a single sentence, they should be able to understand each other's feelings. The old man should be able to understand his feelings about not wanting to appear at the funeral. As for the rest of the Zhuo family, he is completely outside the scope of his consideration.

After finishing the conversation with Lu Kuo, the office fell into silence again. It was already late at night, and he got up and went to the hotel where he used to stay. After taking a shower, changing into a slightly grand suit, quietly waiting for dawn and waiting for Fu Shenyi's wedding.

The wedding scene between Fu Shenyi and Lin Zhitong was based on the theme of Frozen, with ice and snow as the main background, covered with snowflakes and shrubs on both sides, and soft white clouds floating on the stage, like a dream. The auditorium is on both sides of the stage, in an orderly manner.

Zhuo Yuan didn't want to attract anyone's attention, so he was the last to arrive and chose to sit in the corner of the corner.

When he came, it was the bridegroom Fu Shenyi who was waiting for Lin Zhitong to enter the stage holding flowers.

The audience was silent, accompanied by the melodious sound of the wedding march in their ears, calming down and waiting for the bride to enter the venue. The whole stage is dreamlike and unreal.

Zhuo Yuan stared at the exit of the stage intently, watching Lin Zhiyi in a wedding dress come by. Behind her were six bridesmaids in white dresses holding flowers.

Zhuo Yuan only felt that his palms were sweating, and he didn't even dare to breathe too hard. He was afraid of missing it... He kept his eyes on the bridesmaid behind Lin Zhitong.

One, two, three, four... six.

Without her! She is not in the ranks of bridesmaids.

The frantically beating heart that was mentioned fell back to its original place, like a puddle of stagnant water.

The wedding host on the stage was reading the lines sensationally.

Fu Shenyi lowered his head and hugged Lin Zhitong, then put a ring on her, and the two looked at each other with tears in their eyes. It is not easy for them to stick to the present day. They resisted all the rumors and resisted the opposition of Lin Zhiquan's parents to have today.

Lin Zhitong used to cry like a dog when attending other people's weddings. What's more, it was her own wedding today. She was crying on stage so that she was almost wearing makeup. Everyone thought she was crying like this because of happiness. Only she knew that in happiness, With regret, it is a pity that her bridesmaid is not Shu Tinglan.

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