Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 258: : Never suspected

"In addition, with regard to Xu Wei, with our existing information, we can only prove that the relevant evidence provided by the procuratorial organ at the time is flawed and invalid. These evidences cannot determine that Xu Wei is a murderer. But at the same time, it cannot prove Xu Wei. guilty."

"So, in this case, if we can't find strong evidence to prove Xu Wei's innocence, then we can only ask the court for a trial based on the principle of no guilt."

Suspected crimes have never been simply the case that the criminal suspect’s criminal facts are unclear and the evidence is not really sufficient, and criminal responsibility should not be pursued to avoid the occurrence of unjust, false, and wrong cases. (Note: Source Baidu search)

So no matter whether they can find evidence to prove Xu Wei's innocence, the previous evidence cannot convict him.

Shu Tinglan had the courage of "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers", and expressed his views in one breath. In front of the seniors, it doesn't matter if he says something wrong.

Several lawyers looked at her and nodded in satisfaction, and Director Han, headed by her, said

: "Xiaoshu is good, and the future is terrible. Attorney Sun is too humble. Then, if Xiaoshu has a thorough understanding of this case, let you be responsible, and we will provide you with support from the back."

This.. Director Han is really an old gang, and in a few words, he didn't give others the opportunity to refuse, he just squatted and put the responsibility on her.

"I think it will work. Lawyer Sun has no weak soldiers. He has a general like Xiao Shu in his hands. No wonder he has been clamoring for retirement in recent years."

Everyone praised her again.

Xu's mother looked at Shu Tinglan with tears in her eyes, and pressed her life's wishes on her body. Seeing the light of hope in her despair, Shu Tinglan couldn't help but refuse.

When I went back to the hotel to talk to Yi Muyang's video at night, she was a little frustrated.

"These old foxes threw this hot potato to me while I was unprepared." She participated in this seminar with the purpose of learning. At that time, she thought that all the people here were seniors. The master, no matter how round she was, she couldn't be round, so without any precautions, she was driven off the shelf by the duck.

Yi Muyang asked: "Then what do you think? Don't you want to take this case at all?"

Shu Tinglan thought for a while: "The main reason is that the timeline of this case will be very long. If it is completed, it will increase its popularity, but there is no benefit. I really don't want to take it, but I just can't bear to refuse it."

Yi Muyang said: "Your intolerance may be the most true thought in your subconscious."

Shu Tinglan was stunned, and Yi Muyang seemed to have said the essence.

In the past few years, she has been urged by life to move forward, desperately taking cases and finding clients, all forced by life. You have to ask how much she likes the profession of lawyers. Her answer is that she doesn’t like it or not. This occupation is just a job to support her family. In short, she didn't find anything other than making money from this job.

So-called fairness and justice, she does not care very much, she only cares about quick decisions, and will not put any feelings in the parties, the case is over, that's it.

Until at this seminar, seeing Xu’s mother’s desperate expectations, and her unreserved trust and even reliance on her, she was suddenly opened up. For the first time, she realized that this job was not only capable of There is a meaning other than breadwinner.

After hanging up the video with Yi Muyang, Xiaoxin in the bed next door looked at her with ambiguous eyes, and then said with emotion.

: "Lawyer Shu, Mr. Yi knows you well. When can I have such a sweet love?"

Xiaoxin is a young girl Huaichun, really want to talk about a sweet love.

She fell asleep shortly after holding this illusion, and forgot to report to Lawyer Shu about Sun Yueyue's whereabouts today.

Zhuo Yuan also received news from Director Han

: "The seminar was very successful. Xiao Shu also decided to take this case. In the short term, he should stay in Senzhou."

Yes, the seminar was facilitated by Zhuo Yu'an, but he didn't bother about the specific case discussed. Only then did Director Han talk about such a murder case.

"Is it difficult?"

"Young man, you have to ask her to challenge more difficult cases to make progress." Director Han hung up with a smile.

As for Shu Tinglan, before going to bed, I watched a few videos of the two children sent by Yi Muyang, and then watched the materials for a while. When I was about to go to bed, the phone prompt came in, which was a consultation reminder on the lawyer's website.

She opened it and took a look. It was the newly registered number before, and there was no next number after saying hello to her. Two days later, this account sent her another hello, and then there was no more text.

Shu Tinglan is very annoyed by this kind of consultation. Do you have something to say? Is it a waste of time to post a hello?

Yes, this time it was sent by Mr. Zhuo.

He racked his brains and didn’t know what question to consult. He didn’t want to make up a case to lie to her, but he cherished the only way of linking with her, so every time he sent a hello to her, it was very annoying. Below.

Just when Shu Tinglan was about to go offline to sleep, the other party sent another two words


Gone again? Can you finish it in one breath?

Shu Tinglan directly sent an automatic reply to the past: I am not online now, please leave a message if I have anything to do, and I will reply as soon as I go online. Then she went offline to sleep.

Seeing this line of automatic reply, Zhuo Yuan laughed out loud. He could imagine how tired she was to send an automatic reply and then went offline.

With such a brief exchange, he felt satisfied, and seeing her so vivid, he finally let go of his hanging heart.

When he saw Sun Yueyue during the day, he actually asked her about her current situation.

He asked: "Did you lose your phone during that game? Did you find it later?"

"Can't find it."

"How did you go home?"

"My sister happened to be on a business trip in Senzhou, and she gave me the money."

"Your sister? Your resume says that you are the only child?" In fact, he knew in his heart that he only guided Sun Yueyue step by step.

"Not my sister, but a lawyer from my dad's law firm. She has a good relationship with my family."

Sun Yueyue was very afraid of him. When he asked, he replied, not daring to say more, but Zhuo Yuan also learned a general situation. After her mother passed away, she went to the central city alone and stayed in the central city. Lawyer's law firm work.

For this, he finally felt more at ease.

He replied to other people’s questions before looking at her on the lawyer’s website. Looking at each page, he found that she was very patient most of the time, but occasionally she met a few consultants who repeatedly asked a question, she would directly Throwing out the offline response template just now, and no matter what the consultant asks again, she will reply automatically with the template and will not answer any more.

He has a temper and refuses to waste his time blindly.

Hello everyone, this month, the valley has been updated with two to three chapters interspersed with each other! In addition, the update time is also fixed, but the website is manually reviewed in June and July because of the 100th anniversary of the party’s founding. That is to say, I upload it at a fixed time, but the website review will be released irregularly. thanks everyone

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