Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 238: : Hatred, forgetting

Dr. Han did not give a definite answer, but his attitude had already loosened, so Shu Tinglan planned to stay overnight in M ​​City, and communicate with Dr. Han tomorrow to make sure the matter is settled before leaving.

When I got into the parking lot of the hospital, I saw Fu Shenyi walking towards her from a distance, talking on the phone and looking at his facial expressions. It should be about work.

When passing by Shu Tinglan’s car, Shu Tinglan only faintly heard him say

: "President Zhuo, my plane will return to Senzhou tonight. The equipment purchased by the M City Hospital has been ordered, and the engineer will come to the hospital for training next week."

Usually Fu Shenyi would not handle this kind of small order at all, but since it was arranged by Mr. Zhuo, he also took it seriously. When he talked on the phone, he kept his eyes straight, so he didn't notice Shu Tinglan sitting in the car next to him.

Shu Tinglan sat in the car and forgot to press the start button. This is about the closest time to Zhuo Yuan in so many years, and the feeling in my heart is not clear, sour, melancholy, and a trace of hatred.

She knew that he was not wrong, and the two were forced to divorce at the beginning. He put down the past and walked forward, which was also what she hoped. But after experiencing the sadness of her mother when she was sick, and the pain of raising two children alone, in the first two years, she inevitably grew some hatred in her heart, hating him too decisively, hating him too cruel, how can she Did you leave without looking back? Does he know how hard she has been?

Until the past two years, after her life and career have gradually entered the right track, her hatred for him has gradually faded, because the memory of him has faded. In addition to occasionally inadvertently remembering, there is a little soreness. Can't stir other ripples anymore.

After Fu Shenyi's car was far away, she started the car and went to the hotel, planning to go back to the hotel and video with the two little guys. On this day without her at home, I wonder if she missed her.

When the car was about to reach the hotel, her mobile phone rang. Seeing that it was Xiaoxin, her heart beat faster, and she hurriedly stopped the car to answer the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard Xiaoxin’s crying voice

"Lawyer Shu..."

"What's the matter?" Shu Tinglan found that when he asked this, his voice was shaking, and countless bad news appeared in his mind. No way, after becoming a mother, even if you receive a call from a kindergarten teacher, you will be full of imagination.

"Xiao Nian and Xiao He suddenly had a fever." Xiao Xin said incoherently. Both children had a high fever. She didn't know what to do.

"How high is the fever?" Even though she was flustered, she breathed a sigh of relief. It was no other accident. It's normal for a child to have a fever.

"It's all 39 degrees 8." She tested it.

"Are you in good spirits?"

"I didn't eat much in the evening. I played with them for a while and developed a high fever. I have been crying for my mother just now, and now I am tired." Xiaoxin was scared and distressed.

When Shu Tinglan heard that they were crying for their mother, their heart was broken.

"Open the video and I'll watch them." She wanted to determine the children's mental condition. If they are in good spirits, but only have a high fever, they can take some antipyretics and observe them at home.

Xiaoxin hurriedly opened the video to show her. Shu Tinglan saw that the two children were lying on the sofa, both in a state of depression, without any energy at all.

"Xiaoxin, take them to the hospital, I'm going back now." She was still calm, turned the steering wheel and drove back, actually panicking in her heart.

Xiaoxin didn't have any experience in bringing children. As soon as she heard Lawyer Shu's tone, she cried. While crying, she wanted to take the two babies to the hospital, but how could she be able to hold her by herself. The two babies were sick and weak and didn't want to move.

"Xiaoxin, call an ambulance." She commanded from the video, and at this moment, she wished she could fly home to hug the children with her wings. But unable to fly back, she could only hold back her panic and command Xiaoxin.

"Okay, okay!" Xiaoxin shook her hands and called an ambulance, and then called her parents and asked them to go to the hospital for help. She was scared to death by herself. In the event of a baby's accident, she couldn't talk to Lawyer Shu. Confess.

Fortunately, the ambulance arrived soon, and after sending them to the hospital, her parents also arrived, holding a child in each hand. After a simple examination, the doctor arranged for the two children to take a chest radiograph. The chest radiograph showed that both children had a little bit of pneumonia, and it was recommended that they be hospitalized.

Xiaoxin didn't dare to call the shots, so he called Lawyer Shu again.

At this time, Shu Tinglan was on the high speed of the return journey. The summer rain would fall as soon as it said, and it was a bit heavy. She could only slow down a little. When she received a call from Xiaoxin, she felt pneumonia and her soul was scared. NS.

My mother left because of pneumonia. She didn't dare to hear these two words. She felt panicked when she heard it, and she didn't even think about it, so Xiaoxin was immediately hospitalized.

Xiaoxin ran in and out to go through various procedures, while her parents held a child in one hand to help. After the children were settled, her parents complained secretly.

: "What kind of job are you looking for? Why do you still want to be a babysitter?"

"Yeah, it sounds good to be a paralegal. I think this is treating you as a maid. You can bless the children to be alright. If something goes wrong, it depends on whether someone wants to fight with you."

Xiaoxin listened to annoyance and stopped them: "Parents, don't talk about Lawyer Shu like that, it's not easy for her."

The room leaked in the night rain. She was talking about Shu Tinglan. She was anxious and wanted to go back. As a result, when she got on the high-speed, there was a heavy rain. The rain was getting bigger and bigger, and it was night. Even if the high beam was turned on, the front was still blurred. one slice.

She didn't dare to drive too fast. Since she had children, she has been particularly cherish her life, because she can't have an accident, otherwise the children will be orphans. The mere thought of this makes her feel suffocated and uncomfortable.

For many years, she has not been as helpless as she is at this moment. Knowing that the children have been hospitalized, they have been given fluids, and the fever has gone, her tight heart has relaxed a little, the rain is too big, and she can't move forward. As a last resort, he could only lean on the emergency lane and wait for the rain to stop.

Yi Muyang's phone call came at this time. He took the players to participate in the competition and his results were very good. He wanted to share his joy with Shu Tinglan as soon as possible.

Shu Tinglan lay on the steering wheel. He was too frightened just now, and he was very tired and weak. Yi Muyang's brisk voice came from the microphone, she hummed, her voice hoarse and choked.

Yi Muyang was taken aback

:"Where are you?"

"High speed."

The rain outside was so loud, she kept the wipers on, flashing double flashes, and wanted to go but didn't dare to go.

"Send me the location." Yi Muyang ordered seriously.

"The rain stops, I will leave."

"Send me the positioning." He was very persistent and serious.

"Shu Tinglan?"

Shu Tinglan hung up the phone, but did not send it. What is the use of Yi Muyang's post in other cities?

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